Liste des publications nationales et internationales basées sur l'étude de la mouette tridactyle au Cap Sizun.
1. Aubry, L., Cam, E. & Monnat, J.Y. 2009. Habitat selection, age-specific recruitment and reproductive success in a long-lived seabird, the black-legged kittiwake. Monograph in Environmental and Ecological Statistics Volume 3: Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations. 365-392
2. Aubry, L., Koons, D. N. Monnat, J.Y. & Cam. E. 2009. Consequences of recruitment decisions and heterogeneity on age-specific breeding success in a long-lived seabird. Ecology 90: 2491–2502
3. Aubry, L., Cam, E. Koons, D. Monnat, J.-Y., Pavard, S. 2011. Drivers of age-specific survival in a long-lived seabird: contributions of observed and hidden sources of heterogeneity. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 375-383
4. Bled, F., Royle, J.A. & Cam, E. 2011. Assessing hypotheses about relationships among nesting site occupancy dynamics, local and neighboring breeding success, and density. Ecology 92: 938–951.
5. Boulinier, T. & Danchin, E. 1996. Population trends in kittiwake Rissa tridactyla colonies in relation to tick infestation. Ibis 138 : 326-334
6. Boulinier, T. & Lemel, J.-Y. 1996. Spatial and temporal variations of factors affecting breeding habitat quality in colonial birds: some consequences for dispersal and habitat selection. Acta Oecologica 17: 531-552
7. Boulinier, T., Danchin, E., Monnat, J.-Y., Doutrelant, C. & Cadiou, B. 1996. Timing of prospecting and the value of information in a colonial breeding bird. Journal of Avian Biology 27: 252-256
8. Boulinier, T., Sorci, G., Monnat, J.-Y. & Danchin, E. 1997. Parent-offspring regression suggests heritable susceptibility to ectoparasites in a natural population of kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 10: 77-85
9. Cadiou, B. 1999. Attendance of breeders and prospectors reflects the quality of colonies in the Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Ibis 141: 321-326
10. Cadiou, B. & Monnat, J.-Y. 1996. Parental attendance and squatting in the Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla during the rearing period. Bird Study 43: 164-171
11. Cadiou, B., Danchin, E., Monnat, J.-Y. & Boulinier, T. 1993. Régulation par le recrutement, la fidélité et la non-reproduction chez un oiseau colonial, la mouette tridactyle (Rissa tridactyla).Revue d'Ecologie (Terre et Vie) 48: 163-174
12. Cadiou, B., Monnat, J.-Y. & Danchin, E. 1994. Prospecting in the Kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla: different behavioural patterns and the role of squatting in recruitment. Animal Behaviour 47: 847-856
13. Cam, E. & Monnat, J.-Y. 2000. Apparent inferiority in first-time breeders in the kittiwake: the role of heterogeneity among age-classes. Journal of animal Ecology 69: 380-394
14. Cam, E. & Monnat, J.-Y. 2000. Stratification based on reproductive success reveals contrasting patterns of age-related variation in demographic parameters in the kittiwake. Oikos 90: 560-574
15. Cam, E., Cadiou, B. Hines, J. E. & Monnat, J.-Y. 2002. Influence of behavioral tactics on recruitment and reproductive trajectory in the Kittiwake. Journal of Applied Statistics, 29: 163-185.
16. Cam, E., Cooch, E. G. & Monnat, J.-Y. 2005. Earlier recruitment or earlier death? On the assumption of equal survival in recruitment studies. Ecological Monograph 75 :419-434.
17. Cam, E., Hines, J. E., Monnat, J.-Y., Nichols, J. D. & Danchin, E. 1998. Are adult nonbreeders prudent parents? The kittiwake model. Ecology 79: 2917-2930
18. Cam, E., Link, W.A., Cooch, E.G., Monnat, J.Y & Danchin, E. 2002. Individual covariation between life-history traits: seeing the trees despite the forest. American Naturalist 159: 96-105
19. Cam, E., Monnat, J.-Y. & Hines, J. E. 2003. Long-term fitness consequences of early conditions in the kittiwake. Journal of animal Ecology 72: 411-424
20. Cam, E., Monnat, J.-Y. & Royle, J. A. 2004. Dispersal and individual quality in a long lived species. Oikos 106:386-398
21. Chastel, C., Le Lay, G., Le Goff, F. & Monnat, J.-Y. 1990. Isolation of Soldado virus from a seabird (Rissa tridactyla L.) in France. Acta virologica 34, 109.
