DU Mer et Médias 2024

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Au 21ème siècle les sociétés humaines réalisent que les piliers qui ont assuré leur développement au cours des siècles précédents sont mis en question. De nombreux paradigmes ont changé. Nos activités ont dérégulé l’équilibre climatique et gravement affecté la biodiversité à l’échelle planétaire, et plus particulièrement celle des mers et océans qui occupent plus de 70% de la surface de la Terre. Désormais, pour anticiper l’avenir dans une perspective de développement durable, il nous faut comprendre le fonctionnement de l’océan et ses interactions avec les autres enveloppes fluides et solides de la planète Terre. Promouvoir la mise en oeuvre d’un tel développement est l’un des enjeux de la décennie de l’océan de l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU), réaffirmé lors du One Ocean Summit qui s’est tenu à Brest en février 2022, et dans le cadre de la préparation de la conférence de l’ONU sur les océans qui se tiendra à Nice en juin 2025. Mieux comprendre l’océan et ses interactions avec le climat et les sociétés humaines, est devenu un enjeu essentiel pour les médias, à même de faire émerger ou de relayer des débats et idées structurantes.

C’est pour répondre à ces enjeux que l’UBO, en partenariat avec l’Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille et le Club de la Presse de Bretagne, propose le Diplôme d’Université (DU) “Mer et Médias”. Celui-ci fait suite aux quatre écoles d’été Mer et Journalisme organisées par ISblue.

Ce DU a pour objectif de partager à destination de journalistes et de professionnels de la communication un état des lieux des connaissances des sciences et technologies marines dans une perspective de développement durable. Articulée autour de temps en présentiel à Brest et de temps en distanciel, la formation a pour objectif de transmettre aux participants un socle de connaissance solide mais aussi de leur permettre de  rencontrer des chercheurs et des professionnels de ces thématiques au travers de séances à l’Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer mais aussi de sorties de terrain et d’interventions “hors les murs”. La formation s’organisera ainsi autour de trois principales sessions à Brest : 2 jours en  avril 2024 pour lancer la formation, 3 jours en juin et 1 jour à l’automne pour la conclure qui seront entrecoupées d’activités en distanciel.


Aptitudes et compétences
Ce diplôme a pour objectif de former les journalistes et communicants qui souhaitent actualiser ou approfondir leurs connaissances scientifiques des enjeux océaniques actuels et futurs. Plusieurs sous-objectifs sous-tendent la formation :

  • Partager les savoirs sur les sciences et technologies marines
  • Échanger au travers d‘analyses croisées entre les journalistes/communicants, le milieu académique et les acteurs économiques du secteur maritime
  • Construire de l’information, grâce au processus d’acculturation d’un contenu d’experts aux standards « journalistiques ».

Compétences visées

  • Acquérir les connaissances de base sur le système océan dans ses dimensions scientifiques (sciences physiques, naturelles, humaines), dont les volets économiques, juridiques, et culturels
  • Savoir restituer ces connaissances sous la forme de contenus journalistiques pointus tout en étant accessibles à un large public
  • Être capables de comprendre la démarche scientifique dans un contexte d’une évolution permanente des contenus scientifiques.

Sessions en présentiel, lien vers inscription et contacts

Sessions en présentiel à Plouzané :

  • Session 1 : les 11 et 12 avril 2024
  • Session 2 : du 26 au 28 juin 2024
  • Session 3 : novembre 2024

Lien vers le dossier d’inscription

Contacts :

La presse en parle…

DU Mer & Médias à l’IUEM : « Permettre la vulgarisation des recherches sur la mer »

Le Télégramme, article du 27 février 2024

Conference GERLI 2024

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Conférence à l’IUEM (PNBI) du 23 au 26 septembre 2024

Dates limites et liens utiles

Inscription sur le site du GERLI avant le 15 juin 2024
Soumission des résumés sur le site du GERLI avant le 15 juin 2024


Le Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche en Lipidomique (GERLI) est une société savante avec un bureau et un conseil scientifique.

Elle a été créée en 1978 et fait partie des groupes thématiques de la Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire (SFBBM) qui compte de nombreux groupes thématiques. Au niveau européen, le GERLI est associé à EURO FED LIPID, fédération européenne pour la science et la technologie des lipides. Le GERLI a été depuis 40 ans un moteur dans l’animation scientifique en organisant chaque année un Congrès, et en stimulant l’intérêt des jeunes scientifiques par l’attribution de Prix de Thèse. Les congrès de Lipidomique, avec des thématiques transversales, depuis les aspects très fondamentaux vers l’implication physiopathologique des molécules lipidiques, ont réuni plus de 2000 personnes depuis 2003. Ceci a permis de constituer un réseau de scientifiques dans le domaine.

Conférence 2024

Bienvenue à la 19e réunion du GERLI sur la lipidomique ! Cet événement très attendu réunira des chercheurs de premier plan pour discuter des dernières avancées dans la compréhension de la structure et des fonctions des lipides chez divers organismes vivant dans des environnements aquatiques et terrestres.

Au cours de la réunion, de nouveaux outils et techniques issus de disciplines telles que la biochimie, la biologie cellulaire, la physiologie, l’écologie, la génomique, la protéomique et la lipidomique seront présentés. Ces approches de pointe permettront d’éclairer des questions cruciales concernant la diversité, les fonctions et le métabolisme des lipides, ainsi que leur valorisation industrielle.
A cette fin, 7 sessions seront proposées, allant de la description de la structure des molécules à la définition de leur rôle dans la physiologie des organismes, jusqu’à leur utilisation pour nourrir les populations. Les sessions porteront également sur les techniques analytiques de préservation et de traçabilité, ainsi que sur les techniques émergentes de fluxomique.

La réunion aura lieu du 23 au 26 septembre 2024 à l’Institut Européen des Sciences de la Mer à Plouzané près de Brest et est organisée conjointement par l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale, l’IRD, le CNRS et l’Ifremer.

L’inscription à l’événement comprend l’accès aux sessions scientifiques, aux déjeuners et au dîner de gala. Le nombre de places étant limité (150 participants), nous vous encourageons à soumettre votre résumé dès que possible afin de garantir votre place.

Conformément à notre engagement en faveur du développement durable, nous ferons tout notre possible pour que le congrès intègre des aspects numériques, une restauration et des transports durables.

Nous attendons avec impatience votre participation et nous réjouissons de vous accueillir à Brest en septembre !

7 sessions

  • Session 1 : Structural diversity of lipids from summits to deep sea
  • Session 2 : Roles/functions of lipids and derivatives
  • Session 3 : Lipid markers in trophic ecology : promises and dead ends
  • Session 4: Lipids in their socio-economic context and legal boundaries
  • Session 5: Environmental/climatic and supply issues of omega 3
  • Session 6: GERLI/SFN: Marine lipids and nutrition
  • Session 7 : New progress in lipid methodology

Venez nombreux profiter de la pointe bretonne

La 19e conférence du GERLI aura lieu à L’IUEM, du 23 au 26 septembre 2024. L’IUEM est situé au Technopôle Brest-Iroise à Plouzané, aux portes de la ville de Brest.

Brest est une métropole de 400 000 habitants, zone touristique autant que bassin de vie. De nombreux hôtels allant de 1 à 4 étoiles sont situés dans Brest avec des prix allant de 50 € à 150 € par nuit. Des chambres pour les étudiants sont également disponibles dans le centre de Brest à 10 min en tramway de Brest Arena. La ville et sa périphérie possèdent de nombreux équipements et points d’intérêt attractifs, tels que Océanopolis, les Ateliers des Capucins reliés au centre-ville par le premier téléphérique urbain de France, le Conservatoire botanique National de Brest. La ville a été récemment classée ” Ville d’art et d’histoire “. Innovante et ouverte sur le monde, Brest se distingue des autres villes françaises par ses liens avec le milieu marin, ainsi que par son secteur des sciences et technologies marines de pointe. C’est d’ailleurs du port de Brest que sont partis de grands explorateurs à la découverte de nouveaux mondes : La Pérouse, Kerguelen, Bougainville… Brest a une gare TGV en centre-ville et est doté d’un aéroport international proche du centre-ville, avec un service de navette et de tramway. L’aéroport international de Brest Bretagne propose quelques vols internationaux et un large choix de vols via Paris (Orly ou Charles de Gaulle).

  • (C) Sébastien HERVE

  • (C) Mathieu Le Gall

  • ©Jean-Yves Guillaume

  • Frédéric Le Mouillour/Brest métropole océane

  • (C) Martin Viezzer

SILICAMICS 4 conference

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Deadline for registration and abstract submission: June 15 2024

Registration and abstract submission is managed online via the Scienceconf web platform

The SILICAMICS interdisciplinary conferences series was launched in 2015 under initiative of the international Silica Group. These conferences series aim to develop an integrative approach that includes chemistry, biogeochemistry, biochemistry, physiology and genomics to better understand biosilicification and silicifiers in past, contemporary and future oceans. Among the outcomes of the three first SILICAMICS conferences are synthesis articles in Nature Geoscience (2018) and in Biogeosciences (2021) and two special issues of Frontiers in Marine sciences (2019 and 2022) that hosted more than 24 articles. The 4-day SILICAMICS 4 conference, to be held in Brest (France) in October 2024, focuses on:

  • Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon: Processes and Fluxes
  • Paleo including the evolution of silicifiers
  • Ecology and Biology of marine and terrestrial silicifiers
  • Silicification processes and omics
  • Siliceous plankton in the Open Ocean: Linking physics and biology
  • Polar seas

Built around a “Gordon conferences” format, SILICAMICS 4 will bring together a small group of experts, young researchers and students in a secluded and beautiful location near Brest. The organizing committee has invited top-notch speakers, and the time for discussion and exchange between poster and presentation sessions, as well as working groups, will offer PhD students and young scientists the chance to debate with senior scientists in order to develop their own understanding of science in general, and more specifically of SILICAMICS’ flagship theme, the silicon cycle and the role of silicified organisms in the oceans.

6 sessions, 6 invited speakers

Session 1

Biogeochemical cycle of silicon: processes and fluxes

Since the end of the previous century, several articles on Si budgets have been published, showing real progress in our understanding of the geochemical and biogeochemical processes that control the Si marine cycle at regional and global scales, and in quantifying the input, output, and biological fluxes at different scales. However, is the marine silica cycle at a steady state, or what are the impacts of global changes on this cycle, are still open questions. In this session, we invite and welcome contributions dealing with processes and Si fluxes that help for a better understanding of the silica cycle at different scales. The invited conference shows how powerful the use of Si isotopes is to understand the surface Earth reactive silica cycle.

Invited speaker : Shaily Rahman| Univ. Colorado Boulder, USA

“Probing mass balance, fluxes, and deep time implications of the surface Earth reactive silica cycle using Si isotopes”

Download abstract

Session 2

Paleo including the evolution of silicifiers

In a context of global warming with short meteorological archives (~150 years), reconstructing the dynamics and long-term trends of past climate cycles has never been more relevant. Siliceous microfossils preserve well and offer key information on past environments. Additionally, it is primordial to understand how silicifiers evolved through time for a comprehensive understanding of their systematics and modern ecology. So, in this session we invite and welcome contributions along these lines.  The invited conference will show, based on their assemblages, how siliceous microfossils offer a wealth of information essential to unlock key links between climate and ecosystems.

