Tag Archive for: arts and sciences

SILICON, from stardust to the living world

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For several decades, the « Silicon Group » of the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM) has been studying the silicon cycle on an international scale. In 2020, it created the “Silica School”, whose major themes are summarized in this documentary film. Billions of years ago, silicon was created in the universe by stellar nucleosynthesis. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that this element serves as the basis for other forms of life in the universe. On planet Earth, it is the second most abundant element, after oxygen. It is a component of numerous minerals whose interaction with the aqueous environment generates a chemical form that can be assimilated by living organisms. Although the oceanic silicon cycle is currently in equilibrium, disruptions are to be expected in the context of ongoing global change.

This documentary film has been imagined by Paul Treguer, produced by Sébastien Hervé and benefits from a collaboration with Océanopolis, the center for scientific, technical and industrial culture in Brest (France).

Climclam and Transborder : arts, sciences & transdisciplinarity


TranSborder is a collaborative art-science platform of research-action and mediation animated by Isabelle Elizéon (researcher in art-science, art science and transdisciplinarity, visual artist and dramaturge). The platform is supported by the Company LASKO, and funded by the Fondation de France and the City of Brest.

The objective of all the actions carried out by TranSborder in art-science creation, mediation, consultation and training is to bring out new ways of building links between humans and non-humans, of thinking and imagining our “living” worlds from the different practices, imaginations and visions inherent to each universe. TranSborder thus aims to contribute to the valorization of research in the sciences of the sea, inter- and transdisciplinary creation, by creating new types of relationships and hybrid knowledge to respond to climatic and ecological issues. This platform is thus a space for practices and research allowing different types of art-science-society collaboration in order to reflect on adaptive art-science practices and methodologies, to develop training adapted to tomorrow’s challenges for students in the field of marine sciences, arts, education sciences, etc.

To accomplish this, TranSborder is working closely with the LEMAR laboratory and Christine Paillard (CNRS Researcher – LEMAR) on the international research project, IRP Climclam – CNRS, developed until 2027, under the direction of Christine Paillard and Luca Bargelloni (BCA – University of Padova, Italy). Within the IRP, Isabelle Elizéon is coordinator of the AR4 – art-science and transdisciplinarity – and leads various collaborations with the aim of creating connections between the 4 research axes, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to study the dynamics of inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations between artists and scientists. In this context, she collaborates with the artists’ collective Life (Anne Le Mée, Quentin Jourdan and Jérémy Segard), Philippe Arson, videomaker at the CNRS, and various researchers of ClimClam.

It is also through this means that Isabelle seeks to develop links with society as a whole by way of mediation and consultation actions, in order to analyze the dynamics and obstacles between the various actors involved. In 2023 and 2024, the flagship projects of TranSborder are Intimate Chronicles of Science, NacrE and The Art of the Link – the Art of Reconciliation, projects developed with actors in science, art and culture, and more generally with the larger society.

“Polar Bathyfolage” exhibition


Our colleague Erwan Amice exhibits his photographic work as part of the Vincennes ImagesF festival. during which several photographers will be exhibited, such as photojournalist Pascal Maître, honorary president of VIF 2022.

Find Erwan’s photos from May 17 to June 13 on the Parvis de l’Hôtel de Ville de Vincennes. Click here for the exhibition programme.

More information also on the PhotoTrend website.

MYCTOPHIDAE, a travel in deep seas | A Festival Ressac exhibition

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The oceans? A vastness, a wealth and one of the keys to the functioning of life on our planet. And yet the mysteries are still many. In this partially known world, lanternfish or myctophidae, are very abundant from the equator to the coldest areas, from the surface to several hundred metres deep.

Who are they, what do they look like, what are they doing there? How can we unravel the enigma of this environment that is impossible to observe with our eyes?


Led by Gildas Roudaut, some scientists (IRD, CNRS, MNHN, CPS) have initiated a dialogue with a class of Applied Arts (STD2A) of the Vauban High School in Brest.

These exchanges gave rise to an exhibition, MYCTOPHIDAE, presented at the IUEM, and a magazine, La Lanterne, created with the support of the UBO and the IRD as part of the Ressac Festival .

The exhibition can be visited at the Bibiothèque Universitaire du Bouguen (10, av. Victor le Gorgeu, Brest), from 18 November 2019 to 6 January 2020.

It is also available in pDF format (low resolution), on this page.

Exposition Myctophidae

The magazine La Lanterne is available for download here.



Editing and proofreading: Gildas Roudaut, Jérémie Habasque, Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy, Cindy Dupoux, Élodie Vourey, Anna Conchon, Cédric Cotté, Antoine Choplin, Yves Cherel, Sébastien Hervé
Graphic design and layout: Sébastien Hervé assisted by Fred Grunchec and Pauline Ferrec
Acknowledgements: IRD’s Scientific and Technological Culture Mission, Christine Paillard and Emmanuelle Dilasser

Si Quelque Chose Doit Surgir…

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If Something Must Arise…

Behind this enigmatic title, Jean-Manuel Warnet offers us an immersive experience, at once sensory, literary, poetic and scientific.

Jean-Manuel is a lecturer in theatre studies at the UBO, he also teaches literature and directs the company Les Filles de la Pluie.

“Si Quelque Chose Doit Surgir…” is a radio creation that he wrote and produced with Victor Blanchard at the end of an artist residency on a scientific mission in Greenland with our colleagues from LIA BeBEST. First presented as a show, this creation is finally audible in its studio format, on the OUFIPO webradio site. You can listen to it in stereo, under headphones and wrapped up in a fleece. All the details and the starting click are here:


Have a good time listening!

Tag Archive for: arts and sciences

