Tag Archive for: Doctoral school


Doctoral School of Marine ans Coastal Sciences

The Doctoral School of Marine and Coastal Sciences (EDSML) is multidisciplinary and relies on research laboratories of excellence. It aims to train specialists in their discipline who are able to evolve in a multidisciplinary scientific context. Hosted and housed at IUEM, this doctoral school participates in the construction of a culture in marine sciences, which is also extended to the human and social sciences. It has 200 PhD on site and relies on 38 research units, through 22 specialities, as well as 228 holders of a habilitation to direct research (HDR).

To know everything, from recruitment to the functioning of the PhD school

All thesis proposals

Are you a Master student looking for a thesis in marine sciences? Thesis proposals are available all year round but mainly from February to May.


Training at IUEM

Continuing education

The SML Master’s degrees offer, at IUEM, the framework for UBO’s continuing education on marine topics and offers a complete catalogue.