Ecologie marine / écologie trophique / isotopes stables / métaux

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Je travaille sur l’écologie trophique des organismes afin de comprendre le fonctionnement des écosystèmes marins et prédire leurs réponses aux changements globaux.

J’utilise ainsi les organismes marins, et plus particulièrement leur composition chimique (isotopes stables C, N, Hg, et contaminants), comme outils de compréhension du fonctionnement des écosystèmes benthiques et pélagiques, avec pour modèles des invertébrés comme les bivalves et les coraux et des grands prédateurs comme les thons et les oiseaux marins.

Deux axes principaux caractérisent les différentes facettes de mes recherches sur les grands prédateurs et les invertébrés, montrant notamment la rétroaction que peuvent avoir des oiseaux qui se nourrissent en haute mer sur des écosystèmes côtiers.

  1. Les thons véritables sentinelles des océans : de la surveillance à la détection de changements globaux spatiaux et temporels.
  2. Les oiseaux marins à la rescousse des récifs coralliens : rôle des nutriments dérivés du guano sur la santé des coraux.

Ces travaux ont été particulièrement menés avec l’Outre-Mer dans le Pacifique sud-ouest (chantier principal) mais également au Pérou et dans l’Océan Indien et je développe actuellement une échelle globale concernant mes travaux sur les thons.

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Garcia-quintas, A., Barbraud, C., Bustamante, P., Lorrain, A., Denis, D., & Lanco, S. (2024). Annual Plasticity of the Trophic Niche of the Bridled Tern Onychoprion Anaethetus in Cuba. ARDEOLA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY, 71(2), 277–290. Cite
Medieu, A., Point, D., Allain, V., Bodin, N., Lemire, M., Ayotte, P., Dhurmeea, Z., Waeles, M., Laffont, L., Le Gohalen, A., Roupsard, F., & Lorrain, A. (2025). Species-specific mercury speciation in billfishes and its implications for food safety monitoring and dietary advice. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 195, 109252. Cite
Le Croizier, G., Hoyos-Padilla, M., Amezcua-Martinez, F., Aquino-Baleyto, M., Le Grand, F., Le Loc’h, F., Mathieu-Resuge, M., Munaron, J.-M., Ory, A., Sardenne, F., Schaal, G., & Lorrain, A. (2024). Can biochemical tracers reveal ontogenetic trophic shift and individual prey selection in white sharks from Guadalupe Island, Northeast Pacific? ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 262, 119507. Cite
Garcia-Quintas, A., Bustamante, P., Barbraud, C., Lorrain, A., Denis, D., & Lanco, S. (2024). Plasticity and overlap of trophic niches in tropical breeding Laridae. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 742, 131–142. Cite
Medieu, A., Point, D., Sonke, J. E., Angot, H., Allain, V., Bodin, N., Adams, D. H., Bignert, A., Streets, D. G., Buchanan, P. B., Heimbuerger-Boavida, L.-E., Pethybridge, H., Gillikin, D. P., Menard, F., Choy, C. A., Itai, T., Bustamante, P., Dhurmeea, Z., Ferriss, B. E., … Lorrain, A. (2024). Stable Tuna Mercury Concentrations since 1971 Illustrate Marine Inertia and the Need for Strong Emission Reductions under the Minamata Convention. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. Cite
Verwega, M.-T., Somes, C. J., Schartau, M., Tuerena, R. E., Lorrain, A., Oschlies, A., & Slawig, T. (2021). Description of a global marine particulate organic carbon-13 isotope data set. EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 13(10), 4861–4880. Cite