Invited speaker : Giuseppe Cortese| GNS Science, NZ

“Radiolarians and diatoms as sources of past climate and environmental information in the Southern Ocean”

Download abstract

Session 3

Ecology and biology of marine and terrestrial silicifiers

As mentioned by the guest speaker: “all plants accumulate silicon”. All plants, but also animals, from protists to mammals! However, the function of silicon is not always well understood, which prevents us from understanding its possible contribution to the success of certain clades and the expansion of specific biomes. In this session we invite and welcome contributions dealing with the ecological role of silicifiers, the biological benefits and mechanisms of silicification and the relationships with ecosystems. The guest speaker will consider the role of Si in plants from a biome (terrestrial, marine and also freshwater) perspective and will underline the main gaps.

Invited speaker : Julia Cooke| The Open University, UK

“Plant silicification by biome”

Download abstract

Session 4

Silicification processes and omics

Silicifiers are among the most important living organisms of planet Earth. However, their ability to take up silicic acid and the full processes to precipitate it to build complex silicified architectures remain poorly understood. Diatoms have been the center of attention of bio-silicification studies. The physiology and biochemistry of pelagic diatoms have been extensively studied but many gaps remain regarding the silicification mechanisms and their variations due to environmental changes. Genomics of diatoms and other organisms can help understanding such processes and can be used to formulate new hypotheses and research strategies for explaining the role of different silicifiers in coastal and open ocean ecosystems, and their control of C, N, P, and Si biogeochemical cycles.

In this session we invite and welcome contributions of emerging approaches and other resources that can help us to better understand the silicification processes of all silicifiers. The invited conference will highlight the role of silicon transporter proteins in diatoms.

Invited speaker : Nils Kroeger | Technische Universitaet Dresden

“The molecular basis for silica morphogenesis in diatoms”

Download abstract

Session 5

Silicifiers in the open ocean and upwelling systems

Diatoms, which play a key role in the biological carbon pump, are known to thrive in high nutrients – high turbulence systems (cf. coastal upwellings, polar seas, …). In principle, stratified and oligotrophic waters are not favorable for the growth of diatoms. However, it has been shown that episodic blooms of phytoplankton, including diatoms, can occur in specific meso- and sub-mesoscale structures. So far, it has not been possible to link specific dynamical structures to phytoplankton functional types. In this session we invite and welcome contributions that demonstrate the coupling of physics and biology to better understand and model the distribution and production of siliceous plankton in the open ocean. The invited conference gives evidences on how structures with a high degree of coherence in high turbulent kinetic energy and vorticity can sustain high concentrations of diatoms in the sunlit layers.

Invited speaker : Ismaël Hernandez-Carrasco| CSIC, IMEDEA, Spain

“Highly-coherent oceanic structures and their impact on the diatom dynamics”

Download abstract

Session 6

Polar seas

In polar environments, diatoms are able to grow in the ice, under the ice, in open waters and at the surface of the sediments. As such, diatoms traditionally dominate the primary production of the polar seas. However, different drivers linked to natural variability and global change already provoke a switch towards non-diatom species such as Phaeocystis or other small flagellates. Moreover, the physiological changes involved in diatoms by global changes suggest potential strong consequences for the future contribution of the high-latitude ecosystems to carbon export and climate mitigation.  Moreover, a shift in rhizarian populations is observed related to global warming. With the increasing melting of the glaciers siliceous sponges are sprouting up. This session invites all works trying to understand the actual contribution of silicifiers and their evolution in the fast-changing polar seas. The invited conference will review the major contribution of diatoms in polar environments.

Invited speaker : Karley Campbell | UIT, Norway

“Diatoms in polar seas”

Scientific Committee

  • Su Mei Liu (UOC, China)
  • Patricia Grasse (Center for Integrative Biodiversity, Leipzig, Germany)
  • Manuel Maldonado (CSIC, Spain)
  • Jill Sutton (LEMAR-IUEM)
  • Aude Leynaert (LEMAR-IUEM)
  • Paul Tréguer (LEMAR-IUEM)
  • Brivaela Moriceau (LEMAR-IUEM)
  • Jeff Krause (Univ South Alabama, USA)
  • Xavier Crosta (EPOC, Univ Bordeaux)
  • Taniel Danielan (Univ de Lille)
  • Tristan Biard (LOG, Wimereux)

  • Damien Cardinal (LOCEAN, Sorbonne Université)
  • Johann Lavaud (LEMAR-IUEM)
  • Fabrice Not (SBR-Sorbonne Univ)
  • Matthieu Civel (LEMAR)
  • Lucie Cassarino (LEMAR)
  • Natalia Llopis-Monferrer (MBARI, California)
  • María López Acosta (CSIC IIM, Vigo)
  • Dongdong Zhu (OUC, Qingdao)
  • Diana Varela (Univ. Victoria, Canada)

Organising committee

  • Jill Sutton (LEMAR, UBO)
  • Brivaela Moriceau (LEMAR, CNRS)
  • Stefan lalonde (Geo-Ocean, CNRS)
  • France Floch (Geo-Ocean, UBO)
  • Olivier Rouxel (Geo-Ocean, IFREMER)
  • Matthieu Civel (LEMAR)
  • Lucie Cassarino (LEMAR)
  • Paul Tréguer (LEMAR, UBO)
  • Aude Leynaert (LEMAR, CNRS)
  • Johann Lavaud (LEMAR)

Conference venue

The event will be held in Brittany (France) in Logonna-Daoulas in October 2024 at the “Moulin Mer”seminar center. This facility offers space for sessions and workshops, meals and accommodation, all in one location, including access to educational rooms and sampling sites in marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments. For your spouse, it also provides access to beautiful walks along beaches, forest and activity areas such as volleyball, badminton, sailing and fishing. The site is located between Brest and Quimper (8min from the freeway). The site is located between Brest and Quimper (8 minutes from the expressway). Brest is the nearest city, with a TGV train station and an airport offering some international flights and a wide choice of flights via Paris (Orly or Charles de Gaulle).

Important dates and deadlines

Opening dates for registration and abstract submission : January, 24th 2024
Deadline for abstract submission : June 15th, 2024 (and cover letter for fee exemption)
Deadline for abstract selection : May 15th, 2024
Deadline for registration : June 15th, 2024


Registration fees (including accommodation and meals):

  • students: 450 euros;
  • regular participants: 680 euros
  • Dead-line for registration: June, 15th, 2024

    At their arrival at Brest-airport or Brest-railway station the participants are picked up and transported to the SILICAMICS conference hosting place.

Abstract Submission is open

The preliminary deadline for submissions is 15th of June.


To submit an Abstract you will need to create an account on https://silicamics4.sciencesconf.org/

Submissions need to include:

  • Abstract Title
  • Abstract text with a 250 words limit
  • name, surname, email-address and affiliation
  • selection of a scientific session

o compete for fee exemption, students must submit an abstract in the section “abstract submission” and add a cover letter describing their motivation to participate to Silicamics 4 in the section “supplementary file” (at the end of abstract submission process). You are nevertheless invited to pay the registration fee and will be refunded before the conference.

Registration and abstract submission is managed online via the Scienceconf web platform



Conference at IUEM, 9 to 12 april 2024

Inscription and abstract submission deadline : March 15th 2024

The ICES expert group on fisheries acoustics, science and technology (WGFAST) has cutting-edge expertise in all aspects of fish stock assessment and the estimation of indicators essential to pelagic management. It is also developing essential approaches for the ecosystemic approach to environmental knowledge and management, through : the diversity of platforms on which acoustics can be deployed; the range of organisms that can be detected and recognised (zooplankton, micronekton, fish, marine mammals, …); the high resolution of the information, enabling interactions with environmental parameters to be analysed; the non-destructive quality of the approach applicable to protected areas.

It will be structurated by three sessions :

  • Acoustic methods to characterize populations, ecosystems, habitat, and behaviour
  • Acoustic characterization of marine organisms
  • Emerging technologies, methodologies, and protocols

Approaches for monitoring areas where the sea is being industrialised, such as offshore wind farm sites, are warmly welcome.

3 sessions

Session 1

Acoustic characterization of marine organisms

In this session, the main topics cover organisms’ scattering modeling and classification/characterization of organisms from various types of acoustic data (multifrequency, wideband…)

Session 2

Acoustic methods to characterize populations, ecosystems, habitat, and behaviour

In this session, the main topics cover works on various methodologies (acoustic data analysis, statistical & modeling approaches, …) and/or tools (platforms, combined technologies, …) used to study predators/preys and bio-physical interactions at various trophic levels and area scales, topography and bottom type effect on the biology, sampling tools and behaviour effects…

Session 3

Emerging technologies, methodologies, and protocols

In this session, the mains topics cover new platforms (gliders, uncrewed surface vessels…) for collecting acoustic data, methods from non-acoustic fields as complementary sampling for better data interpretation, challenges for new acoustic devices, new applications…

Come and enjoy the western tip of Brittany

The WGFAST conference will be held at IUEM, from April 9 to 12, 2024. IUEM is located at the Technopôle Brest-Iroise in Plouzané, just outside the city of Brest.Transportation will be organized from Brest city center to Plouzané each day for the outward and return journey.

Brest is a metropolis of 400,000 inhabitants, a tourist area as much as a living basin. Numerous hotels ranging from 1 to 4 stars are located in Brest, with prices ranging from €50 to €150 per night. Rooms for students are also available in the center of Brest, a 10-minute streetcar ride from Brest Arena. The city and its outskirts boast many attractive facilities and points of interest, including Océanopolis, the Ateliers des Capucins linked to the city center by France’s first urban cable car, and the Conservatoire Botanique National de Brest. The city was recently classified as a “Ville d’art et d’histoire” (City of Art and History). Innovative and open to the world, Brest stands out from other French cities for its links with the marine environment, as well as its cutting-edge marine science and technology sector. In fact, it was from the port of Brest that great explorers set out to discover new worlds: La Pérouse, Kerguelen, Bougainville… Brest has a TGV station in the city center and an international airport close to the city center, with a shuttle and tramway service. Brest Bretagne international airport offers a number of international flights and a wide choice of flights via Paris (Orly or Charles de Gaulle).

