International research laboratories

Through LEMAR, LOPS and BEEP, IUEM is associated with 2 Joint International Laboratories (LMI) and 2 International Research Laboratories (IRP).

A LMI is an operational research and training structure that brings together one or more Joint Research Units (JRUs) affiliated to the IRD and one or more research and higher education institutions from developing countries. The LMI is physically located in the premises of one of the partners in the Global South, and allows joint training and research projects to be carried out around a common scientific platform (laboratories, equipment, IT resources, documentaries, etc.).

An IRP is a “laboratory without walls” that brings together a CNRS laboratory and a laboratory from another country around a jointly defined project. These laboratories pool human and material resources to carry out the project, which lasts 4 to 5 years. LEMAR and BEEP participate in IRP.