22. Chastel, C., Monnat, J.-Y., Le Lay, G. & Balouet, G. 1987. Infestation et hyperinfestation de la mouette tridactyle (Rissa tridactyla L) par de tiques (Ixodes (Ceratixodes) uriae, Ornithodoros (Alectorobius) maritimus) : conséquences pathologiques. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et comparée 62 : 492-504.
23. Danchin, E & Cam, E. 2002. Can nonbreeding be a cost of breeding dispersal. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51: 153-163
24. Danchin, E. 1987. Contexte social et comportements reproducteurs dans les colonies de mouette tridactyle Rissa tridactyla. Alauda 55: 93-111
25. Danchin, E. 1987. The behaviour associated with the occupation of breeding site in the kittiwake gull Rissa tridactyla: the social status of landing birds. Animal Behaviour, 35 : 81-93
26. Danchin, E. 1988. Densité des nids dans les colonies de mouettes tridactyles en déclin ou prospères ; relations avec les paramètres de reproduction. Alauda 56: 391-400.
27. Danchin, E. 1988. Social interactions in kittiwake colonies: social facilitation and/or favourable social environment.Animal Behaviour 36: 443-451
28. Danchin, E. 1991. Age des colonies de mouettes tridactyles Rissa tridactyla, et infestation parasitaire par des tiques Ixodes uriae. Alauda 59: 31-33
29. Danchin, E. 1991. Social displays of the kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Bird Behaviour 9: 69-80
30. Danchin, E. 1992. The incidence of the tick parasite Ixodes uriae in kittiwake Rissa tridactyla colonies in relation to the age of the colony, and a mechanism of infecting new colonies. Ibis 134: 134-141
31. Danchin, E. & Monnat, J.Y. 1986. Social behaviour and demography in a species breeding colonially : the kittiwake. Abstr. 19th Congr. Int. Ornith. Ottawa. n°545
32. Danchin, E. & Monnat, J.-Y. 1992. Population dynamics modelling of two neighbouring kittiwake Rissa tridactyla colonies. Ardea 80: 171-180
33. Danchin, E. & Nelson, J. B. 1991. Behavioral adaptations to cliff nesting in the kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla): convergences with the gannet (Sula bassana) and the black noddy (Anous tenuirostris). Colonial Waterbirds 14: 103-107 .
34. Danchin, E., Boulinier, T. & Massot, M. 1998. Habitat selection based on conspecific reproductive success: implications for the evolution of coloniality. Ecology 79: 2415-2428
35. Danchin, E., Cadiou, B. & Boulinier, T. 1993. La régulation des populations de mouettes tridactyles. La Recherche 256: 893-896
36. Danchin, E., Cadiou, B., Monnat, J.-Y. & Rodriguez-Estrella, R. 1991. Recruitment in long-lived birds: conceptual framework and behavioural mechanisms. Proceedings of the International Ornithological Congress 20: 1641-1656
37. Danchin, E., Monnat, J.-Y. & Pasquet, E. 1986. Rôle des facteurs comportementaux dans les mécanismes de régulation des populations d'oiseaux coloniaux. Colloque National du C.N.R.S. "Biologie des populations", Lyon (4-6 septembre 1986), 201-205.
38. Desprez, M., Pradel, R., Cam, E., Monnat, J.-Y., & Gimenez, O. 2011. Now you see him, now you don't: Experience, not age, is related to reproduction in Kittiwakes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Published online before print March 2, 2011, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0189
39. Frederiksen, M., Harris, M. P. & Wanless, S. 2005. Inter-population variation in demographic parameters: a neglegted subject? Oikos 111: 209-214.
