This one-week training and capacity-building interdisciplinary session on tropical MSP will be held in Brest (France) from Sept. 3rd to 7th, 2018. It will bring together PhD students and researchers from Europe and countries bordering the tropical Atlantic.
It aims at providing early researchers a comprehensive toolbox to address some of the challenges the world's largest ecosystem faces, through Marine Spatial Planning.
General lectures will be given by international experts in the field of MSP and disciplines offering tools for informed decision-making (e.g. GIS, accoustic, population modelling). Lessons learnt will be immediately tested in action, through the MSP Challenge.
The summer school will be held in French and English (simultaneous translation) and will be opened to about 30 PhD students, with no registration fee.
Applications are open until May 15th !
For more detail, please refer to the event's website.
The latest programme is available here.
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