Observation series


The SOMLIT-Portzic observation series

The SOMLIT-Brest hydrological quality monitoring system has been operated since 1998 by IUEM/UBO/CNRS to characterise the general state of water bodies in the Brest Bay – Mer d’Iroise coastal system at weekly intervals. It aims to observe and understand the evolution of the environment in response to climate change and to detect the impact of human activities.

It is the local version of the national service SOMLIT (Service d’Observation des Milieux Littoraux) labelled by INSU/CNRS, which consists of 12 observation stations distributed throughout the French coastline. It is an integral part of the ILICO coastal research infrastructure.


The site

SOMLIT-Brest monitoring was implemented at the Ste-Anne-du-Portzic observation site (48°21’32.17” N, 4°33’07.21” W), at the entrance to the Brest harbour, at the interface with the Iroise Sea. The sample was taken at an average coefficient (70 ± 10) under open sea conditions: it is representative of the waters of the Iroise Sea.


Sampling is carried out from the tidal tower, at a depth of 2 m, for a water column of 9 m. About fifteen parameters are measured according to standard procedures validated by the entire network community. The measurements are carried out in accordance with the ISO 17025 standard.

The SOMLIT-Brest series, which has been conducted continuously for several decades, provides insight into the processes responsible for the temporal variability of the state of the coastal environment. Interpretation allows the identification of response patterns in terms of trends, breaks, cyclicity and associated delay.

Analysis Manager
Temperature, Salinity, PAR
Seabird probe (SBE19+)
Emilie Grossteffan
Dissolved oxygen
Winkler titler
Emilie Grossteffan
Glass electrode
Emilie Grossteffan
Emilie Grossteffan
Nitrates, Nitrites and Silicates

Sequential flow measurement
Emilie Grossteffan
Soluble Reactive Phosphate (PO4)
Emilie Grossteffan
Suspended matter

Emilie Grossteffan
Carbon and Particulate Organic Nitrogen
Elementary analysis
Jérémie Devesa
Chlorophyll a / Pheopigments

Emilie Grossteffan

Identification, counting and biovolume
Gaspard Delebecq
Isotopes δ13C and δ15N
Mass spectrometry
Nicolas Savoye
Pico- and Nano-plankton
Christophe Lambert

Access to data

All data from the SOMLIT-Portzic series are available on the portal of the national SOMLIT website.


In terms of scientific production, SOMLIT-Brest data have been used for a long time as complementary data to research data for studies conducted in Brest roadstead: more than 70 publications and 30 UBO theses have used them directly or indirectly. More recently, their length, covering two decades, makes it possible to use them statistically as a time series indicating long-term climate impact in the marine environment.

Examples of data


In pictures

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