40. Helfenstein, F., Danchin, E. & Wagner, R. H. 2004. Assortative mating and sexual size dimorphism in black-legged kittiwakes. Waterbirds 27: 350-354.
41. Helfenstein, F., Tirard, C., Danchin, E. & Wagner, R. H. 2004. Low frequency of extra-pair paternity and high frequency of adoption in black-legged kittiwakes. Condor 106: 149-155.
42. Helfenstein, F., Wagner, R. H. & Danchin, E. 2003. Sexual conflict over sperm ejection in monogamous pairs of kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 54: 370-376.
43. Helfenstein, F., Wagner, R. H., Danchin, E. & Rossi, J.-M. 2003. Functions of courtship feeding in black-legged kittiwakes: natural and sexual selection. Animal Behaviour, 65: 1027-1033.
44. Link, W. A., Cam, E. & Nichols, J. D. 2002. Markov chain Monte Carlo for hierarchical modeling in wildlife research. Journal of Wildlife Management 66: 277-291
45. Link, W. A., Cam, E. & Nichols, J. D. 2002. Of BUGS and birds. An introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Journal of Wildlife Management 66: 277-291
46. Link, W. A., Cooch. E. G. & Cam. E. 2002. Model-based estimation of individual fitness. Journal of Applied Statistics, 29: 207-224
47. McCoy K., Boulinier, T., Tirard, C. & Michalakis, Y. 2003. Host-dependent genetic structure of parasite populations : differential dispersal of seabird tick host races. Evolution 57: 288-296.
48. McCoy K., Boulinier, T. & Tirard, C. 2005. Comparative host-parasite population structures: disentangling prospecting and dispersal in the black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Molecular Ecology 14: 2825-2838.
49. McCoy, K.D., Chapuis, E., Tirard, C., Boulinier, T., Michalakis, Y., Le Bohec, C., Le Maho, Y. & Gauthier-Clerc, M. 2005. Recurrent evolution of host-specialized races in a globally-distributed parasite. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B 272: 2389-2395.
50. Monnat, J.-Y., & Cadiou, B. 2004. Mouette tridactyle Rissa tridactyla. In Cadiou, B., Pons, J.M. et Yésou, P. (éditeurs) Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000).Éditions Biotope, Mèze, France.
51. Monnat, J.-Y. & Chastel, C. 1986. Ectoparasites hématophages et biologie des populations d'oiseaux de mer. Colloque National du C.N.R.S., "Biologie des populations", Lyon (4-6 septembre 1986), 201-205.
52. Monnat, J.-Y. & Danchin, E. 1986. Demography and social behaviour in a species breeding colonially: the kittiwake. Abstr. 19th Congr. Int. Ornith. Ottawa. N° 544
53. Monnat, J.-Y., Danchin, E. & Rodriguez-Estrella, R. 1991. Évaluation de la qualité du milieu dans le cadre de la prospection et du recrutement : le squatterisme chez la mouette tridactyle. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série III 311: 391-396
54. Naves, L.C., Monnat, J.-Y. & Cam, E. 2006. Breeding performance, mate fidelity, and nest fidelity in a long-lived seabird: behaving against the current? Oikos 115 : 263-276.
55. Naves, L.C., Cam, E. & Monnat, J.-Y. 2007. Pair duration, breeding success, and divorce in a long-lived seabird: benefits of mate familiarity? Animal Behaviour, 73 : 433-444.
56. Steiner, U.K., Tuljapurkar, S. & Orzack, S.H., 2010. Dynamic heterogeneity and life history variability in the kittiwake. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79 (2) : 436-444.
57. Tirard, C., Helfenstein, F. & Danchin, E. 2002. Polymorphic microsatellites in the black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Molecular Ecology Notes, 2 : 431-433.
58. Wintrebert, C. M. A., Zwinderman, A. H., Cam, E., Pradel, R. & van Houwelingen, J. C. 2005. Joint modelling of breeding and survival in the kittiwake using frailty models. Ecological Modelling 181: 203-213.