  • © Martin Viezzer

  • © Mathieu Le Gall

  • ©Jean-Yves Guillaume

  • Frédéric Le Mouillour/Brest métropole océane

  • (C) Sébastien HERVE

École d’automne Mer et Médias 2023

L’École Universitaire de Recherche ISblue propose une école d’automne de 2 jours à Brest, à l’Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer. Cette formation, destinée aux journalistes des différents médias et professionnels de la communication francophones, apporte un éclairage sur le thème général : « Acteurs institutionnels de la transition écologique »


Au 21ème siècle les sociétés humaines réalisent que les piliers qui ont assuré leur développement au cours des siècles précédents sont mis en question. De nombreux paradigmes ont changé. Nos activités ont dérégulé l’équilibre climatique et gravement affecté la biodiversité à l’échelle planétaire, et plus particulièrement celle des mers et océans qui occupent plus de 70% de la surface de la Terre. Désormais, pour anticiper l’avenir dans une perspective de développement durable, il nous faut comprendre le fonctionnement de l’océan et ses interactions avec les autres enveloppes fluides et solides de la planète Terre. Promouvoir la mise en œuvre d’un tel développement est l’un des enjeux de la décennie de l’océan de l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU), réaffirmé lors du One Ocean Summit qui s’est tenu à Brest en février 2022, et dans le cadre de la préparation de la conférence de l’ONU sur les océans qui se tiendra à Nice en juin 2025. Mieux comprendre l’océan et ses interactions avec le climat et les sociétés humaines est devenu un enjeu essentiel pour les médias, à même de faire émerger ou de relayer des débats et idées structurantes.

C’est pour répondre à ces enjeux que l’UBO, en partenariat avec l’École Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille et le Club de la Presse de Bretagne, propose l’université d’automne “Mer et Médias”. Celle-ci fait suite aux quatre écoles d’été Mer et Journalisme organisées par ISblue.

Cette école d’automne a pour objectif de partager à destination de journalistes et de professionnels de la communication un état des lieux des connaissances des sciences et technologies marines dans une perspective de développement durable. Ces deux jours seront avant tout consacrés aux acteurs institutionnels de la transition écologique et à la compréhension des rôles de chacun et de leurs interactions. Il s’agira donc de partager un état des lieux de la problématique du changement climatique et du rôle des océans, du rôle du GIEC dans la connaissance de ces sujets, d’étudier les conséquences que cela a sur les sociétés et en particulier la problématique des risques littoraux ainsi que d’avoir un aperçu des notions de droit de l’environnement.

Informations détaillées, programme et inscription

Une formation parainée par :

Olivier Poivre d’Arvor

Envoyé spécial du Président de la République pour la Conférence Océan des Nations Unies

Ambassadeur de France pour l’Océan et les Pôles

Organisée par :






Public :

Le public cible porte sur des professionnels du journalisme et de la communication qui souhaitent renforcer ou actualiser leurs connaissances sur les enjeux actuels de l’environnement océanique et du monde maritime.

Prérequis pour l’accès à la formation :
Les candidats devront justifier d’une expérience dans le domaine de la communication et du journalisme ainsi que de leur intérêt à suivre la formation.

  • Dates : Jeudi 9 et vendredi 10 novembre 2023
  • Durée de la formation : 16h

Equipe pédagogique :

Olivier Aballain, Directeur des formations au Journalisme à l’ESJ Lille

Axel Creach, Maître de conférences en géographie IUEM UBO

Virginie Guiraudon, Directrice de recherches CNRS

Maxime Kernec, Ingénieur Recherche Imagerie et Réalité Virtuelle ISblue

Pauline Letortu, Maître de conférences en géographie IUEM UBO

Betty Queffelec, Enseignant chercheur Droit de l’environnement et de la mer UBO

Sylvie Rouat, Grand Reporter chez SCIENCES ET AVENIR

Jean-Baptiste Sallée, Océanographe et climatologue au CNRS

Anne-Marie Treguier, Directrice d’IsBlue

Paul Tréguer, Professeur Émérite – Biogeochimiste marin IUEM UBO

Partenariat :


Informations détaillées, programme et inscription

Ecole d’été Mer Education 2023

L’université d’été Mer & Éducation portée par ISblue, se construit en étroite collaboration avec l’UBO, l’Ifremer et Océanopolis. Les objectifs partagés sont de participer à la formation continue des enseignants du second degré, de contribuer au lien lycées-université et à la visibilité de l’excellence de la Bretagne en termes de recherche en sciences de la mer et du littoral, que ce soit en sciences de la nature ou en sciences humaines et sociales.

Date limite d’inscription : le 30 juin 2023

Informations et inscription


L’océan, comme source de protéines, de molécules, d’inspiration et de bien-être, est devenu un enjeu crucial pour la santé humaine. L’humanité occupe les bords de mer et puise ses ressources alimentaires et énergétiques dans l’océan depuis des millénaires. Depuis, plus d’un siècle elle a également découvert les bienfaits de l’océan, à travers l’émergence d’une société de loisir et de bien-être tournée vers l’océan et le littoral. Enfin, plus récemment les scientifiques cherchent et trouvent les molécules et les organismes vivants océaniques qui apporteront les nouvelles solutions cosmétiques et thérapeutiques de demain.

Cependant, si la compression et l’épuisement des écosystèmes terrestres poussent l’humanité à toujours plus explorer et exploiter les ressources océaniques, cela se traduit par une pression anthropique accrue sur les milieux océaniques et littoraux. Le réchauffement global et ses conséquences sur l’acidification et la désoxygénation océanique, l’effondrement des espèces marines et des stocks de pêche, la pollution des milieux hauturiers et côtiers, et la saturation des espaces littoraux détériorent considérablement les capacités de l’océan à fournir les services écosystémiques dont l’humanité a besoin pour demeurer en bonne santé. Il est donc urgent de considérer la santé des humains et des océans comme une santé commune, qu’il devient indispensable de préserver, au risque de réduire l’accès du plus grand nombre à des conditions de vie décentes et en bonne santé.

Enjeux scientifiques et défis technologiques seront au cœur de Mer & Éducation 2023. Deux parcours thématiques spécifiques permettront d’approfondir ces notions.

  • Un océan, des écosystèmes pour la santé

Grâce à la richesse de ses environnements, l’Océan fourni à l’humanité un certain nombre de services écosystémiques :  stock de nourriture, source de molécules, … et dans le contexte du réchauffement global, l’océan absorbe du CO2 et de la chaleur excédentaire de l’atmosphère. Ils sont également source d’inspiration pour la recherche, que ce soit pour l’amélioration des prouesses techniques des navires ou la découverte de nouvelles solutions thérapeutiques. Cependant, les pressions anthropiques toujours plus fortes sur les écosystèmes marins et littoraux tendent à réduire ce potentiel de services écosystémiques. Dans ce parcours, nous étudierons les liens entre la santé de l’écosystème et la santé humaine.

  • Un océan, des usages pour la santé

Des activités comme la pêche et l’aquaculture sont des sources de revenus de nombreuses personnes à travers le monde et contribuent directement et indirectement à la sécurité alimentaire. Les activités de loisirs ou balnéaires sur le littoral dites de « pleine nature », ou simplement le tropisme littoral, se sont également développées et contribuent au bien-être humain. Ces phénomènes tout en devenant sociétalement structurantes, contribuent à accentuer la pression sur les espaces littoraux.  Ce parcours permettra d’explorer les usages du littoral et leur lien avec la santé humaine.

À travers ces parcours thématiques, de nouvelles connaissances seront abordées en privilégiant l’approche interdisciplinaire.
Cette Université d’été 2023 apporte l’opportunité pour les participants de pouvoir rencontrer et échanger avec des équipes issues de différents instituts de recherche. Ces scientifiques sont spécialisés dans des disciplines variées comme les sciences médicales, la géographie, la biologie marine, les sciences humaines ou la psychologie, et même au-delà, à travers des projets associant Art et Science.

Pour compléter les connaissances, des visites de terrain seront organisées selon le parcours choisi afin d’illustrer certaines thématiques de travail et compléter des réflexions scientifiques de manière concrète.

Des ateliers pédagogiques et de médiation seront également organisés afin d’expérimenter des outils innovants, d’échanger sur les pratiques pour la transmission des connaissances voire aussi de générer et d’approfondir des idées. Les enseignants auront ainsi un temps pour co-construire leur projet pédagogique grâce aux connaissances acquises et aux expériences vécues lors de l’Université d’été Mer & Éducation 2023.


Venez participer à la deuxième édition des journées Drones & Capteurs embarqués.

Plusieurs objectifs sous-tendent ces journées scientifiques : elles doivent marquer la naissance d’un nouveau réseau d’échanges fédérant des communautés scientifiques issues de domaines variés (sciences de l’environnement, archéologie, biologie, sciences de la terre, exploration spatiale…), en partenariat avec les entreprises et les professionnels, spécialisés dans l’exploration maritime, fluviale, terrestre ou spatiale et/ou dans le développement d’instrumentation dédiée.

Ces journées seront surtout des opportunités de rencontres, de partage de bonnes pratiques, de retours d’expérience et d’actualisation des connaissances au travers de la présentation d’outils et de développements novateurs (retrouvez le programme ici). Cet évènement se veut pluridisciplinaire ; il rassemblera des scientifiques dont le point commun est le développement et/ou l’exploitation de vecteurs non humains (robotique ou animal) comme outil d’acquisition de données scientifiques.

A l’issue de ce temps fort, le Comité de Pilotage souhaiterait poursuivre ces échanges par la mise en place future d’une école thématique, annuelle ou biennale. Cette première édition se doit donc d’offrir un état de l’art des connaissances de la communauté, et ce qui reste l’objet de recherche ou qui nécessite davantage d’information, ceci pour aider à la construction de la prochaine école thématique.

Inscriptions et soumission des résumés : Ici

Date limite : 30 Juin 2023

Public visé

Ces journées sont ouvertes à tous, (post-)doctorants, chercheurs, ingénieurs, techniciens, personnels intéressés par la thématique, mais également aux entreprises et aux professionnels œuvrant dans le domaine. Cette manifestation vise ainsi à réunir des professionnels de diverses disciplines : géosciences, environnement, robotique, exploration spatiale… Une telle diversité est nécessaire pour débattre des grands défis posés par ces nouveaux outils et valider l’intérêt de ce réseau émergent.

Des journées d’échanges

Ces premières journées ont été pensées pour favoriser l’échange entre les disciplines et les domaines d’études. Rassembler les acteurs du drone marin, terrestre, aérien, spatial, mais aussi les utilisateurs comme les développeurs de vecteurs, constitue le cœur de ces journées. De nombreux temps de discussions sont programmés, à la suite des conférences plénières, lors de sessions posters dédiées, mais aussi au cours d’ateliers thématiques en groupe et de démonstrations. Ces journées ne seront pas retransmises par visioconférence, ce format étant incompatible avec un évènement de type forum, pensé pour favoriser les échanges et la convivialité. De même, en cas d’impossibilité d’organiser les journées en novembre pour des raisons sanitaires, celles-ci seront reportées mais n’auront pas lieu par visioconférence.

Bienvenue aux entreprises

Le monde de la recherche s’appuie régulièrement sur des innovations issues du monde des entreprises, dans le cadre d’appels d’offres ou par des collaborations suivies. En effet, forts de leurs compétences techniques et scientifiques, ainsi que des moyens dont ils disposent, ces entreprises constituent souvent des partenaires-clés pour soutenir les chercheurs dans leurs projets de développement autour des capteurs et/ou des vecteurs.