Serre, S., Jung, A., Cherel, Y., Gamblin, C., Hennache, C., Le Loc’h, F., Lorrain, A., Priac, A., Schaal, G., & Stephan, E. (2024). Stable isotopes reveal intrapopulation heterogeneity of porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus). REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, 69, 103340. Cite
Choisnard, N., Duprey, N. N., Wald, T., Thibault, M., Houlbreque, F., Foreman, A. D., Cuet, P., Guillaume, M. M. M., Vonhof, H., Sigman, D. M., Haug, G. H., Maguer, J.-F., L’Helguen, S., Martinez-Garcia, A., & Lorrain, A. (2024). Tracing the fate of seabird-derived nitrogen in a coral reef using nitrate and coral skeleton nitrogen isotopes. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY. Cite
Le Croizier, G., Lorrain, A., Hoyos-Padilla, M., Ketchum, J. T., Amezcua-Martinez, F., Le Loc’h, F., Munaron, J.-M., Schaal, G., & Point, D. (2023). Do marine protected areas influence mercury exposure? Insights from a shark community in the tropical Northeast Pacific. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 336, 122352. Cite
Medieu, A., Lorrain, A., & Point, D. (2023). Are tunas relevant bioindicators of mercury concentrations in the global ocean? Ecotoxicology. Cite
Barbosa, R. V., Point, D., Medieu, A., Allain, V., Gillikin, D. P., Couturier, L. I. E., Munaron, J.-M., Roupsard, F., & Lorrain, A. (2022). Mercury concentrations in tuna blood and muscle mirror seawater methylmercury in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 180, 113801. Cite
Medieu, A., Point, D., Itai, T., Angot, H., Buchanan, P. J., Allain, V., Fuller, L., Griffiths, S., Gillikin, D. P., Sonke, J. E., Heimburger-Boavida, L.-E., Desgranges, M.-M., Menkes, C. E., Madigan, D. J., Brosset, P., Gauthier, O., Tagliabue, A., Bopp, L., Verheyden, A., & Lorrain, A. (2022). Evidence that Pacific tuna mercury levels are driven by marine methylmercury production and anthropogenic inputs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(2), e2113032119. Cite
Le Croizier, G., Point, D., Renedo, M., Munaron, J.-M., Espinoza, P., Amezcua-Martinez, F., Bertrand, S. L., & Lorrain, A. (2022). Mercury concentrations, biomagnification and isotopic discrimination factors in two seabird species from the Humboldt Current ecosystem. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 177, 113481. Cite
Lorrain, A., Clavier, J., Thébault, J., Tremblay-Boyer, L., Houlbreque, F., Amice, E., Le Goff, M., & Chauvaud, L. (2015). Variability in diel and seasonal in situ metabolism of the tropical gastropod Tectus niloticus. Aquatic Biology, 23(2), 167–182. fdi:010063970. Cite
Biscere, T., Rodolfo-Metalpa, R., Lorrain, A., Chauvaud, L., Thébault, J., Clavier, J., & Houlbreque, F. (2015). Responses of two scleractinian corals to cobalt pollution and ocean acidification. Plos One, 10(4), e0122898. Cite
Thibault, M., Duprey, N., Gillikin, D. P., Thébault, J., Douillet, P., Chauvaud, L., Amice, E., Munaron, J. M., & Lorrain, A. (2020). Bivalve δ15N isoscapes provide a baseline for urban nitrogen footprint at the edge of a World Heritage coral reef. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 152, 110870. Cite
Thibault, M., Houlbreque, F., Duprey, N. N., Choisnard, N., Gillikin, D. P., Meunier, V., Benzoni, F., Ravache, A., & Lorrain, A. (2022). Seabird-Derived Nutrients Supply Modulates the Trophic Strategies of Mixotrophic Corals. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 790408. Cite
