FIC 2023 : Call for papers
"MSP IN THE TROPICS" Final conference of the PADDLE project
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Interdisciplinary workshop in Dakar, April 27 2022
The interdisciplinary seminar scheduled at the National Assembly of Senegal will take place on the 27th of April 2022
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Workshop Interdisciplinarire à Dakar, Sénégal
Atelier de formation des parlementaires sur les aménagements en mer des activités humaines : enjeux et défis au Sénégal. Assemblée nationale du Sénégal, Dakar. Mercredi 11 mars 2020.
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2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop in Recife Brazil
The second interdisciplinary workshop of the PADDLE project took place at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco UFPE (RECIFE, BRASIL), on November 27 and 28, 2019.
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PADDLE at the IMBeR Open Science Conference
The Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference took place at Le Quartz Congress Centre in Brest, France, June 17-21 2019
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Upcoming workshop at Cabo Verde National Assembly !
Praia, March 28th-29th
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1- Kick-off Meeting, Brest October Oct. 2018
PADDLE Kick-off Meeting was held in Brest on October 9th to 11th 2018. More than 40 people, all the partners of the Consortium, were present to launch this 4-year project on Marine Spatial Planning in tropical Atlantic.
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Cabo Verde Workshop 2018 video presentation
A video report of the first workshop of the Paddle project, held in Mindelo, Cabo Verde in February 2018.
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Check the project's glossary
Towards a common language in the consortium
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Upcoming workshop on Governance and policy dynamics in tropical MSP
The second workshop of the project will take place in Recife, Brazil, Feb. 4-6th 2019.
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Tropical MSP summer school is open for applications !
We are organising a one-week summer school on Tropical MSP from Sept. 3rd to 7th. Feel free to apply !
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Paddle Newsletter #1 is out!
The first newsletter of the Paddle project has just been released, both in english and french version.
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Cabo Verde Workshop 2018
The first workshop of the project PADDLE gathered 50 people in Mindelo, from February 5th to 7th, 2018.
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Upcoming workshop on MSP & Community knowledge
The first workshop of the project will take place in Mindelo, Cabo Verde from February 5th to 7th
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Brazil Workshop | report and video
This scientific workshop on a comparative approach to marine spatial planning (MSP) between the European Union and Brazil was held in Recife (UFPE).
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PADDLE Kick-off Meeting, Brest October 9th to 11th
PADDLE Kick-off Meeting will be held in Brest on October 9th to 11th. More than 40 people, all the partners of the Consortium, will be present to launch this 4-year project on Marine Spatial Planning in tropical Atlantic.
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