Sciences for all

The sea and coasts, subjects of IUEM research, are also key challenges for societies, through local-scale issues such as coastal zone management or global issues such as the role of the ocean in climate regulation. As a major player in marine sciences, IUEM has the ambitious project of facilitating science-society dialogue on these themes and with a more general perspective. The opening of the scientific world requires communication tools accessible to non-specialists: understanding science-society issues is first and foremost about understanding science. This is the purpose of the Science for All pages produced by the Communication and Graphism Department and by some research laboratories.

This space is intended to be one of the interfaces between IUEM scientific community and society. It is intended in particular for the general public, pupils and teachers, who will find information on science at IUEM, as well as more in-depth documentary or educational resources that are always accessible to non-specialists.

Our exhibitions

For a scientific event or an celebration, IUEM is required to carry out posters exhibitions on a theme related to its laboratories. These posters can be viewed and downloaded in a reduced format.

These exhibitions can be borrowed free of charge for scientific or cultural events from the Communication and Graphism office. Transport and insurance are the responsibility of the borrower.

Myctophidae, voyage en eau profonde

40 years of Amoco Cadiz

IUEM, to see 20 years old

Ocean & Climate connected in change

The echo of the depths: life under water revealed by acoustics

Discoverers, explorers, scientists, researchers

Chemistry to understand the sea

From one sea to another: the marine environment in the face of introduced and invasive species


Original and unique, Océanolab is a program devised by Océanopolis in conjunction with IUEM and the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO). It’s an innovative scientific culture project, leading to a close association between research and mediation, with the production and dissemination of live marine science and technology knowledge in a unique location.

Océanolab brings together scientists and the general public to work on marine ecology research projects in the context of climate change, pollution and the erosion of biodiversity.

At Océanolab, schoolchildren have the opportunity to meet the researchers, engineers and technicians involved in the scientific projects in residence at Océanopolis. In addition to making scientific research on the ocean accessible to as many people as possible, the aim is also to introduce the public to the scientific process and develop critical thinking in a context of misinformation and loss of confidence in science.

Participation in scientific culture events

Open to the world and society through its research, IUEM is keen to build bridges with non-scientific audiences: students, teachers, the general public…

Events open to the public are an opportunity to meet scientists, who come to explain their work, show their tools and present their results. Next appointments:

Researchers’ Night

The Science Festival

School projects

Different types of projects are carried out with the school public, in various contexts and on the initiative of teachers or scientists: Doctoral students’ forum, hosting of schoolchildren at the Science Festival, year-round projects with a class, participation in broad national (“Cordées de la réussite”) or regional (Sciences Passion mer) mechanisms….


To go further

Sciences for All sections on the research laboratories websites.