This one-week training and capacity-building interdisciplinary session on tropical MSP was held in Brest (France) from Sept. 3rd to 7th, 2018. It brang together PhD students and researchers from Europe and countries bordering the tropical Atlantic.
It aimed at providing early researchers a comprehensive toolbox to address some of the challenges the world's largest ecosystem faces, through Marine Spatial Planning.
General lectures were given by international experts in the field of MSP and disciplines offering tools for informed decision-making (e.g. GIS, accoustic, population modelling). Lessons learnt were immediately tested in action, through the MSP Challenge.
Here are the presentations, free to download:
- ABSPOEL L. & W., MSP Challenge
- ANSONG J., Lessons learnt for cross boarder MSP from the just ended Supporting implementation of MSP in the Celtic Seas (SIMCELT) project
- BERTRAND S., How can biologging data on megafauna be used for marine spatial planning?
- CALADO H., Framing MSP: History, concepts and evolution of practice towards ecosystem based approaches
- CALEWAERT J-B., Providing access to marine data, data products and geo-spatial information for Blue Growth
- FLANNERY W., Power, Participation and MSP
- GOURMELON F., Introduction. Contribution of geographic information universe to MSP
- LEBOURGES-DHAUSSY A., The active acoustic input
- LE TIXERANT M., How can Automatic Identification System (AIS) data be used for maritime spatial planning?
- LONGHORN R., Use of Spatial Data for MSP: Challenges and Opportunities
- LY I., Les aspects juridiques et institutionnels de le planification spatiale marine au Sénégal
- PADOVANI FERREIRA B., Artisanal fisheries in Brazil
- QUEFFELEC B., Planning in the marine and coastal zone: the Land/Sea connexion challenge
- RAMOS VARELA C., The Territorial Information Systems of Cape Verde
- SANDALINAS J., “Conservation Uses of Marine Remote Sensing Data and Imagery in Marine Mammals” (Theoretical / Practical)
- SECK D., Senegal's situation with regard to geographical information available to the MSP
- SMITH J., MSP 10 Things – Lessons Learned from the Pacific and Indian Oceans
- SILVA O., Artisanal fisheries in Cabo Verde
- THOMAS Y., Artisanal fisheries and global change: threats and scientific challenges to support MSP implementation
- TELES DA SILVA S., A marine governance on MSP: Brazil case study
- TOONEN H., A marine governance perspective on MSP
- TROUILLET B., (Small-scale) fisheries in marine spatial planning: what's the matter?
- VAN TATENHOVE J., Transboundary MSP as a reflexive governance arrangement.
- ZIMMER M., MSP’s special challenges in tropical areas – an Ecosystem Dynamics Point of View
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