PADDLE (Planning in A liquiD worlD with tropicaL stakEs: from an EU-Africa-Brazil perspective) is a 4-year project financed through European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 734271).
Marine environments are subject to growing pressures such as traffic, increasing demand and changing land-use of coastal areas, seabed exploitation, dredging or mining, fishing, tourism, development of renewable energies, and other.
The PADDLE Consortium aims to develop a more inclusive Community across tropical Atlantic joining researches about marine spatial planning in Brazil, West Africa and Europe, and explore alternative options to ensure that new models of production and ocean governance explicitly include local communities and do not shift wealth away from them.
The Tropical Atlantic is a shared ocean which links developed, emerging and developing countries. Through its study regions, the PADDLE project will focus on the specificities of MSP for tropical oceans.
By uniting for the first time all the partners of the consortium, the Kick-off meeting will be a privileged moment for exchanges on the main phases of the project.
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