Tag Archive for: formation

One Ocean Summit University

The city of Brest has been chosen to host, from February 9 to 11, 2022, an international summit dedicated to the protection of the ocean, the One Ocean Summit. This event, organized within the framework of the French presidency of the European Union, will be the occasion for forums and workshops of world experts in the field and will close with a meeting of high-ranking political leaders. The workshops are expected to produce calls for action and the summit will make commitments to strengthen international ocean governance.
At the request of Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, French ambassador of the poles and maritime issues in charge of the organization of the summit, the Brest University (UBO) is taking the initiative to mobilize its cooperating networks for a contribution of young researchers to One Ocean Summit. This initiative is included in the official program of the summit under the name of One Ocean Summit University. It is structured around three key moments:

  • upstream, a pool of young international researchers in marine sciences will be formed and consulted on the maritime issues addressed at the One Ocean Summit;
  • the summaries of this work and recommendations will be represented at the event in Brest by ambassadors of the One Ocean Summit University;
  • then downstream, this pool of young people will be able to continue the dynamic as a global think tank.

In order to fulfill this ambition, a compilation of the different contacts throughout UBO’s networks and on-going projects has already started. Following its creation, this set of network contacts will form a “convention” of young international researchers (students or professional) that will be led by the project team.

The objective here is to use a participatory approach to synthesize the broad the expertise and dynamics represented by the One Ocean Summit University in order to articulate common themes regarding the issues of research and research training in the context of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The goal is to produce actionable recommendations and a call for actions.

These recommendations will be presented in the thematic workshops of the One Ocean Summit by a panel of ambassadors of the One Ocean Summit University.

Following the meeting, UBO will work to ensure that this group of young researchers continues this work and take part in various initiatives and international meetings such as the United Nations Ocean Conference to be held in Lisbon from June 27 to July 1, 2022.


You want to join the One Ocean Summit University?

  • Check the topics of the One Ocean Summit workshops and select one you want to contribute to,
  • Contact the project team and be ready to contribute,
  • Join a group of young researchers at your place or with your international network to produce your contribution to the One Ocean Summit.

Organizing team

  • Yves-Marie Paulet, European Marine Board Member, Brest University Vice-chair for Marine Science (UBO), European Institute for Marine Studies (IUEM), France
  • Denis Bailly, coordinator of the Ocean University Initiative, Brest University, European Institute for Marine Studies (IUEM), Brest University (UBO), France
  • Romain Le Moal, One Ocean Summit University officer

Applications for the SML 2020-2021 Master’s Degree


The SML Master‘s application campaign will begin in April, according to a calendar specific to each course, which can be consulted on the Ecandidat application site, under the heading “Training offer”.

To find out more, go to the “Practical information” section at the bottom of the SML Master’s page.

Tag Archive for: formation

Earth, Planet and Environmental Sciences


SML Master’s degree

Earth, Planet and Environmental Sciences

We offer training in geosciences, coastal and marine environment trades through the research unit of the Geo-Ocean Laboratory in Plouzané (IUEM, UBO) and Vannes (UBS), in close collaboration with the Ifremer Marine Geosciences Institute.

The expertise of these two units covers a wide range of topics: from coastal dynamics to the evolution of the Earth’s mantle, including the dynamics of rifts, margins, ridges and sediment, paleo-climatic and paleo-environmental recording.  The work is based on a multidisciplinary and multiproxy approach based on instrumental poles: ocean spectrometry pole – instrumental pole in geophysics – pole in sedimentology/micropaleontology/palynology.

The key points of this Master’s degree are the numerous land and sea fields carried out throughout the training, the intervention of high-level researchers from both institutes, the possibility of research internships, among other possibilities, within IUEM, d’Ifremer or SHOM.

Training course

Ocean Geosciences (GO)

The Ocean Geoscience course of study is strongly linked to the eponymous laboratory. The graduates of this master’s degree will be able to develop and design research projects, provide expertise and consulting activities within public or private structures in the fields of geosciences and, in particular, marine geosciences. This master’s degree allows students to pursue a phD in marine geosciences, particularly in the following fields: margins, ridges, rifts, mineral resources, sedimentology, paleo-environments, paleo-climates, marine geochemistry.