Dans le cadre de ces journées, nous avons donc souhaité donner une place aux professionnels du “drone”, qu’il soit marin, fluvial, terrestre, aérien ou spatial. Dans chaque session, qu’elle soit plénière ou thématique,  20% des interventions sont réservées aux entreprises et aux professionnels afin de leur permettre de présenter leur(s) innovation(s) en matière de drone, de mesure autonome et d’autonomie.

Présentation, poster ou stand

Ces journées n’ont pas vocation à offrir un espace publicitaire ; elles visent la mise en réseau, l’échange d’expériences, de connaissances et de compétences. Comme pour les inscriptions “participant”, les inscriptions “entreprises & professionnels” se verront attribuer une présentation orale, un espace poster ou encore un stand après l’évaluation du comité scientifique de  l’organisation. Ils peuvent également se proposer pour organiser des démonstrations lors de l’après-midi thématique. A noter que les présentations orales sont en priorité réservées aux innovations et/ou développements de nouvelles méthodes.

Programme prévisionnel

Un réseau de concepteurs et d’utilisateurs

Le réseau Drones & Cap’ (pour Drones et Capteurs embarqués) s’intéresse à la mesure scientifique déportée à l’aide de capteurs embarqués sur des systèmes sans pilote de type drones (terrestres, fluviaux, aériens, marins, sous-marins), navires, astromobiles ou sur des animaux.

Le réseau regroupe à la fois les concepteurs de drones et d’instrumentation embarquée et les utilisateurs de ces nouveaux moyens d’investigation de la variabilité spatiale pour de nombreuses thématiques scientifiques (ex : mesure du couvert végétal, analyse du mouvement de mammifères, caractéristiques des masses d’eau, intelligence de navigation, robotique, développement instrumental…).

Comité d’organisation

Responsable : Nicolas Lachaussée (LIENSs, La Rochelle)

Correspondant budget : Frédéric Foucher (CBM, Orléans)

Référent formation : Elise Fovet (MSH, Clermont-Ferrand)

Marion Landré (MSHE Ledoux, Besançon) | Francis Vivat (LATMOS, Paris) | François Cornu (DIRSU Drones, Paris) | Thibault Coulombier (LIENSs, La Rochelle) | Valérie Pichot (MSHE Ledoux, Besançon) | François Guérin (ISEL – GREAH, Le Havre) | Jérôme Ammann (Geocéan- IUEM, Brest) |  Sébastien Bonaimé (IPGP, Paris) | Laurent Arnaud (IGE, Grenoble) | Jean-Claude Raynal (ECCOREV, Aix-en-Provence) | François Débias (LBBE,  Villeurbanne) | Lydie Gailler (LMV, Clermont-Ferrand) | Yoan Benoit (OSU de la Réunion) | Thomas Houet (LETG, Rennes)

Appel à contributions

Vous pouvez soumettre des propositions de présentations, de posters, et/ou de stands, éventuellement accompagnés de propositions de démonstrations de capteur, de vecteur ou tout autre aspect en lien avec les capteurs embarqués sur vecteurs non humains.

Vos propositions devront illustrer l’un des thèmes suivants :

  • Vecteurs (aériens, marins, terrestres, spatiaux…)
  • Résultats inédits issus de projets “drones”
  • Méthodologies innovantes
  • Instrumentation embarquée

Pour soumettre une proposition d’intervention, de posters ou de stands, vous devrez fournir un résumé lors de l’inscription (dans l’onglet spécifique “Ma Contribution”).

Dates importantes

– Date limite d’inscription : 30 juin 2023
– Date limite de soumission : 30 juin 2023
– Date limite de retour du comité scientifique : 16 juillet 2023


Inscriptions et tarifs

Du 6 novembre 2023 19h au 9 novembre 13h, les journées d’échanges Drones & Cap’ 2023 se tiendront à la Base Départementale de Plein Air de Guerlédan en Bretagne (Côtes d’Armor).

– Pour les personnels institutionnels (chercheurs, étudiants, (post-)doctorants,…) le prix de ces journées s’élèvent à 200€ TTCCe tarif inclut les repas et l’hébergement partagé en chambres doubles pour 3 nuits.

– Pour les entreprises et les professionnels, les frais d’inscription s’élèvent à 600€ TTCLes participants entreprises ne pourront pas bénéficier de logement au centre nautique du Lac de Guerlédan, ni des dîners. 

L’inscription comprend la participation aux 3 journées de présentations et d’échanges.

Inscriptions et dépôts des soumissions sont à effectuer depuis le site web dédié (scienceconf).

Accueil et hébergement

Le lieu d’accueil rassemble tous les environnements à proximité des uns des autres pour réaliser les démonstrations de drones dans de bonnes conditions, quel que soit la météorologie de l’automne (Novembre 2023). Contrairement à la mer, le lac permettra la mise à l’eau dans de bonnes conditions et l’évolution simultanée de plusieurs drones marins et sous-marins en espace naturel et fermé. Il y a aussi un terrain en espace libre de 4 hectares pour l‘évolution des drones aériens, des espaces boisées et pentus pour les drones terrestres et enfin un gymnase pour les drones souterrains pouvant également servir de lieux de démonstration en cas de pluie. De plus, contrairement au littoral et à l’espace maritime, ce site n’est soumis à aucune interdiction militaire ou demande de dérogation particulière pour la mise en œuvre des drones aériens et marins.
Enfin, la base nautique et le centre de vacances du lac de Guerlédan ont la capacité d’accueillir, d’héberger et de restaurer confortablement sur place l’ensemble des 90 participants et nous permettront de prolonger en soirée les ateliers et discussions de la journée.

Base Départementale de Plein Air de Guerlédan
106, rue du lac, Mûr-de-Bretagne
22530 Guerlédan

Site web de la Base Départementale de Plein Air de Guerledan

EPC 2023 | European phycological Congress

After Zagreb in 2019, we are pleased to invite you to Brest (Brittany, France) for the 8th European Phycological Congress “Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution” on behalf of the Federation of European Phycological Societies council and the French Phycological Society. France has a long and proud tradition of phycological research and has a very diverse algal flora. Brittany is a world hotspot for seaweed diversity with about 700 species and has historically developed a flourishing macroalgal industry that still maintains its leadership in Europe. The region also hosts important research institutes dedicated to microalgae research and oceanography.

The European Phycological Congress series began in Cologne, Germany in 1996 and has since continued the tradition of bringing together phycologists from around the world every four years. Its main objective is to provide a forum for discussion of the latest scientific, technological and societal developments in phycological research. EPC8 includes plenary presentations, a series of symposia grouped into 6 themes, contributed papers and posters covering a wide range of topics such as algal diversity, ecology, genomics, cell biology, applied phycology and societal perception of algae. To encourage cross-community connections, each symposium will address micro- and macroalgae from marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems whenever possible. We look forward to welcoming you to Brest in August 2023 for EPC8!

On behalf of the organizing committees, Solène Connan and Philippe Potin

Detailed scientific program : here

or available to download: here

Plenary speakers:

Karin Rengefors

Aquatic Ecology Department of Biology Lund University, Sweden

Christophe Destombe

Evolutionary Biology and Ecology of Algae
International research laboratory IRL3614
Station Biologique de Roscoff
Sorbonne University, France


Angela Falciatore

Chloroplast biology and light perception in microalgae
Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology
UMR7141 CNRS-Sorbonne University
Paris, France

Thomas Wernberg

UWA Oceans Institute & School of Biological Sciences, Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre M470, The University of Western Australia

Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, His, Norway

6 sessions



Biodiversity studies comprise a range of approaches, including population genetics, biogeography, species detection and identification, and inference of evolutionary processes shaping this diversity. In recent years -omics technologies such as meta-barcoding and whole genome sequencing have revolutionised biodiversity- and ecological research, enabling the testing of hypotheses, unthinkable as little as a decade ago.

Taxonomy and Systematics are as actual as ever. New technologies to study biodiversity have accelerated the pace at which algal species new to science are discovered and described. DNA metabarcoding has revealed how diverse various algal lineages really are. Novel imaging technologies reveal all these new species in exquisite detail, and DNA barcoding aids their identification as well as distinguishing them from one another. Not surprisingly, the various technologies are now incorporated in our modern taxonomic toolbox, and results obtained are integral components of modern species descriptions. Incorporation of novel approaches in taxonomy creates challenges as well. For instance, species descriptions based on DNA barcode sequences and ultrastructural details are at odds with early species descriptions based solely on features observable with the unaided eye and low magnification light microscopy, though sequencing tiny pieces of macroalgal type specimens is nowadays common practice to resolve taxonomic issues. In general, classical and modern technologies generate a wealth of information by means of which diversity can be captured into biologically meaningful species. Contributions are invited showing how studies combining various methods contribute to the exploration and description of diversity in algae, and to the identification, characterization and delineation of species and populations.


  • Maxim Kulikovskiy : Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
  • Fabio RindiDipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy

Keynote speakers:

  • Patrick Kociolek : Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
  • Frederik Leliaert : Herbarium and Library Department, Botanic Garden Meise, Meise, Belgium

Novel methodologies, such as high-throughput sequencing metabarcoding, are revolutionising biodiversity studies. Metabarcode data can reveal the biodiversity and composition of algal communities at different spatio-temporal scales than was feasible before. Such data can reveal intraspecific population genetic differentiation and uncover hidden biodiversity. Reference datasets needed to identify metabarcode haplotypes are now rapidly being populated. Yet, algorithms to translate metabarcode reads into biologically meaningful species are still under development. Contributions are invited on developments in uncovering species diversity, population structure, and biogeographic and seasonal patterning, with both classical and high-throughput methods. Topics can also include inferring distribution patterns, and tracking and modelling those patterns in space and time.


  • Uwe John : Ecological chemistry department, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
  • Sophie Steinhagen : University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences, Strömstad, Sweden

Keynote speakers:

  • Klara WolfInstitute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Science, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
  • Petra Nowak : Aquatic Ecology, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany

Models and theories of evolutionary processes are increasingly applied in phycology. Genomes of many species are becoming available, enabling inference of evolutionary histories based on entire genomes instead of a few markers. Such results shed light on major transitions, acquisitions of new traits, and other innovations in the evolutionary history of lineages. Well-resolved phylogenies in combination with morphological, physiological or ecological data help to answer evolutionary questions related to diversification and the evolution of phenotypes. Evolution is also working in the here and now. Comparison of genomes among individuals from the same or different population may uncover adaptation in progress. Contributions are invited that combine genomics- and other resources with advances in technologies to explore evolutionary histories, as well as experimental designs to test hypotheses on evolution in action. We also welcome contributions about the deep evolutionary history of the major algal phyla and on how and when they came into being.


Keynote speakers:

  • Bojian Zhong : College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, China
  • Elias Marek : Department of Biology and Ecology, University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic

(C) Erwan AMICE | CNRS



Next to the abiotic environment, the intimate biota of algae affect algal growth, development, and sexual reproduction, and these do so in often surprising ways. Such interactions can now be studied in all their intricate detail through incorporation of metabolome, transcriptome and genome analyses and epigenetics assessments, even of single cells. Ultrastructure and composition of algal cells feature prominently in these studies as well.

