Save the date!
We are glad to announce the holding of PADDLE's first workshop on MSP & Community knowledge from February 5th to 7th 2018 in Mindelo, Cabo Verde.
This workshop will allow participants to have a global presentation of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) history and first implementation. Scientific community in Cape Verde and in Africa has had little access to MSP practices and this workshop will be an occasion to share experiences on this matter. Place and role of local community will be underlined. During the second day a special session will be organized about the challenges of MSP for Africa. The Cape Verdean marine strategy – strongly linked to Blue Growth issues - will be also presented.
During the last day, all participants will be invited to participate to an exercise showing concretely the role of community into building marine spatial planning practices.
This workshop is organised jointly by University of Azores, the National Institute for the Development of Fisheries of Cabo Verde and UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).
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