Save the date !
We are glad to announce the holding of PADDLE's second workshop on Governance and policy dynamics in tropical MSP Feb. 4-6th 2019 in Recife, Brazil.
The proposed workshop links up to the work in the work package 3 (WP3), entitled “Governance and policy dynamics in tropical MSP”. Researchers involved in this WP employ a legal and socio-political perspective, to better understand (emerging) policy practices, processes and institutional contexts enabling and/or constraining MSP governance dynamics in the transboundary, North-South Atlantic.
From the perspective of the PADDLE researchers, there are three main workshop aims:
- Informing workshop participants about the insights gained through the review work of institutional arrangements at the national, regional and international level, with particular focus on Brazil (task 3.1)
- Gathering information (examples, experiences) from relevant stakeholders for the mapping of relevant policies for (future) MSP in Brazil (task 3.2)
- Mobilizing knowledge, exchanging viewpoints and discussing different perspectives to derive at insights or guidelines important for the development, designation and implementation of MSP in the Tropical Atlantic (task 3.3/3.4)
For the participants, the workshop will provide:
- Enhanced understanding in MSP as (new) policy paradigm
- Enhanced knowledge about current practices and policies relevant for Brazil (on the national, regional and international level)
- Room to contribute to thinking about future development, designation and implementation of MSP in Brazil
This workshop is organised jointly by the University of Wageningen, the University of Lisbon (FCUL), the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), and the Federal University of Pernambouc.
For more information, have a look at this release or to the tentative agenda !
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