Le Croizier, G., Sonke, J. E., Lorrain, A., Renedo, M., Hoyos-Padilla, M., Santana-Morales, O., Meyer, L., Huveneers, C., Butcher, P., Amezcua-Martinez, F., & Point, D. (2022). Foraging plasticity diversifies mercury exposure sources and bioaccumulation patterns in the world’s largest predatory fish. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 425, 127956. Cite
Verwega, M.-T., Somes, C. J., Schartau, M., Tuerena, R. E., Lorrain, A., Oschlies, A., & Slawig, T. (2021). Description of a global marine particulate organic carbon-13 isotope data set. Earth System Science Data, 13(10), 4861–4880. Cite
Medieu, A., Sardenne, F., Lorrain, A., Bodin, N., Pazart, C., Le Delliou, H., & Point, D. (2021). Lipid-free tuna muscle samples are suitable for total mercury analysis. Marine Environmental Research, 169, 105385. Cite
Thibault, M., Lorrain, A., & Houlbreque, F. (2021). Comment on Trophic strategy and bleaching resistance in reef-building corals. Science Advances, 7(23), eabd9453. Cite
Lorrain, A., Pethybridge, H., Cassar, N., Receveur, A., Allain, V., Bodin, N., Bopp, L., Choy, C. A., Duffy, L., Fry, B., Goni, N., Graham, B. S., Hobday, A. J., Logan, J. M., Menard, F., Menkes, C. E., Olson, R. J., Pagendam, D. E., Point, D., … Young, J. W. (2020). Trends in tuna carbon isotopes suggest global changes in pelagic phytoplankton communities. Global Change Biology. fdi:010077289. Cite
Le Croizier, G., Lorrain, A., Schaal, G., Ketchum, J., Hoyos-Padilla, M., Besnard, L., Munaron, J.-M., Le Loc’h, F., & Point, D. (2020). Trophic resources and mercury exposure of two silvertip shark populations in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Chemosphere, 253, 126645. Cite
Le Croizier, G., Lorrain, A., Sonke, J. E., Jaquemet, S., Schaal, G., Renedo, M., Besnard, L., Cherel, Y., & Point, D. (2020). Mercury isotopes as tracers of ecology and metabolism in two sympatric shark species. Environmental Pollution, 265(PT B), 114931. Cite
Logan, J. M., Pethybridge, H., Lorrain, A., Somes, C. J., Allain, V., Bodin, N., Choy, C. A., Duffy, L., Goni, N., Graham, B., Langlais, C., Menard, F., Olson, R., & Young, J. (2020). Global patterns and inferences of tuna movements and trophodynamics from stable isotope analysis. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 175, 104775. Cite
Ravache, A., Bourgeois, K., Thibault, M., Dromzee, S., Weimerskirch, H., de Grissac, S., Prudor, A., Lorrain, A., Menkes, C., Allain, V., Bustamante, P., Letourneur, Y., & Vidal, E. (2020). Flying to the moon: Lunar cycle influences trip duration and nocturnal foraging behavior of the wedge-tailed shearwater Ardenna pacifica. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 525, 151322. fdi:010078443. Cite
Moore, B. R., Adams, T., Allain, V., Bell, J. D., Bigler, M., Bromhead, D., Clark, S., Davies, C., Evans, K., Faasili, U., Farley, J., Fitchett, M., Grewe, P. M., Hampton, J., Hyde, J., Leroy, B., Lewis, A., Lorrain, A., Macdonald, J., … Smith, N. (2020). Defining the stock structures of key commercial tunas in the Pacific Ocean II: Sampling considerations and future directions. Fisheries Research, 230, 105524. Cite
Ravache, A., Bourgeois, K., Weimerskirch, H., Pagenaud, A., de Grissac, S., Miller, M., Dromzee, S., Lorrain, A., Allain, V., Bustamante, P., Bylemans, J., Gleeson, D., Letourneur, Y., & Vidal, E. (2020). Behavioral and trophic segregations help the Tahiti petrel to cope with the abundance of wedge-tailed shearwater when foraging in oligotrophic tropical waters. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 15129. Cite