Many micro- and macroalgae engage in tightly knit relationships with other species, including other eukaryotes, bacteria and viruses. Relationships can be symbiotic, mutualistic or plain parasitic. In many symbiotic relationships the partners affect each other’s shape and physiology/metabolism to such an extent that they seem to have developed into lifeforms of their own. Some algae even cannot grow and develop without their microbiome. Parasites and viruses are able to control phytoplankton blooms. Many red algae show intricate relationships with aldepho-parasites. Contributions can include -but are not restricted to- diversity assessments of such relationships, functional studies on interactions, and conceptual advances into, for instance, how such interactions are established, maintained and disrupted, how they evolve together, and how their genomes, transcriptomes and metabolomes adapt to enduring relationships. This symposium also invites contributions to the evolving field of algal holobiome research and its impact on the functioning of species.


  • Johan Decelle : CNRS Laboratoire Physiologie Cellulaire & Végétale , CEA-Grenoble, France
  • Aschwin H. Engelen : Biogeographical Ecology and Evolution, UAlg, Faro, Portugal

Keynote speakers:

  • Suhelen Egan : School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UNSW Sydney, Australia
  • Shady A. Amin : Department of Biology, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE

Algae show a fascinating diversity of life cycles, often associated with morphologically and functionally distinct haploid and diploid stages. Transitions between these stages can be triggered by environmental factors, including the microbiome, as well as by endogenous and external drivers. For many algal lineages, the genes governing these processes and the ways they operate are still largely unknown. At present, analytical approaches combining genome data, data from transcriptomics, single cell-omics, epigenetics and proteomics, provide new perspectives of studying the regulation of sexual reproduction and transition between life cycle stages in algae. In addition, epigenetics is an emerging topic that may help towards a better understanding of rapid adaptation of the phenology within and across life cycle stages in a changing environment. Contributions to this symposium are invited about -but not restricted to- the various types of life cycles, their morphological and/or physiological differentiation between life cycle stages, conditions that trigger or thwart reproduction, the genomic machinery behind reproduction and the evolutionary history of the complexity of life cycles in algae. In addition, we invite contributions from studies highlighting how alternate generations may transfer information from one stage to the next, e.g. via epigenetics or via general cross-generational effects.


  • Mariella FerranteStazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy
  • Agnieszka P. Lipinska : Department of Algal Development and Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen, Germany

Keynote speakers:

  • Kenny Bogaert : Phycology Research Group, UGent, Ghent, Belgium
  • Gust BilckeComparative Network Biology Group, UGent, Ghent, Belgium

Algae are a diverse assemblage of organisms that belong to several phylogenetically independent lineages. Algae are adapted to many different habitats, have different trophic levels, and exhibit variation in Bauplan ranging from tiny unicells to unicellular syncytia and complex multicellular organisms composed of different cell types. Unsurprisingly, internal cell structure is similarly diverse and various unique traits of taxonomic significance have been described. Contributions are invited that focus on describing the structures of algal cells and their subcellular compartments, their biochemical composition and function, and the way these features are inherited or re-assembled in the next generation of cells. Contributions on the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of cell structures are also welcome, as are contributions of advanced microscopy techniques unveiling ultrastructural details.


  • Zoë A. Popper : Botany and The Ryan Institute, School of Natural Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
  • Nils Kröger : B CUBE, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Keynote speakers:

  • Klaus Herburger : Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Rostock, Germany
  • Assaf Gal : Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Algal model species are often the first on which novel technologies developed outside the phycological community are applied before they find their way into the mainstream of phycology. Novel genomics applications now enable the study of their complexity and functioning in exquisite detail, including their internal circadian clocks, their responses to external signals, or their interactions with other microorganisms. Sophisticated DNA-editing tools are now available to assess, for instance, gene functioning. In addition, genomics has miniaturised, as it is now possible to obtain transcriptome snapshots of single cells in action, which enables the study of processes in exquisite detail and in rapid succession. Contributions are invited on the various approaches used to elucidate the genomic complexity of model algae, to tackle fundamental questions about how cells and algal thalli function, how they regulate their metabolic activities and how they respond to environmental and endogenous triggers. Contributions on new algal models are welcome as well, especially if these models allow testing hypotheses that cannot be tackled with existing models.


  • Maria Mittag : Matthias Schleiden Institute of Genetics, Bioinformatics and Molecular Botany, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
  • Claire Gachon : UMR 7245 – Molécules de Communication et Adaptation des Micro-organismes – Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France

Keynote speakers:

  • Sigrid Neuhauser : Institute of Microbiology, Innsbruck, Austria
  • Thomas Mock : School of Environmental Sciences, Uni. East Anglia, Norwich, UK

(C) Cécile KLEIN | UBO



Algal photosynthesis and respiration, together with exudation, uptake and sequestration of organic matter, represent key-physiological and ecological processes in the global carbon cycle, both in freshwater and marine systems. These processes are species-specific and influenced by complex interactions with environmental factors. Advances in our knowledge in micro- and macroalgae alike, will foster our understanding of the key-roles these organisms play in countering global change.

This symposium addresses the mechanisms of photosynthesis, including photo-biology and carbon fixation as well as carbon-storage and respiration. Novel technologies, in situ and ex situ methodologies and modelling approaches open up new ways of investigating and quantifying how algae fix, store and respire carbon. Advances in our understanding of these fundamental processes can be expected not only to improve our understanding of algal ecology and net ecosystem productivity, but also lead to practical improvements in the mass cultivation of algae for commercial purposes. Contributions are invited on all aspects of photosynthesis, improved in situ and ex situ measuring techniques, the physiological and molecular mechanisms of photosynthesis, its environmental controls, the relationship between photosynthetic oxygen production and carbon fixation and how this may relate to the carbon cycle (see below) or biotechnological advances. Since ocean acidification affects these processes, contributions in this topic are welcome as well.


  • Concepción Iñiguez Moreno : Department of Ecology, University of Málaga, Spain
  • Giovanni Finazzi : Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble (IRIG), CEA Grenoble, France

Keynote speakers:

  • Benjamin Bailleul : Laboratory of Chloroplast Biology and Light Sensing in Microalgae, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, France
  • Yusuke Mastuda : Department of Bioscience, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan

Primary production fuels the biosphere and drives the global carbon cycle. There is increasing evidence that not only phytoplankton but also vegetated ecosystems contribute considerably to fixation and long-term sequestration of carbon. Yet, there are still massive knowledge gaps, in particular for macroalgal forest. It is also unclear how global change will alter the functioning of these ecosystems, including their ability to sequester carbon. Contributions are invited to all aspects of the marine carbon cycle, addressing the fate of algal primary production and its contribution to the carbon cycle. This includes production and fate of detritus and dissolved organic carbon from macroalgae. Contributions on changes in the capacity of various algal communities to fix and sequester carbon under various climate change scenarios are also welcome.


  • Karen Filbee-Dexter : Department of Biological Sciences, University of Western Australia | Institute for Marine Research, Norway
  • Sebastian D. Rokitta : Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany

Keynote speakers:

  • Mar Fernandez-Mendez : Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
  • Albert Pessarrodona : Oceans Institute and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia




Considerable research focuses on the resilience of algae-dominated ecosystems to global change and on tipping points beyond which sudden, radical changes in species composition occur. Ecosystems in polar regions are particularly affected as global change is most pronounced there, and retreat to higher latitudes is not an option. Omics technologies enable unprecedented insights into the functioning of entire communities and into their resilience limits.

The functioning of algae in their ecosystems depends amongst others on their autecology, their biochemical bouquet such as their toxins or deterring substances and their interactions with other organisms living with them or grazing on them. And all of this is affected by external primary and secondary abiotic drivers. Insights in the complexity of interactions and functionalities in algal communities and their resilience to environmental change are key to our ability to predict how ecosystems will fare in the face of global change and help towards designing best ecosystem management practices towards mitigation of its effects. The increasing ability to refer functional differences to genotypes and metabolic functionalities also enhances our understanding of ecotypic and phenotypic diversity. Contributions of all aspects of algal ecology are invited to better reveal the ability of algal ecosystems to cope with their biotic and abiotic environment, including studies exploring the interactions among species, for instance, by means of uni- and multifactorial experimental designs. Results of studies elucidating the relations between functional, metabolic and genetic diversity and population resilience to environmental change are also particularly welcome.


  • Florian Weinberger : Marine Ecology Division, GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany
  • Petra Visser : Dept. Freshwater and Marine Ecology, IBED, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Keynote speakers:

  • Marine Vallet : Group Phytoplankton Community Interactions, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany
  • Dedmer Van de Waal : Department of Aquatic Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), Wageningen, The Netherlands

Climate change affects the distribution ranges and abundances of algae in both pelagic and benthic systems. This may cause intense micro- and macroalgal blooms or invasion of alien or migratory species, both of which will shape ecosystems. Locally and also over wide geographic ranges the abundances, phenology, and zonation patterns of algae are changing. Changes not only affect the local algal diversity but also alter the functioning of the ecosystems of which they are an integral part. Contributions to this symposium can include studies on biodiversity, life cycles and phenology, bloom forming and invasive species, their ecology, ecophysiology, and omics whose results help assess how environmental changes affect distribution patterns of species and entire communities and how species or communities cope with the changes. Studies on changes in the distribution ranges of canopy formers and other keystone species including bloom-forming species are especially welcome and so are contributions on conservation and restoration of local populations as well as the improvement of their resilience to change.


  • Gareth A. Pearson : Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR), Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal
  • Anke Kremp : Biological Oceanography, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende, Rostock, Germany

Keynote speakers:

  • Anita Narwani : Department of Aquatic Ecology, Eawag, Duebendorf, Switzerland
  • Ester A. Serrão : Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR), Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal

The Arctic and Antarctic regions are challenging environments for algae, given low to no light during winter and almost continuous light in high summer under low temperatures. Nowadays however, the polar regions are the ones warming up the fastest. As a result, algal diversity, primary productivity and distribution patterns experience unprecedented changes. Especially coastal and fjord systems are affected by increasing melt-water discharge, resulting in increased salinity drops and sedimentation rates. In addition, they face an extension of the open-water period and a release from light limitation. Many algae in polar habitats are adapted to low temperatures and polar conditions in general, but these adaptations are now potentially becoming a liability in the face of unprecedented environmental change and immigrating temperate species. Contributions are invited on all aspects highlighting the changing conditions in which polar algae find themselves and their ability to cope with these changes on land, in the sea-ice, along the coasts and in the open water, their resilience and/or adaptability to change, and their competitive abilities against temperate immigrants.