Download the full presentation of the course and its scientific and local context.

Return from field training in the Alps

Return from field training in England

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Coastal and Littoral Resource Engineering and Management (IGRECL)

The IGREC course clearly aims to a non-academic professional integration in the management of coastal and littoral resources among small and medium-sized businesses in the sector, local authorities and large companies whose work affects these environments. At the end of this course, students will have multidisciplinary skills in the management and exploitation of mineral and biological resources, with an understanding of the concepts of risk and vulnerability. These skills will enable them to adapt, anticipate and respond to coastal spatial planning strategies taking into account the European legal and socio-economic framework.

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Educational software

Since December 2018, UBO’s STU (Earth and Universe Sciences) courses have had free access to PETROLEUM EXPERTS’ MOVE software suite, under an agreement signed between the UBO’s Earth Sciences Department and this company. The commercial equivalent of this donation of the MOVE software suite is £1,308,000.00.

This software is the most complete structural geology analysis and modeling “toolbox” available. It provides a complete digital environment to report in 3 dimensions on geological properties and characteristics by reducing the risks and uncertainties of geological models. It is a platform for the integration and interpretation of geophysical data, section construction, 3D model construction, kinematic restoration and validation, geo-mechanical modeling, fracture modeling, fault role modeling and analysis of the relationships between faults and tectonic constraints.

The Earth Sciences Department and the University of Brest (UBO) sincerely thank PETROLEUM EXPERTS Limited for their donation for the free use of the MOVE software suite. This tool will allow us to train our students in Licence 3 (at the UFR Sciences et Techniques du Bouguen) and in Master 1 and 2 (at the IUEM, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer) to use in the classroom this professional software commonly used in design offices, consulting firms and large geoscience companies working on geological reservoirs. For doctoral students, the databases at their disposal (most often bathymetric data and dense seismic reflection profiles) can thus be significantly enhanced according to the objectives of their thesis work.

More informations :

UBO’s Earth Sciences learning path benefit from the free availability of the Kingdom Suite Software distributed by IHS Markit through the University Grant Program, which is updated every year since 2008.

Kingdom Suite software is a worldwide reference for 2D and 3D seismic interpretation and allows the integration of geophysical and geological data offering a wide variety of uses in fundamental and applied research. The software is used in the classroom for Master’s degree courses in Ocean Geosciences and Coastal Resource Engineering and Management. It is also used during sea teaching campaigns and for projects conducted individually by doctoral students at the Ocean Geosciences Laboratory.

The Department of Earth Sciences and the University of Brest (UBO) sincerely thank IHS Markit for the accreditation they have received for the free use of the Kingdom Suite software.

Free and Open Source Geographic Information System

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Programming language for technical calculation, paid software, license acquired at the Laboratory.

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Technical calculation programming language, free numerical calculation software comparable to MATLAB.

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Specilization coordinator:

Christine AUTHEMAYOU (Send an e-mail)

GO course:

M1 : Aurélie PENAUD (Send an e-mail)

M2 : Christine AUTHEMAYOU (Send an e-mail)

IGRECL course:

Evelyne GOUBERT (Send an e-mail)



SML Master’s degree


This international specialty is co-accredited by IUEM to UBO and by ENSTA Bretagne. It aims to provide students the knowledge of the physical and dynamic properties of the marine environment and related engineering elements (especially ships). It has 4 courses: Ocean and Climate Physics (POC), Marine Geophysics (GM), Naval Hydrodynamics (HN) and Data sciences. GM, HN et POC have a common block in M1: fluid mechanics, solids, applied mathematics, data analysis, numerical modelling. The specializations for each course are more important in M2. The SDO course is only offered in M2. The training is based on long academic or industrial research internships at the end of M2.

This Master’s degree allows access to doctoral training within the framework of the Doctoral School of Marine and Coastal Sciences, as well as to jobs as a research engineer in many regional, national or foreign companies. The context in Brest is particularly developed for marine science and technologies.

The new Ocean Data Science course opened at the start of the 2020 academic year. Following this pathway and then taking a year of Marine Geomatics at ENSTA Bretagne (subject to admission by application) will lead to a diploma from this leading engineering school.

