Entries by Sebastien Herve

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SILICON, from stardust to the living world

For several decades, the « Silicon Group » of the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM) has been studying the silicon cycle on an international scale. In 2020, it created the “Silica School”, whose major themes are summarized in this documentary film. Billions of years ago, silicon was created in the universe by stellar nucleosynthesis. It’s […]

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Do you NAWRAS ?

The NAWRAS project, coordinated by IRD (Marie BONNIN) and the University of Cadi Ayyad in Marrakech (Jihad ZAHIR), is a research project that proposes to use artificial intelligence to analyze “where, when and how the law protects the oceans.” The goal is to use language models (such as Chat GPT) and train them on texts […]

Upcoming event: WGFAST Conference, from April 9 to 12 at IUEM

The ICES/CIEM Working Group on Acoustics, Fisheries Science and Technology (WGFAST) has cutting-edge expertise in all aspects of fish stock assessment and the estimation of essential indicators for the management of pelagic species. It also develops essential approaches for the ecosystem-based knowledge and management of the environment, thanks to: the diversity of platforms on which […]