Research and innovation

IUEM laboratories’ research is the source of many innovations that are the subject of:

  • patents
  • technology transfers to socio-economic partners
  • Creation of companies by IUEM members

The innovation ecosystem partners: SATT Ouest Valorisation, the Pôle de compétitivité Mer Bretagne Atlantique and the Technopôle Brest-Iroise support IUEM in its efforts to promote innovations.


Creating companies from IUEM helps to promote the technological innovations of the research carried out by its laboratories, the know-how and skills of its researchers, engineers and technicians, and the resources of its research units, to help business creation project leaders in the development of their products. The leaders of the young innovative spin-off companies all come from IUEM laboratories where they prepared their theses.

The scientific and geographical proximity make it possible the development of strong links and multiple relationships between young innovative companies and the laboratory of origin of IUEM: hosting, subcontracting of research projects managed by the laboratory, Industrial Convention for Training through Research (CIFRE), joint responses to national and international calls for proposals. Conversely, the company subcontracts the laboratory for research work on the projects it manages.

This company, created in 2004 by Sylvain Huchette, specializes in abalone breeding. FRANCE HALIOTIS team conducts research and development work on abalone with several scientific teams from LEMAR.

IMAGIR founded in February 2010 by two Geo-Ocean geophysics researchers, Sophie Hautot and Pascal Tarits, is specialized in electromagnetic methods. The main activity is 3D magnetotellurics for subsoil imaging.

This company, created in 2015, is based on scientific and technological results capitalized for more than 10 years by two Geo-Ocean scientists: Pascal Tarits and Jean-François D’Eu, MAPPEM Geophysics Director. MAPPEM Geophysics SAS’s offer focuses on the implementation of the MAPPEM instrument, an innovative marine geophysical imaging tool that allows images of subsoil structures to be restored by modelling the electrical resistivity of the subsoil.

SEDISOR created in 2014 by Sidonie Révillon, a researcher in fundamental and applied geochemistry of Geo-ocean, concerns the chemical and isotopic characterization of natural materials. SEDISOR’s service offer focuses on measuring the isotopic compositions of different materials such as rocks, sediments, sludge, soils, water, etc. in order to determine their origin(s).

The company, created in 2006 by Mathieu le Tixerant, offers services and advice in geomatics (GIS, remote sensing, spatio-temporal modelling, mapping) applied to support integrated sea and coastal management and marine spatial planning. Terra Maris develops innovative expertise (R&D) in collaboration with the world of research and more particularly with LETG-Brest.

Corporate relations

IUEM develops many partnerships with companies in the fields of research and training. These links and collaborations make it possible to identify new research themes that reflect the problems encountered by companies and to bear the costs of all or part of the research work to be undertaken.


IUEM is engaged in expertise on major societal issues and is increasingly solicited by international and national bodies, local authorities and stakeholder groups.

Research collaboration and PhD training

Companies can take part in PhD level reearch training and, as such benefit from grants from the CIFRE scheme which subsidizes any company under French law that hires a PhD student to work in a a research collaboration with a public laboratory. The work will lead in a three-year thesis.

Research collaboration: joint projects in response to calls for proposals

Partnerships established on joint research projects between the company and the laboratory can benefit from grants when they are proposed in response to national and international calls for proposals: ANR, H2020

Welcoming Master’s internship students

As part of the training, companies can welcome Master’s level students during their end-of-study internship.

Participation in professional integration actions

Companies participate in the Professional Day for Marine and Coastal Sciences. This action is intended for students in marine and coastal sciences. Business professionals are particularly involved in the “Professional courses” sessions: Presentation of the professions by professionals (companies and academics) and exchange with students.

Recruitment of graduate students by the company: Skills transfer

The recruitment of a graduate student at the end of his Master’s degree or thesis, makes it possible the skills and expertise transfer, acquired by the recruited graduate, to the company.

Apprenticeship tax: invest in IUEM

IUEM students will be the actors of tomorrow’s “blue growth”. IUEM trains its students to master a discipline and to practice the interdisciplinarity necessary to deal with the complexity of marine and coastal environments. As the coordinator of the ISblue Graduate School, IUEM encourages students to international mobility.

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Dominique Simon

Innovation coordinator