The Marine Physics/Marine Sciences program in cooperation with graduate engineering schools in Brest, is international and taught essentially in English (see the site  for more information). 

The program focuses on the physics of the sea (POC specialty), of the Earth particularly under the sea (GM specialty) and of ships and naval structures (HN specialty). In M1 the common scientific basics (Fluid and solid mechanics, applied maths, numerical analysis) are taught. In M2, the specific knowledge of each specialty is taught. Projects and internships are essential in the program. Relation with research centres and with private companies are central to research training.

Attending and validating this specialty and then validating the (one-year) specialty Marine Geomatics (provided the results of the M2 are good) would lead to obtaining the Engineering Degree of ENSTA Bretagne.

More precise information in English about our program and how to apply can be obtained with contacting Master.Marphys@univ-brest.fr

Training course

Ocean Physics and Climate

The course is based on the Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote sensing (LOPS), the Laboratory of Environmental Marine Sciences (LEMAR), both of IUEM laboratories, the Hydrography, Oceanography and Meteorology department of SHOM, the Laboratory of Coastal Hydrodynamics of CEREMA.

Opportunities: research, teaching and research, consulting firms (impact of ocean circulation, or extreme events on offshore structures, on coastal erosion, on marine ecology, on exploitation of marine resources, or changes in pollution levels).

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Marine Geophysics

The course is based on the Geo-Ocean Laboratory (GO), which is a research unit, and the Marine Geosciences Department of Ifremer.

Opportunities: research, teaching and research, research and development in the fields of marine energies, offshore / petroleum, marine mineral resources, and in consulting firms (sedimentary transport, coastal risks…).

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Naval Hydrodynamics

The course is based on the Dupuy de Lôme Research Institute (IRDL, FRE, Brest) and the Institut de Recherche de l’École Navale (IRENAV).

Opportunities: research, teaching and research, consulting firms and test centres, marine energies, architecture and shipbuilding.

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Ocean data science

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The speciality coordinator

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The M1 coordinator

Steven herbette
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The M2 coordinators

  • Marine Geophysics course

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  • Naval Hydrodynamic course

Pierre-Michel GUILCHER
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  • Ocean Physics and Climate course

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Environmental management


SML Master’s degree

environmental management

EGEL (Expertise and Management of the Coastal Environment) is one of the eight Master’s degrees in the SML field (Marine and Coastal Sciences) at IUEM. Created in 2000, it is, historically, one of the first specialised training courses on coastal and marine environment management in France with a network of more than 500 alumni trained over the last 20 years.

Nationally recognized, EGEL aims to prepare students for careers in planning, environmental engineering and research in the field of coastal and marine management. A multidisciplinary Master’s degree in excellence (geography, planning, biology, ecology, law, economics, chemistry, etc.), it offers a cross-disciplinary approach to the knowledge, understanding and management of coastal and marine issues in a logic of transition and sustainability of territories.

Training course

EGEL- Expertise and management of the coastal environment

Our training is divided into two years.

The first year (M1) is considered as a disciplinary refresher course. It is therefore more focused on the acquisition of knowledge and methodologies. However, this does not prevent students from being in the field on a regular basis (data collection, meetings with stakeholders, boat trips, etc.).

The second year (M2) is more professional, as it is based on numerous applications of knowledge and professional situations: workshops over several months, organisation of round tables, field trips, transplanted classes in the territories to meet the needs of stakeholders, etc.

The course allows students to validate a “research” or “professional” pathway, but the master’s degree is generally applied (especially in M2). At the end of the course, most students enter the job market. However, it should be noted that each year, some students decide to extend their studies by doing a PhD in one of the Institute’s research laboratories.

The professional opportunities at EGEL are very varied: protection and management of coastal and marine heritage; fishing and aquaculture; study, management, restoration of fauna/flora/habitats; management of protected areas (MPAs, reserves, etc.); cartography, geomatics, GIS, database; mediation, awareness-raising, scientific animation; coastal risks (study, prevention); management, coastal development; animation, coordination of sea and coastal public policies; study, management, monitoring of water; energy (especially sustainable energy sources); tourism and sports activities, pollution and waste, etc. (non-exhaustive list).

