Observation series


Phytoplankton and Microphytobenthos

The SNO Phytobs observation series

In a context of global change and increasing anthropisation of coastal areas, which may result in changes in the distribution of organisms, the objective is to describe and monitor the evolution of phytoplankton biodiversity in order to understand and predict the evolution of pelagic ecosystems. The long-term monitoring of microalgae is part of this framework.

This monitoring of the structure of phytoplankton communities aims to highlight temporal changes on various time scales: seasonal changes (e.g. spring blooms), interannual changes (e.g. appearance / disappearance of species) and even decadal changes (e.g. changes linked to natural or anthropogenic forcings).

The observatory carries out this series of phytoplankton observations at two sites in Brest harbour. The first site, at Ste Anne du Portzic, was set up in 1998. Monitoring at the second site, located in the southern basin of the Brest harbour, was set up in 2010. The monitoring at this site has the particularity of simultaneously sampling the microalgae in the water column (pelagic) and the microalgae that develop on the bottom (benthic), which are called microphytobenthos. The latter sampling is carried out by diving.

The data acquired in this series are made available in the PHYTOBS database. PHYTOBS is a National Observation Service (SNO) of the Ilico Research Infrastructure. It is designed to monitor microphytoplankton and is deployed on the French coasts and supported by Ifremer, CNRS and the Marine Universities. A common protocol applies for sampling, analysis and identification. The physico-chemical parameters associated with each sample are available with the PHYTOBS data. In Brest harbour, these parameters are acquired by the SOMLIT network.


The site

Ste Anne du Portzic’ sampling site, located on the Somlit tidal tower
Longitude: 4° 33′ 07.19 W; Latitude: 48° 21′ 32.13 N. It is a station open to oceanic influence – junction between the Iroise Sea and Brest harbour.

The Lanvéoc site is located in the southern basin of the Brest harbour (48°17’41.23″N – 4°27’12.63″ W), on the land-sea continuum, under the influence of tidal currents, downstream from the mouth of the Aulne.


Sampling of phytoplankton communities has been carried out once a week since 1998 at the Ste Anne du Portzic site and every two weeks at the Lanvéoc station.

The species present are then identified by inverted microscopy down to the finest taxonomic level and counted.

These data are then entered into the PHYTOBS database (see below).

Access to data

Data from the Phytobs series are available on the portal of the national SNO phytobs website.


The data from the Phytobs series are used by the scientific community and are the subject of numerous scientific publications.

SNO Phytobs

In pictures

  • © Erwan AMICE | CNRS

    Photograph of the plates used to monitor microphytobenthos

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