  • Linda Nedbalová : Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Johann Lavaud : LEMAR, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Plouzané, France

Keynote speakers:

Metagenomics, meta-transcriptomics and metabarcoding provide exquisitely detailed insights in the composition of entire communities and in the communal activities and interactions of its members. Reference genomes and transcriptomes are now produced at an ever-increasing pace, which help translating the masses of reads produced by High Throughput Sequencing techniques of environmental DNA or mRNA into biocomplexity and bioactivity of entire communities. In order to make that translation meaningful many challenges have to be overcome. Contributions are invited on meta-omics studies to assess the composition and complexity of whole communities in which algae are key players and their interaction with the environment. Particularly welcome are contributions on innovative ways to study these types of data in order to advance knowledge of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.


  • Flora J. Vincent : Developmental Biology Unit, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Bente Edvardsen : Section for Aquatic Biology and Toxicology, University of Oslo, Norway

Keynote speakers:

  • Simon Dittami : CNRS/Sorbonne Université, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France
  • Chana Kranzler : The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

(C) Erwan AMICE | CNRS



Algae are a treasure trove of bioactive molecules for BlueTech applications. The first step in these applications is the choice of organisms or even consortia of organisms, either from natural populations or provided by algal culture collections. A rapidly increasing number of companies use algae or algal compounds in various sectors, but scaling up of algal cultures towards cost-effective production are often challenging.

Algal culture collections play a fundamental role in research, technological development and industrial innovation. They are repositories of myriads of research strains, they refine protocols for the maintenance of an ever-wider range of species, even the most recalcitrant ones, they develop cryo-preservation methodologies to ensure long-term genetic identity of strains, and in public-private partnerships work on the scaling up of algal cultures. Culture collections even can develop a role as pan-European or pan-WORLD repositories for gene pools of species on the brink of extinction or of aquaculture species. Contributions are welcome on the maintenance of recalcitrant species, on new lineages on symbionts, on whole microbiomes, as well as on the generation and maintenance of axenic strains important for genomics applications. In addition, contributions are solicited on the cryopreservation or alternatives for the long-term preservation of strains.


  • Filip Pniewski : Gdańsk University, Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, Culture Collection of Baltic Algae, Gdynia, Poland
  • Peter Chaerle : Ghent University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Protistology and Aquatic Ecology, BCCM/Diatoms Collection Gent, Belgium

Keynote speakers:

  • Annick Wilmotte : BCCM/ULC Cyanobacteria Collection, InBios, Department of Life Sciences, University of Liège, Belgium
  • Ian Probert : Station Biologique de Roscoff, Centre de recherche et d’enseignement en biologie et écologie marines FR2424, Roscoff, France

Algae are a rich source of bioactive substances and other valuable compounds and materials. These compounds have a variety of functions ranging from stress protection, signalling, defence against antagonists, and nutrient capture, amongst others. At the same time, the functions of many algal compounds remain unelucidated. Many of these compounds are complex molecules, difficult to produce in any other way than by the algae. Many algal products nowadays find their way into pharmaceutical or cosmeceutical industries. However, the road from the discovery of valuable algal substances to their commercial applications is long, and only a very few make it all the way into commercial products. Contributions are invited on the finding of novel bioactive compounds and substances, especially in underexplored algal lineages, compounds extraction, identification and characterization regarding their bioactivity, with a focus on approaches to their production using algal biotechnology.


  • Abdelfatah Abomohra : Aquatic Ecophysiology and Phycology, Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology, University of Hamburg, Germany
  • Alexei Solovchenko : Bioengineering Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Keynote speakers:

  • Dieter Hanelt : Department of Biology, Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology, Hamburg University, Germany
  • Inna Khozin-Goldberg : Microalgal Biotechnology Laboratory, French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology, J. Blaunstein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

This symposium focuses on novel directions of Blue Biotech applications in algae. Industrial-scale production processes often rely on wild type strains producing substances of interest in amounts required in their environmental context. Yet, advances in genomics methodologies and selective breeding applied to improve production can greatly increase the cost-effectiveness of production processes. Contributions may include systems and methodologies to optimise and scale up production of compounds of interest, or make the production processes more efficient. Contributions are invited on the exploration of production pathways as well as the optimisation of those pathways and the scaling up of production. Also invited are contributions from synthetic biology: redesigning organisms by engineering them to have new abilities or make new products for medicine, manufacturing, and agriculture.


  • Maria do Rosario Domingues : Lipidomics Laboratory, Mass Spectrometry Center, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  • Joanna Kargul : Solar Fuels Laboratory, Centre For New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland

Keynote speakers:

  • Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne : Molecular Plant Biology Unit, Department of Life Technologies, University of Turku, Finland
  • Hugo Pereira : GreenCoLab – Associação Oceano Verde, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal

Early-career scientists and students in phycology often perceive career possibilities in phycological research as limited, seeing their scientific supervisors as role models of careers in academia. However, there are many opportunities for rewarding careers in (collaboration with) the private sector. Algae have found their way in many industrial production processes, and in large-scale aquaculture. And where algae are used, researchers are in demand to trouble-shoot, optimise and innovate. Yet, despite the many opportunities there are issues that sit in the way of such partnerships. Contributions are welcome from public-private partnership research projects and their aims, from researchers working in partnership with companies, or working in companies. The emphasis is not on scientific methodologies or results, but on experiences with working in the private sector. What are companies’ expectations from scientists working with them or for them? What about setting up your own start-up or spin-out company? What is needed to translate smart ideas into marketable products.


  • Annette Bruhn : Department of Ecoscience, Centre for Circular Bioeconomy, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Stefan Kraan : The Seaweed Company, Ireland

Keynote speakers:

  • Monique T. Mulder : Laboratory of Vascular Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  • Esben Rimi Christiansen : Pure Algae, Grenaa, Denmark

(C) Interreg NWE ALG-AD



Interest in algae is growing among many stakeholders including the general public. Algae are increasingly perceived as healthy and pretty, but blooms of potentially harmful species affect ecological health and human wellbeing. Monitoring the diversity and changes in the composition of algal systems provides indispensable data for local governance to make informed policy choices. Scientists and teachers need to play their part in increasing public awareness about how algae help to address burning societal needs.

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the sudden death of our colleague Erwan Ar Gall, the convenor of mini-symposium 20. To pursue his enthusiastic investment in the preparation of a successful EPC8, Elvira Ramos Manzanos has kindly accepted to work with Sotiris Orfanidis to serve as a co-convenor.

The public at large shows an increasing interest in algae. Algae are nowadays seen as something positive, healthy, valuable, useful and at times, beautiful, rather than yuck to be scrubbed away with a wholesome dose of household bleach. The reasons for this change of minds are manifold. Algae or their derivatives are found in an ever-expanding range of products, from cosmeceuticals and medicines to food and feed. Because of that, algae contribute to employment, economic development and human prosperity, especially in developing societies or regions. Algae are often stunningly beautiful, providing inspiration for artists. Many citizen scientists are experts in algal taxonomy, contributing to the advancement of knowledge on algal biodiversity and distribution. However, this positive image is easily destroyed by algae featuring negatively in the news, for instance ‘killer algae,’ and ‘harmful algal blooms;’ never mind that such blooms usually result from human-induced ecosystemic imbalances. Phycologists need to translate scientific knowledge about algae effectively to the general public and transfer that knowledge into practical applications. They need to engage with local communities to foster the usage of algae, thereby generating employment and increasing wellbeing and prosperity. Transfer of this knowledge of algae, requires having a combination of various disciplines developing an inter- and transdisciplinary research environment with strategies for societal practices. They need to inform policy makers about the crucial ecosystem services algae provide, to enable them to address environmental challenges associated with algae and their ecosystems. Literacy needs to be disseminated using the rapidly developing e-means available but avoiding the pitfalls of such communication. Contributions are invited on dissemination and outreach projects to the general public, on ecosystem service of algae, adaptive co-management and research on how algae can buffer the impact of climate change on local livelihoods; exercises engaging citizens with the spreading of knowledge and/or participating in topical research are welcome.


  • Nils Ekelund : Dept. Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Society, Faculty of Education and Society, Malmö University, Sweden
  • Johanna Weggelaar : Algae Platform, Atelier Luma / Luma Arles, France

Keynote speakers:

  • Fredrik Gröndahl : Dept. Sustainable development environmental science and engineering (SEED), School of Architecture and the built environment (ABE), Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Alix Levain : UMR 6308 AMURE, CNRS, Plouzané, France

Many of us have teaching commitments and are involved in teaching students, training PhD students, and coaching early career postdocs. Teaching is also an essential part of our professional career because it guarantees that future colleagues take over the baton. Students should learn about career pathways, both in academia and in industry and business (biotechnology, farming, new products, etc.). New technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic have shaken up models and modes of teaching. Contributions are invited on sharing experiences and innovative ways of teaching and training all aspects of algae to a range of target groups, including their practical applications. Furthermore, we invite contributions that exemplify pathways from academia to business and the challenges involved between idea and their realisation.


  • Cecilia Maria Totti : Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy
  • Conxi Rodríguez-Prieto : Faculty of Science, University of Girona, Spain

Keynote speakers:

  • Suzanne Fredericq : Department of Biology, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, USA
  • Morgan Vis : Department of Environmental and Plant Biology, Ohio University, Athens, USA

Eutrophication, pollution, coastal obstructions, river regulation, global warming, and other human-induced pressures on our fresh, transitional, and coastal waters, alone or in combination, have caused tremendous impact on water resources and the associated algal ecosystems. These systems are, in addition, threatened by unsustainable harvest or aquaculture. In many European Directives, such as the WFD or MSFD, algae are used as quality elements or indicators for water quality and ecological status; many management strategies are based on algal biodiversity and their abundances. In addition, in recent years, new conservation strategies have been developed to counteract, e.g., the decline of seaweed forests or the freshwater riverine systems degradation. Contributions are invited on any aspect of water management and conservation which are centred around algae and especially new conservation strategies to mitigate the loss of biodiversity, keystone species or habitats are of interest. Information on practical applicability and up-scaling strategies are needed and concepts for sustainable aquaculture enabling to keep good water quality and preserve biodiversity are welcome.


  • Elvira Ramos Manzanos : IHCantabria – Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
  • Sotiris Orfanidis : Fisheries Research Institute (ELGO-DIMITRA), Kavala, Greece

Keynote speakers:

  • Elvira Ramos Manzanos : IHCantabria – Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
  • Matina Katsiapi : EYATH SA, Water Supply Division-Drinking Water Treatment Facility, Thessaloniki, Grèce | School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece



5 workshops

Some workshops all running on half day (up to 4h) will be proposed on the Wednesday 23rd August 2023. Information on these workshops are presented below with contact details of the workshop organisers. Feel free to contact directly the workshops organisers if you need more information.

It is estimated that only 50% of the world’s seaweed biodiversity has been discovered or described, yet being able to identify species, place them taxonomically and understand their phylogeny is fundamental to many other branches of science. Having something seemingly simple as a check-list for a region or country is the foundation for determining distributions, environmental monitoring, marine management and conservation, connectivity, searching for new cultivars for aquaculture, understanding chemistry and ecology, defining seaweed communities and habitats, cultural and societal aspects, citizen science and much more.