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Law of Maritime Spaces and Activities


SML Master’s degree

Law of Maritime Spaces and Activities

The courses taught in the Master’s programme are based on the research activities of the AMURE laboratory, whose three research areas are:

  • Blue Economy
  • Appropriation and responsibility
  • Socio-ecosystem and territory

The aim of the course is to train high-level lawyers specialized in the law of the sea, the coastline and maritime activities.

The second year of the course is open to work-study contracts or apprenticeship contracts. Most of the teaching takes place at the UFR Droit et sciences économiques 12 rue de Kergoat in Brest.

There are many professional opportunities after completing this course. Graduates can work in the fields of insurance, banking and the sectors of activity covered by all operators (private or public companies) in the maritime sector; in the field of legal advice, studies and expertise; in professional and trade union organisations, maritime social benefit organisations, maritime cooperatives; in the territorial or national internal administration and the Community administration.

They can work as company lawyers or consultants (experts, lawyers after passing competitive examinations); as lawyers in harbours, in the fields of marine renewable energy, maritime and harbour safety, maritime works, shipbuilders; as project or contract managers (risk management in companies, contract managers in insurance); as agents or brokers (insurance); as project managers or managers in representative or public bodies (e.g. regional fisheries committee, natural marine parks); as legal advisors in the maritime sector (e.g. in the maritime sector); administrative lawyer (after competitive examination) in the State or territorial civil service or in the European institutions.

Training course

DEAM – Law of Maritime Spaces and Activities

The Master’s degree DEAM is one of the eight Master’s degrees in the field of “Marine and Coastal Sciences” of IUEM.

The objective of the course is to train professionals who can be in charge of detecting, analysing and dealing with legal problems relating to the various fields of maritime activities and the law of the sea. They are able to draw up documents for litigation cases, following up on contentious cases, defining, designing and drafting useful documents, legal acts and regulations.

Created more than 40 years ago, this Master’s degree is today recognised as a training course of excellence in the field of maritime spaces and activities law. The course is supported by a large network of alumni who put their experience at the service of students (conferences, training). This network also facilitates the search for internships, work-study programmes and the professional integration of young graduates.

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Marine Environmental Chemistry


SML Master’s degree

Marine Environmental Chemistry

Within IUEM, this Master’s degree is linked to the  Laboratory  of Environmental Marine Sciences (LEMAR/UBO-CNRS-IRD-Ifremer) and the Geo-Ocean Laboratory (GO/UBO-CNRS-Ifremer-UBS). Both laboratories include a lot of  teachers-researchers and researchers likely to participate in teaching and/or offer internships to students.
This Master’s degree in Marine and Coastal Sciences prepares young scientists for a PhD with a strong background in marine and analytical chemistry. It also enables graduates to join an engineering school program or to work directly.
The professions targeted following the training are diverse: teacher-researcher in higher education, researcher in research organisms, senior environmental executive, expert for state services, project manager for local authorities…
The professional environments that welcome these new graduates are universities, research centres, chemical and/or environmental engineering departments, chemical analysis and quality control laboratories, and public service organizations.

Training course

Marine Environmental Chemistry

Following this course, the graduate:

  • has a strong background in theoretical and applied chemistry and masters the fundamental concepts of marine chemistry.
  • has specific knowledge in marine biology, physical oceanography and marine geosciences that enable to approach the plurality of mechanisms that govern the functioning of marine ecosystems.
  • has the ability to use and interpret results from modern analytical techniques (Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS, CPG, HPLC, spectroscopy, electrochemical techniques).
  • is able to develop an autonomous scientific approach aimed to respond to an environmental problematic (state of an ecosystem, prediction of its evolution) by implementing on-site sampling techniques, experimental laboratory protocols and by interpreting the data obtained.
  • has a capacity to synthesize written and oral scientific documents.

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Training at IUEM

Continuing education

The SML Master’s degrees offer, at IUEM, the framework for UBO’s continuing education on marine topics and offers a complete catalogue.

The Institute

The European Institute for Marine Studies (IUEM) is a multidisciplinary institution in the field of marine and coastal sciences, whose activities are focused on 3 missions: research, training and observation.

The IUEM is supported and financed by

3 complementary missions

A few numbers


Scientific, technical and administrative staff


Masters students


PhD students

25 years

in marine and coastal sciences

Want to know more?