Participatory monitoring of coastal hazards


In the continuity of the Fondation de France OSIRISC project and the OSIRISC observatory, an ISblue training project involving students from the SML EGEL master’s programme and students from ITM Atlantic has led to the creation of a smartphone application for participatory monitoring of coastal hazards (coastal erosion and marine submersion): CoastAppli.

The interest of CoastAppli is to allow everyone to measure coastal erosion and marine submersion on different territories thanks to simple and intelligible measurement protocols. By monitoring these coastal hazards, it is possible to better understand coastal dynamics. Managers, inhabitants and schoolchildren are already involved in participatory monitoring in Guissény and in Concarneau starting in October 2024.


It was reported in the press

Conference paper

Letortu P., Ruault R., Derval J.-M., Rouan M., Millière Q., Hénaff A., Le Dantec N., Lummert C., Philippe M., Loncle N., Floch N., Ar Gall V., Chorlay D., David L., Maulpoix A., Ammann J. Can CoastAppli (a citizen science smartphone app) improve monitoring and understanding of coastal hazards to support coastal management? International Geographical Union Centenary Symposium.

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