Toubkal (Morocco) and Maghreb PHC international meetings

Moroccan, Tunisian and French delegations welcomed to the UBO for the Toubkal (Morocco) and Maghreb CHP international meetings

From 21 June to 25 June, the IUEM welcomed members of the ‘Toubkal’ and ‘Maghreb’ Partenariats Hubert Curien (PHC) committees for their annual sessions.

The Partenariats Hubert Curien (PHC) support the international scientific and technological exchanges of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR). The sessions organised in Brest provide an opportunity to select new research projects in all scientific disciplines and to take stock of these partnerships with Morocco, Tunisia and France.

The Maghreb CHP delegation was made up of the Director of the CNRST in Morocco, Ms Jamila EL ALAMI, the Director General of Scientific Research in Tunisia, Mr Mourad BELLASSOUED, the MAGHREB CHP coordinator, Jacques DEVERCHERE, the French co-chairs of the bilateral committees, the scientific attachés of the French embassies in Rabat and Tunis, and representatives of the ministries involved in the 3 countries. Nearly 40 projects submitted on the Campus France PHC MAGHREB website were discussed by the partners.

The Toubkal CHP delegation was made up of the Moroccan co-chair of the Committee, Ms Jamila EL ALAMI, Director of the CNRST in Morocco, the French co-chair of the Committee, Mr Valery BOTTON, the scientific attaché from the French Embassy in Rabat, representatives of the ministries involved and 14 Tunisian and French scientific experts responsible for evaluating more than 100 projects submitted to the Campus France TOUBKAL CHP website.

The sessions were held at the IUEM and the PNBI and took place in a very cordial and constructive atmosphere.