Report : “third China–Europe Frontier Forum on “Progress in Ocean Science and Technology”


The third China-Europe Border Forum on Advances in Ocean Science and Technology (FFPOST2) was held in Shanghai and on-line on 18 and 19 November 2024. It was organised by Paul Tréguer (IUEM-UBO, European Academy of Sciences EurASc) and Jing Zhang (ECNU, Chinese Academy of Sciences), as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).

About 50 participants attended, with livestreams occurring about 6000 persons. Twenty-four invited speakers presented communications. Progress are remarkable regarding the usability of Ditigal twin oceans and of the AI in physics and biogeochemistry and in coastal management. All carbon dioxide removal (CDR) deployments will lead to compensatory CO2 efflux or reduced influx from all natural reservoirs, stressing the need for all realistic land-based, ocean-based and blue carbon CDR. Carbon sinks due to fisheries are being assessed, extension of the Oxygen Minimum Zone has been shown. Impacts of sea-level rise and extreme events like heat waves are key issues for the near future. First economic costs of the flooding of the coastlines are now available. Spectacular progress in observation tools and networks of the ocean have been highlighted.

For more detailled informations, please refer to the synthetic report.