Mathieu-Resuge, M., Le Grand, F., Schaal, G., Kraffe, E., Lorrain, A., Letourneur, Y., Lemonnier, H., Benoit, J., & Hochard, S. (2020). Assimilation of shrimp farm sediment by Holothuria scabra: a coupled fatty acid and stable isotope approach. Aquatic Living Resources, 33, 3. Cite
Bodin, N., Pethybridge, H., Duffy, L. M., Lorrain, A., Allain, V., Logan, J. M., Menard, F., Graham, B., Choy, C. A., Somes, C. J., Olson, R. J., & Young, J. W. (2021). Global data set for nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes of tunas. Ecology, 102(3), e03265. Cite
Medieu, A., Point, D., Receveur, A., Gauthier, O., Allain, V., Pethybridge, H., Menkes, C. E., Gillikin, D. P., Revill, A. T., Somes, C. J., Collin, J., & Lorrain, A. (2021). Stable mercury concentrations of tropical tuna in the south western Pacific ocean: An 18-year monitoring study. Chemosphere, 263, 128024. Cite
Le Croizier, G., Lorrain, A., Sonke, J. E., Hoyos-Padilla, E. M., Galvan-Magana, F., Santana-Morales, O., Aquino-Baleyto, M., Becerril-Garcia, E. E., Muntaner-Lopez, G., Ketchum, J., Block, B., Carlisle, A., Jorgensen, S. J., Besnard, L., Jung, A., Schaal, G., & Point, D. (2020). The Twilight Zone as a Major Foraging Habitat and Mercury Source for the Great White Shark. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(24), 15872–15882. Cite
Meunier, V., Bonnet, S., Pernice, M., Benavides, M., Lorrain, A., Grosso, O., Lambert, C., & Houlbreque, F. (2019). Bleaching forces coral’s heterotrophy on diazotrophs and Synechococcus. Isme Journal, 13(11), 2882–2886. fdi:010077088. Cite
Thibault, M., Houlbreque, F., Lorrain, A., & Vidal, E. (2019). Seabirds: Sentinels beyond the oceans. Science, 366(6467), 813–813. fdi:010077447. Cite
Biscere, T., Zampighi, M., Lorrain, A., Jurriaans, S., Foggo, A., Houlbreque, F., & Rodolfo-Metalpa, R. (2019). High pCO(2) promotes coral primary production. Biology Letters, 15(7), 20180777. fdi:010076548. Cite
Houssard, P., Point, D., Tremblay-Boyer, L., Allain, V., Pethybridge, H., Mashou, J., Ferriss, B. E., Baya, P. A., Lagane, C., Menkes, C. E., Letourneur, Y., & Lorrain, A. (2019). A Model of Mercury Distribution in Tuna from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: Influence of Physiology, Ecology and Environmental Factors. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(3), 1422–1431. Cite
Pethybridge, H., Choy, C. A., Logan, J. M., Allain, V., Lorrain, A., Bodin, N., Somes, C. J., Young, J., Menard, F., Langlais, C., Duffy, L., Hobday, A. J., Kuhnert, P., Fry, B., Menkes, C., & Olson, R. J. (2018). A global meta-analysis of marine predator nitrogen stable isotopes: Relationships between trophic structure and environmental conditions. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(9), 1043–1055. fdi:010074382. Cite
Dutheil, C., Aumont, O., Gorgues, T., Lorrain, A., Bonnet, S., Rodier, M., Dupouy, C., Shiozaki, T., & Menkes, C. (2018). Modelling N-2 fixation related to Trichodesmium sp.: driving processes and impacts on primary production in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences, 15(14), 4333–4352. fdi:010073657. Cite
