
Scientific publication is the result of any research work, mode of knowledge accumulation, but also knowledge that is difficult to share…

Some tools to better understand IUEM’s scientific production:

Laboratories publications

IUEM publications are accessible via the open archive HAL.

It is possible to consult bibliographical references (articles, communications at conferences, book chapters, theses…), to carry out research and to have access to the full text when it is available.

Each research unit also has a page dedicated to the updated list publications members:

Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote sensing  (LOPS)

Laboratory of Environmental Marine Sciences (LEMAR)

Geo-Ocean (GO)

Biology and Ecology of Deep Sea Ecosystems Laboratory (BEEP)

LETG-Brest part of the Brest Coastal, Environment, Remote Sensing, Geomatics unit

AMURE Laboratory, Centre for the Law and Economics of the Sea

Marine Biotechnology and Chemistry Laboratory (LBCM)