Management of uses, resources and marine and coastal areas
UBO | Ifremer | CNRS
The AMURE Joint Research Unit is a multidisciplinary research and training centre in human and social sciences applied to the sea. Its work focuses on the sustainable development of maritime activities, on the associated public policies and their impacts on the evolution of marine and coastal socio-ecosystems.
Littoral, Environment, Remote sensing, Geomatics
LETG-Brest’s research activities bring together several fields of geography: physical geography, human and social geography, teledetection and geomatics, in order to study human-nature interactions in coastal and maritime environments.
Laboratory of Environmental Marine Sciences
UBO | CNRS | IRD | Ifremer
Understanding interactions within the marine biosphere is the central objective of this laboratory. Bringing together biologists, physicians and chemists, LEMAR’s research is carried out on a variety of study sites, from poles to tropics and from coastal areas to the deep-sea ocean. Its tools range from observation to modelling, including laboratory and field experimentation.
UBO | CNRS | UBS| Ifremer
Geo-Ocean laboratory develops a multidisciplinary approach to the question of the genesis and evolution of oceanic domains (from continental rifts to ocean ridges, from coastlines to deep basins to continental shelves, from hot spots to volcanic islands, and from passive margins to active margins). The laboratory carries out innovative methodological and instrumental developments in the marine field and also has a high-performance analytical pole in petrogeochemistry, sedimentology and paleontology.
Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote sensing
UBO | CNRS | Ifremer | IRD
Understanding and modelling oceans dynamics on different time and space scales is this laboratory central objective. LOPS combines oceanographic campaigns, data production and analysis of deep ocean and continental slope, and physical modelling based on the fluid mechanics of global ocean. This laboratory contributes to major advances in the understanding of ocean-climate relationships and more globally of the variability of the ocean system.
Biology and Ecology of Deep Sea Ecosystems Laboratory
UBO | CNRS | Ifremer
BEEP focuses on extreme environments microbiology, such as hydrothermal springs, cold seeps from continental margins and the seabed. BEEP scientific approach is developed thanks to skills and means unique in France for sampling, analysis and exploitation of microbiological samples, during numerous oceanographic campaigns.
Marine Biotechnology and Chemistry Laboratory
LBCM has developed a recognized scientific specialty in marine biofilms study (organized populations of microorganisms growing on surfaces). Using a variety of tools and approaches that combines genetics, analytical chemistry and cell physiology, this laboratory studies the interactions between living organisms and abiotics, and promotes the biotechnological developments that emerge from them.