During these secondments, several activities were focused at the elaboration of the Paddle Handbook on MSP for tropical regions.
An editorial task was performed together with Marie Bonnin in order to invite consortium members (those listed here are only the sample of people involved in the Brazilian study case of the handbook) to provide contributions to the handbook, select relavant topics and establish the architecture of the future document.
A contribution to the handbook was also developed as a chapter entitled « Decision support tools for Marine Spatial Planning: devil’s in the details - a Marxan didactic application on the Fernando de Noronha archipelago study case ». This chapter analyses with a critical eye the involvement of data availability and formatting and the mathematical framing of the DST on the conservation plan output. A simplistic exercice is conducted with Marxan on the Fernando de Noronha Brazilian archipelago using acoustic, bathymetry and fisherman gps tracks layers. The results show the influence of key tuning parameters such as cost, spf and blm Masrxan parameters. The conclusion points out how wide can be the solutions and to what extent favoring stakeholders can be easy if not in front of attentive audience. Also, it enlightens in which way the heterogeneity of the data is taken into account, what is lost, and how it is understood.