This workshop will focus on addressing fundamental gaps in seaweed biodiversity knowledge. It will bring together members of the global taxonomic and related community to build on ‘Towards a global strategy to address fundamental gaps in seaweed taxonomic knowledge’ which was held at the 24th International Seaweed Symposium (Tasmania, Feb 2023). This first workshop involved identifying seaweed groups that were in particular need of a global effort to develop robust phylogenies. Topics included resolving names, sequencing types, molecular approaches, commercial names, long term legacy and related aspects. The aim of this second workshop is to work on the logistics of this project.

There will be at least one presentation on the project and a second covering types etc. Preparation will take place before the project to organise work package topics and other activities.

Workshop organisers:

Prof. Juliet Brodie, Natural History Museum, London, j.brodie@nhm.ac.uk
Dr Rob Mrowicki, Natural History Museum, London, r.mrowicki@nhm.ac.uk

Microphytobenthos is an essential component of the coastal and estuarine ecosystems functioning, especially under temperate latitudes. It is a major component of the primary production and as such supports local and regional economics (such as oyster culturing and fisheries) and many ecosystem services (see this Frontiers Research topic). The workshop will be dedicated to the biology, physiology and ecology of microphytobenthos, a community of several microalgal groups inhabiting coastal and estuarine intertidal and shallow subtidal sediments. The goal of the workshop is to gather scientists working on microphytobenthos for drawing a current picture of the research in Europe and beyond, through short talks presenting new data and projects. The aim is also to discuss future tracks of research and to gather potential partners for future projects, especially at the European level.

The workshop will be held over half a day (morning of Wednesday 2023/08/23) at the Brest Arena (site of the EPC8). The first part will be dedicated to talks from two experts in the field, followed by about 8 talks by young scientists (Ph.D. students and post-docs) illustrating the diversity of current research on microphytobenthos. The second part will be dedicated to a general discussion, especially focused on current and future challenges in microphytobenthos research.

Keynote lectures:

  • Graham Underwood, University of Essex (UK) ‘Biofilms from the bottom up, how species attributes influence microphytobenthic ecosystem functioning’.
  • David Paterson, Scottish Ocean Institute-St Andrews (UK) ‘Microphytobenthos response to multiple stressors’.

Workshop organisers:

Johann Lavaud, LEMAR Lab, UBO-University of Western Brittany-France
Vona Méléder, ISOMER Lab, Nantes University-France
Joao Serodio, CESAM Institute, Univesity of Aveiro-Portugal
Koen Sabbe, PEA Lab, University of Ghent-Belgium
Graham Underwood, School of Life Science, University of Essex-UK

Contact for info and talks: Johann Lavaud, johann.lavaud@univ-brest.fr

Since its first record on European coasts of Strait of Gibraltar in 2015, the brown Pacific seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae has rapidly widespread along southern coasts of Spain, exhibiting an aggressive invasive behavior on native communities. This new invader homogenizes seabottoms, drastically reducing biodiversity, and producing important economic impacts on fisheries and for local governments, derived from the huge amounts of biomass drifting in the sea and on the beaches. Geographical distribution models predicted other European coasts to be highly favorable for the settlement of the species, which has already been confirmed, with the recent invasion of R. okamurae on Mediterranean coasts of France (Marseille), Portugal (Azores and Madeira) and Canary Islands (Spain). The presence of the species in several European countries together with Northern Africa, becomes R. okamurae in a common threat to Mediterranean and Atlantic native biodiversity, which demands joint efforts for an efficient management to minimize its ecological and economic impacts and expansion.

This workshop aims to be the first call for cooperation and information exchange of researchers, managers, and stakeholders for a better management of this new invader at European level. The global situation of the species in the different invaded areas will be presented, including information on geographical distribution, evaluation of ecological and economic impacts on the affected countries, identification and management of introduction and dispersal vectors, invasibity of R. okamurae and invasibility of native communities, as well as potential management strategies at European level.

The structure of the workshop will consist in a first part including communications of researchers from the different invaded areas (Spain, Morocco, France and Portugal) and a round table to discuss common problems and explore research and management potential synergies among participants.

Workshop programme: download here

Workshop organiser:

María Altamirano, Universidad de Málaga, Spain, altamirano@uma.es

Diatoms are the most species-rich algal class with estimated ≥ 100,000 species. They contribute to 20% of global carbon fixation and oxygen production. However, with genomic information from only about 10 diatoms, our ability to harness their unique biology is very limited. Consequently, this project will sequence 100 diatom species for providing unique insights into their roles as key players for capturing carbon dioxide and as the foundation of diverse aquatic food webs. These insights will also be critical for advancing diatom-based biotechnology and synthetic biology platforms.

This workshop will give an overview about this project and discuss preliminary results. It will also address issues from diatom cultivation to sequence analysis. Informal setting with at least 2 talks and open discussion. Everyone is welcome to join and also to present. Length: up to 3 hours with a break.

Workshop organiser:

Thomas Mock, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, NR4 7TJ, UK, t.mock@uea.ac.uk

The issue of drifting Sargassum is of current interest. The organization of a workshop would allow the community working on these organisms to meet and exchange ideas. Fundamental research on the genus Sargassum which presents drifted species: biology, ecology, physiology,… Applied research on the genus Sargassum which presents drifted species: valorization of huge biomasses (in several sectors), predictions of beachings,…
The idea is an exchange of experiences (from anywhere on the planet) about the study of drifting Sargassum. Actually, the Caribbean area presents huge quantity of holopelagic Sargassum that float throughout their life cycle at the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. Nevertheless, many regions of the world have to deal with Sargassum drift (part of their life cycle). It would be interesting if a sharing of knowledge, skills and know-how could take place during these round tables. It remains to be seen whether, at the end of these two round tables, we could come to the conclusion that certain actors could respond to joint calls for projects?

The workshop will take place in the form of two round tables (duration: 1h30 each):
(1) one on the knowledge/results of fundamental research on the biology of drifting Sargassum
(2) a second on the knowledge/results on the valorisation of drifting Sargassum

A short presentation will be given at the beginning of each round table and then each round table will be moderated by a facilitator and each participant will be able to present their knowledge/results during each round table. Everyone is welcome to join!

Workshop organiser:

Valérie Stiger-Pouvreau, LEMAR-IUEM-UBO, valerie.stiger@univ-brest.fr

Scientific Committee chaired by

Local organising committee

IUEM, SBR and Ifremer


Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany


Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, National Institute of Marine Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology, Italy

Chairs of the committee : Philippe Potin & Solène Connan

Members of the committee : Azzedine Badis | Yacine Badis | Eva Bucciarelli | Thomas Burel | Jonas Collen | Mark Cock | Emeline Creis | Eric Deslandes | Christophe Destombe | Simon Dittami | Laure Guillou | Bertrand Jacquemin | Cécile Klein | Martial Laurans | Johann Lavaud | Catherine Leblanc | Marc Long | Gabriel Markov | Sylvain Petek | Ian Probert | Andrés Ritter | Philippe Soudant | Nathalie Simon | Valérie Stiger-Pouvreau | Jill Sutton | Myriam Valéro

Scientific Committee chaired by


Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany


Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, National Institute of Marine Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology, Italy

Local organising committee

IUEM, SBR and Ifremer

Heads of the comity : Philippe Potin & Solène Connan

Members of the comity : Erwan Ar Gall | Yacine Badis | Eva Bucciarelli | Jonas Collen | Mark Cock | Eric Deslandes | Christophe Destombe | Simon Dittami | Jacques Grall | Laure Guillou | Helene Hegaret | Claire Hellio | Cécile Klein | Martial Laurans | Johann Lavaud | Catherine Leblanc | Aude Leynaert | Gabriel Markov | Sylvain Petek | Philippe Pondaven | Ian Probert | Philippe Soudant | Nathalie Simon | Valérie Stiger-Pouvreau | Jill Sutton | Myriam Valéro


Come and enjoy western Brittany

The 8th European Phycological Congress will be held in Brittany (France) in Brest from August 20th to 26th 2023 at Brest-Arena, a sports and cultural center. This structure located at 10 min from the city center of Brest by tramway offers a plenary room allowing to welcome 700 persons as well as 3 other rooms of 200 places and the spaces of restoration and exhibition. Brest is a metropolis of 400,000 inhabitants, a tourist area as well as a living area. Many hotels ranging from 1 to 4 stars are located in Brest with prices ranging from 50 € to 150 € per night. Rooms for students are also available in the center of Brest, 10 minutes by tramway from Brest Arena. The city and its surroundings have many attractive facilities and points of interest, such as Océanopolis, the Ateliers des Capucins linked to the city center by the first urban cable car in France, and National Botanical Conservatory of Brest. The city was recently classified as a “City of Art and History”. Innovative and open to the world, Brest is distinguished from other French cities by its links with the marine environment, as well as its cutting-edge marine science and technology sector. In fact, it was from the port of Brest that great explorers set out to discover new worlds: La Pérouse, Kerguelen, Bougainville… Brest has a TGV train station in the city center and an international airport close to the city center, with a shuttle and tramway service. Brest Bretagne international airport offers some international flights and a large choice of flights via Paris (Orly or Charles de Gaulle).

  • © Martin Viezzer

  • © Mathieu Le Gall

  • ©Jean-Yves Guillaume

  • Frédéric Le Mouillour/Brest métropole océane

  • (C) Sébastien HERVE

Call for contributions

Each of the 6 themes includes between 2 and 4 symposia composed of invited lectures, a (limited) set of oral presentations (selected from the abstracts) and a poster session. The scientific committee of this event invites participants to submit an abstract to one of the symposia presented above. The preference for oral / poster and the choice of thematic session are options indicated on the abstract submission form.

Details on abstract submission will be available soon. Abstract submission is possible until April 23rd, 2023. Submissions will be evaluated by the scientific committee and you will be informed at the end of May 2023 if your abstract has been accepted or not and in which form (oral or poster).

Important dates

Registration and Abstract submission open : 15th November 2022
New date!! Early Bird Registration close : 31st March 2023
New date!! Abstract submission close : 23rd April 2023
Information on the abstract selection : May 2023
Start of the Congress : 20th August 2023


To participate, you will find here the procedure to submit your abstract (Deadline for submission: March 31, 2023) and to register to EPC8 as well as practical information.
Abstracts will be selected by the international scientific committee. Your registration will be official upon receipt of the registration fees.
The conference fees cover the conference registration, food, coffee breaks and transport from the airport or train station as well as daily transport to the conference venue.

Early bird registration (November 2022 – March 2023) :

[1] FEPS Member = 400 €

[2] Non-FEPS Member = 480 €

[3] MSc & PhD Student or unemployed = 250 €

[4] Accompanying person = 150 €

[5] Mid-Congress Excursion = 50/80 €

Late registration (April 2023 – July 2023) :

[1] FEPS Member = 530 €

[2] Non-FEPS Member = 600 €

[3] MSc & PhD Student or unemployed =380 €

[4] Accompanying person = 200 €

[5] Mid-congress Excursion = 60/100 €

Registration end : 1st August 2023

Info Covid

Considering the evolution of the health situation, we maintain our will to hold this conference face-to-face in order to encourage exchanges between everyone: leading researchers, young researchers and future researchers such as students.