Bird, C. S., Verissimo, A., Magozzi, S., Abrantes, K. G., Aguilar, A., Al-Reasi, H., Barnett, A., Bethea, D. M., Biais, G., Borrell, A., Bouchoucha, M., Boyle, M., Brooks, E. J., Brunnschweiler, J., Bustamante, P., Carlisle, A., Catarino, D., Caut, S., Cherel, Y., … Trueman, C. N. (2018). A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(2), 299-+. fdi:010072425. Cite
Gillikin, D. P., Lorrain, A., Jolivet, A., Kelemen, Z., Chauvaud, L., & Bouillon, S. (2017). High-resolution nitrogen stable isotope sclerochronology of bivalve shell carbonate-bound organics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 200, 55–66. fdi:010069420. Cite
Espinoza, P., Lorrain, A., Menard, F., Cherel, Y., Tremblay-Boyer, L., Arguëlles, J., Tafur, R., Bertrand, S., Tremblay, Y., Ayon, P., Munaron, J.-M., Richard, P., & Bertrand, A. (2017). Trophic structure in the northern Humboldt Current system: new perspectives from stable isotope analysis. Marine Biology, 164(4), 86. fdi:010069458. Cite
Lorrain, A., Houlbreque, F., Benzoni, F., Barjon, L., Tremblay-Boyer, L., Menkes, C., Gillikin, D. P., Payri, C., Jourdan, H., Boussarie, G., Verheyden, A., & Vidal, E. (2017). Seabirds supply nitrogen to reefbuilding corals on remote Pacific islets. Nature Scientific Reports, 7, 3721. Cite
Houssard, P., Lorrain, A., Tremblay-Boyer, L., Allain, V., Graham, B. S., Menkes, C. E., Pethybridge, H., Couturier, L., Point, D., Leroy, B., Receveur, A., Hunt, B. P. V., Vourey, E., Bonnet, S., Rodier, M., Raimbault, P., Feunteun, E., Kuhnert, P. M., Munaron, J.-M., … Letourneur, Y. (2017). Trophic position increases with thermocline depth in yellowfin and bigeye tuna across the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 154, 49–63. Cite
Biscéré, T., Lorrain, A., Rodolfo-Metalpa, R., Gilbert, A., Wright, A., Devissi, C., Peignon, C., Farman, R., Duvieilbourg, E., Payri, C., & Houlbreque, F. (2017). Nickel and ocean warming affect scleractinian coral growth. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 120(1–2), 250–258. fdi:010070917. Cite
Benavides, M., Houlbreque, F., Camps, M., Lorrain, A., Grosso, O., & Bonnet, S. (2016). Diazotrophs: a non-negligible source of nitrogen for the tropical coral Stylophora pistillata. Journal of Experimental Biology, 219(17), 2608–2612. fdi:010068211. Cite
Schaal, G., Nerot, C., Grall, J., Chouvelon, T., Lorrain, A., Mortillaro, J.-M., Savoye, N., Brind’Amour, A., Paulet, Y.-M., & Le Bris, H. (2016). Stable isotope ratios in bentho-demersal biota along a depth gradient in the Bay of Biscay: A multitrophic study. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 179, 201–206. fdi:010068095. Cite
Nerot, C., Meziane, T., Schaal, G., Grall, J., Lorrain, A., Paulet, Y.-M., & Kraffe, E. (2015). Spatial changes in fatty acids signatures of the great scallop Pecten maximus across the Bay of Biscay continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 109, 1–9. fdi:010065445. Cite
Jolivet, A., Chauvaud, L., Thébault, J., Robson, A. A., Dumas, P., Amos, G., & Lorrain, A. (2015). Circadian behaviour of Tectus (Trochus) niloticus in the southwest Pacific inferred from accelerometry. Movement Ecology, 3(1), 1–12. fdi:010074439. Cite
Menkes, C. E., Allain, V., Rodier, M., Gallois, F., Lebourges-Dhaussy, A., Hunt, B. P. V., Smeti, H., Pagano, M., Josse, E., Daroux, A., Lehodey, P., Senina, I., Kestenare, E., Lorrain, A., & Nicol, S. (2015). Seasonal oceanography from physics to micronekton in the south-west Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 113, 125–144. fdi:010064091. Cite