Coastal Research Infrastructure (ILICO)

The Infrastructures for Coastal Research (ILICO)

Created in 2016, the Coastal Research Infrastructure (ILICO) aims to observe and understand coastal environments and ecosystems in their entirety. ILICO federates observation resources to measure the essential parameters of coastal systems over the long term, to collect samples and to ensure the availability of these data. ILICO provides scientific leadership for the scientific community involved in the study of these environments. ILICO is a multi-organisation structure, co-piloted by CNRS and Ifremer, maintaining active partnerships with numerous organisations. Since 2020, IUEM has hosted the national coordination of the ILICO Research Infrastructure.


The sites

Access to data

ILICO federates 8 SNOs with diverse and complementary study objects. IR is working with ODATIS and IR Data Terra on the development of a portal dedicated to the access to ILICO data.

To find out about the acquisition methods and parameters observed, the data catalogue and the Data Management Plans, the information is centralised and updated on the website in the Data tab.


The processing and analysis of the data provided by ILICO’s NWS results in the production of various products: monitoring bulletins, WFD assessments, time series, scientific publications, etc. ILICO uses the free, open source reference management software ZOTERO to manage these bibliographic data. You can consult / search the ILICO collection:

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