If necessary, a complete vaccination scheme will be required to participate in the conference. The conference organizers will propose antigenic self-tests during the conference. The conferences, poster exhibition, workshops, catering and coffee breaks will take place under conditions that comply with health regulations.

However, if the situation deteriorates, a bi-modal format will not be considered and you will be informed. The event will then be cancelled.

Registration fees will be refundable based on the Covid environment at the time of the conference in August 2023.

For more information, please email: epc8@sciencesconf.org

Mer et journalisme-2022

Participation en présentiel et en distanciel

Pour répondre aux besoins de formation exprimés depuis de nombreuses années par les journalistes sur les sciences et technologies marines, l’École Universitaire de Recherche ISblue propose une école d’été de 2 jours à Brest, au sein de l’Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM). Cette formation destinée aux journalistes francophones des différents médias apporte un éclairage sur le thème général :

« Océans et climats »

L’école d’été Mer et Journalisme est coordonnée par Paul Tréguer et Pauline Letortu.

Pour vous inscrire c’est ici

Date limite d’inscription : le 20 août 2022

Une formation animée par :


Stéphane de Vendeuvre

Journaliste, Club de la Presse de Bretagne

Stefan LALONDE (CNRS, Geo-Ocean, IUEM)

Martial CAROFF (CNRS, Geo-Ocean, IUEM)

Jérémie BOURDOULOUS (projet Geopark Armorique)

Noémie COURANT (projet Geopark Armorique)



Franck LECOCQ (AgroParisTech, CIRED)



Stéphane BLAIN (Sorbonne Univ.)





Conférence introductive

Stefan LALONDE (CNRS, Geo-Ocean)

Et si nous remontions dans le temps ?

L’influence anthropogénique sur les teneurs atmosphériques en dioxyde de carbone, et par conséquent, le climat, emmène l’humanité vers un futur mal connu. Par contre, les archives sédimentaires enregistrent des millions années, voire des milliards d’années, d’un fonctionnement du cycle du carbone et des conditions climatiques bien différentes d’aujourd’hui. Dans cette présentation, nous allons réviser le fonctionnement du cycle du carbone et les traces des climats du passé préservé dans les archives sédimentaires, avec un regard particulier sur les perturbations extrêmes comme celle que nous vivons aujourd’hui.

Conférences thématiques

Franck LECOCQ | AgroParisTech, CIRED, co-auteur des ouvrages récents du GIEC

Atténuation du changement climatique

Cette conférence interactive présentera les principaux résultats du 6ème rapport du groupe III du GIEC, paru le 4 avril 2022, sur les options de lutte contre le changement climatique.


Développement durable et nautisme

Le milieu du XXe siècle marque le début de la démocratisation du nautisme et parallèlement de nombreux ports de plaisance sont créés, souvent ex-nihilo, artificialisant ainsi les littoraux. Peu à peu ces ports sont devenus de véritables outils d’aménagement pour le développement des territoires et le nautisme une activité essentielle à l’économie littorale dans de nombreuses régions côtières. Mais aujourd’hui, les acteurs du nautisme doivent faire face à une multitude d’enjeux liés au vieillissement des plaisanciers, aux changements de pratiques, au développement d’un nautisme écoresponsable (éconavigation, enjeux énergétiques, recyclage des bateaux hors d’usage…). Cette conférence présentera les grands défis de la transition écologique du nautisme, et plus particulièrement de la plaisance, mais également les solutions mises en œuvre par les acteurs de la filière et les gestionnaires des espaces côtiers.

Stéphane BLAIN | Sorbonne Univ.

L’océan puits et source de CO2

L’océan est un puits de carbone qui absorbe environ un quart des émissions de carbone anthropique atténuant ainsi l’accumulation du CO2 dans l’atmosphère et ses conséquences sur le climat. Pourquoi n’en absorbe-t-il pas plus ou pas moins ? Quel va être le devenir de ce puits ? Le dernier rapport du GIEC montre clairement que l’objectif de 2°C à la fin du siècle ne sera pas atteint sans la capture d’une partie du CO2 que nous avons déjà émis. L’océan a-t-il un rôle à jouer dans ce contexte ? Au travers d’une réflexion simple sur les échelles de temps qui sont en jeu, l’objectif du séminaire est d’apporter quelques éléments de discussion sur ces questions.



Pourquoi les conclusions des rapports du GIEC ne passent que partiellement dans les COP ? Conséquences ?

Animateur : Franck LECOCQ  (AgroParisTech, CIRED)

Intervenants : Jean Jouzel (IPSL), Christophe Cassou (CNRS, CERFACS), et Anne-Marie Tréguier (CNRS, ISblue)

3 Ateliers interactifs

Scientifiques et journalistes: comment travailler ensemble (au bénéfice des citoyens) ?

L’atelier «Scientifiques et journalistes: comment travailler ensemble (au bénéfice des citoyens) ?» se propose d’aborder les différences entre les démarches journalistique et scientifique. Objectif : faire appel à l’expertise scientifique de façon plus pertinente, en s’appuyant sur l’expérience réussie du site The Conversation. Une boîte à outils sera proposée : Comment lire efficacement une publication scientifique sans être expert soi-même ? Comment qualifier/choisir les bonnes sources ? Comment travailler ses angles ?

Animateur : Olivier ABALLAIN  (École supérieure de journalisme de Lille)

Et si nous remontions le temps ?

À la suite de la conférence sur les variations climatiques au cours des ères géologiques, nous continuerons à scruter l’histoire du Globe terrestre. Après une courte introduction sur les Sciences de la Terre en général et le façonnement des paysages, un focus sera fait sur l’ancienne chaîne de montagnes hercynienne, datant d’environ 300 millions d’années, dont les reliefs fortement érodés forment l’ossature de nombreux massifs anciens, tel le Massif armoricain. Il y aura enfin une présentation du futur Geopark Armorique, en cours de labellisation UNESCO, dans un cadre d’échanges interactifs.

Pour appuyer le débat, plusieurs documents seront diffusés, dont des extraits du film documentaire de France TV réalisé par Michael Pitiot France: le fabuleux voyage et des courtes vidéos sur le Massif armoricain.

Animateur : Martial CAROFF  (UBO, Geo-Ocean)

Intervenants : Jérémie BOURDOULOUS (directeur du patrimoine naturel au Parc naturel régional d’Armorique (PNRA)) et Noémie COURANT (coordinatrice du Geopark Armorique au PNRA).

Comment les scientifiques étudient‐ils les interactions océan‐climat ?

Lors de la mission océanographique SWINGS (pour South West Indian Geotraces Section) Hélène Planquette, Catherine Jeandel et toute leur équipe ont mené une mission d’exploration et de mesures dans l’océan austral. A bord du Marion Dufresne, de janvier à mars 2021, 48 scientifiques spécialisés dans les domaines de la chimie, biologie, physique, climatologie ont collecté des milliers d’échantillons, de la surface jusqu’aux abysses, depuis l’île de la Réunion jusqu’aux îles subantarctiques Marion, Prince Edward, Crozet, Kerguelen, Mc Donald et Heard. Leur principal objectif est de comprendre comment cette région océanique participe à la soustraction de CO2 atmosphérique et plus spécifiquement, comment les différents éléments chimiques essentiels au développement de la vie y sont apportés, transformés et transportés par les courants.
Cet atelier sera spécialement consacré à la recherche effectuée sur le bateau : ses objectifs, ses outils, la solidarité et la démarche qui accompagnent cette expédition depuis sa conception jusqu’à l’exploitation des résultats. Pour sensibiliser ces recherches à un public plus large, les dispositifs de communication et médiation qui ont été mis en place (site web, articles, liens presse, lien avec scolaires, documentaire à bord…) pourront être aussi discutés lors de cet atelier. Les échanges seront ponctués par des extraits du documentaire tourné par Sibylle d’Orgeval.

Animatrice : Hélène PLANQUETTE  (CNRS, LEMAR)

Intervenants : Catherine Jeandel (CNRS, LEGOS), Fabien Pérault (CNRS, IPEV), Christophe Cassou (CNRS, CERFACS), Stéphane Blain (Sorbonne Univ.), François Réguerre (Genavir)

Frais d’inscription

En présentiel : 450 €

En distanciel : 350 €

Québec : via IFQM


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En savoir plus

Date limite d’inscription : 20 août 2022

Plus d’informations et inscriptions sur sciencesconf.org


Télécharger le programme PDF ici


Interactive conference on high seas

Rendez-vous in New-York” is a participative conference and a unique citizen’s encounter around a hot topic on the international scene: the governance of the high seas and the protection of its biodiversity.

BBNJ, What’s that?

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was first signed in 1982 in Montego Bay. It sets out the principles for the governance of the ocean. The high seas, i.e. the 64% of the world ocean surface that are located beyond the areas under the jurisdiction of coastal States (EEZ), were left to the principle of freedom and responsibility of each individual. Today, human activities, as well as climate change, are affecting the ecosystems of the high seas, calling for protective actions. For the first time in 1987, the General Assembly decided to open negotiations for the establishment of a treaty to complement the Montego Bay Convention in order to protect biodiversity on the high seas. This is known as the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) treaty. Opened in 1988, this negotiation should conclude with the adoption of a treaty during the next session to be held in New York from 7 to 18 March 2022. Between a minor treaty and an ambitious treaty, many topics are the subject of bitter debates. We will debate and you will vote!

Echoing the official discussions

In connection with the One Ocean Summit, an international summit dedicated to the preservation of the oceans that will be held in Brest from February 9 to 11, 2021, the conference will take place in the One Ocean Summit Pavilion organized by Océanopolis. The official program of the summit includes a workshop on ocean governance on Wednesday morning (from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm – available here), which will some ideas for the future participants! The summit Heads of State (February 11) will make commitments for a strengthened governance of the ocean.

An interactive one hour and a half experience

“Rendez-vous in New-York” is a one and a half hour mediation experience, to raise awareness and to open up to the issues of biodiversity protection in the deep and the high seas, as they are currently negotiated at the UN in the framework of BBNJ.

Between political speeches and advocacy, the experts of the subject will try to convince you of the merits of their position. What will be YOUR opinion?

A fun way to participate

Thanks to an original entertaining device, you will be able to express your opinion live on real international governance issues. The speakers will feed you with their knowledge, their experiences, their stories and their questions to allow you to explore the different scenarios of protection and exploitation of the ocean that will be submitted to the vote. A real-time display will allow you to see what the room thinks!

This convivial event will be followed by a cocktail open to all participants.


  • Date: Thursday, February 10 at 6:30 pm
  • Free event, on registration (limited number of places) and on presentation of the health pass
  • Organizers: University of Western Brittany, French Facility for Global Environment, French Office for Biodiversity, Océanopolis, Association Infusion
  • Contact us: team@ocean-univ.fr
  • Access: Océanopolis, Moulin Blanc marina, 29200 Brest