Paul Treguer


Biogeochimiste marin (cycle du silicium, océans polaires, impacts du changement climatique sur l'océan)

Professeur des Universités
Université de Bretagne Occidentale


Laboratoire LEMAR




TREGUER Paul J. Professor emeritus at the University of Western Brittany (UBO, Brest, France) Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, EURASC Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, AGU Fellow of the Association for Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, ASLO Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Québec Georges Millot Medal of the French Academy of Sciences Officer of the Legion of Honour


UMR CNRS 6539, European Institute for Marines Studies (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, CNRS, IRD) Technopole Brest Iroise 29280 Plouzané, France E-mail: tel. +33 6 08 48 07 50  


Date of birth: 3 March 1942 Place of birth: Brest, France Nationality: French Maried, 3 daughters


Doctor es Sciences (Oceanography): University of Western Brittany, Brest, 1976 -Professor in marine chemistry and biogeochemistry, University of Western Brittany, Brest, 1989-2007 -Founder/Director of the European Institute for Marine Studies, 1998-2007 -Founder/President of the Cluster of Excellence Europole Mer, 2004-2012 -Scientific Director of EUR-OCEANS, European Network of Excellence, 2005-2008


The role of diatoms in the biological carbon pump – The silica cycle in the world ocean – Chemistry and biogeochemistry of the polar oceans -Large-scale and local influences on physical and chemical characteristics of coastal waters    

Biographical sketch

Paul J. Tréguer was born in 1942. He graduated at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie of Rennes (France) in 1995 and at the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises of Rennes in 1966.   From 1966 to 1967, he was recruited as an engineer by the Département Etudes et Recherches d’Electricité de France (EDF)  at the Research Center of Les Renardières (Fontainebleau, France) to generate electric power at hot temperature in a magnetohydrodynamics based pilot plant.   In September 1967 he joined the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO, Brest, France) as associated professor. He became professor at the UBO in 1989 and participated and managed research teams in chemical oceanography and biogeochemistry till is retirement in 2007. He then became professor emeritus at the UBO.

Researches in chemical oceanography and marine biogeochemistry

In 1976, at the UBO Paul J. Tréguer received the degree of Doctor es Sciences (oceanography) for his studies on the circulation of nutrients in the Moroccan and Western Sahara coastal upwellings, and in the North-East Atlantic surface and deep waters. Preliminary to this thesis, in cooperation with P. Le Corre, Paul J. Tréguer published in 1975 a renowned manual for the precise determination of nutrients in seawater using automated colorimetric methods, which provided an invaluable tool for generations of students and marine scientists. He then became a marine biogeochemist, expert in nutrient cycles in various marine ecosystems, with a focus on the silica cycle and on the biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean. Since the 1980s he has participated in, or directed, international programmes dealing with the biogeochemistry and the impacts of climate change on Antarctic marine ecosystems. Among his many publications dealing with the Southern Ocean biogeochemistry is a synthesis paper (Tréguer & Jacques, 1992, Polar Biology) which, during decades, has provided to many researchers context and information fundamental to study the marine ecosystems of the Southern Ocean. In 1987, after a sabbatical period at the Oregon State University (OSU, USA), he launched an international « silica club » composed of scientists of France, the USA, the Netherlands and Japan. During decades this initiative has been very fruitful as attested by key publications of the members of this club in peer-reviewed international journals. Examples are : a world première for the use of the radio-isotope β- emitter 32Si to  measure the production of biogenic silica (Tréguer et al., Limnology & Oceanography, 1991), the silica cycle of the world ocean (Tréguer et al., Science, 1995), the production and dissolution of biogenic silica of the world ocean (Nelson, Tréguer, et al., Gobal Biogeochem. Science, 1995), the resolution of the opal paradox in the Southern Ocean (Pondaven, Ragueneau, Tréguer et al., Nature, 2000), the silica control of the CO2 cycle at global scale (Tréguer & Pondaven, Nature, 2000), the use of opal as a proxy of paleo-production (Ragueneau, Tréguer, et al, Global Planetary Change, 2005). This « silica club » has also served as a niche for preparing proposals that have been funded by the European Commission (e.g. The SINOPS Data Center, the Si-WEBS network) or for preparing contributions to international cruises (e.g. the European funded EPOS Antarctic cruises aboard the RV Polarstern, 1988-89, the NSF funded cruises in the Ross Sea, 1990-1992, aboard the RV Polar Duke,  and in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: 2004-2005, aboard the RV Roger Revelle). -In 2013 Paul J. Tréguer revisited the world ocean silica cycle in the modern ocean to discuss the steady state hypothesis (Tréguer & De La Rocha, Ann. Rev. Mar. Sci., 2013). He re-launched an international « silica group » to favour convergence between experts of the silica cycle and of the genomics of diatoms and other marine silicifiers, also called SILICAMICS. After a contribution (chair of 2 silica sessions) to the AGU-ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting OSM 2014 (Hawaii, September 2014) he initiated the SILICAMICS international conferences. The first SILICAMICS conference was hosted in October 2015 at l’Aber Wrac’h (near Brest, France), with the support of the EuroMarine Consortium, the Laboratory of Excellence “LABEX-Mer” and the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography. Paul Tréguer chaired 2 silica sessions at the OSM 2016 (New Orleans). He is co-editor of the SILICAMICS special issue of Frontiers in Marine Science titled “Biogeochemistry and genomics of silicification and silicifiers”. He gave an invited conference titled “The role of diatoms and other marine silicifiers in the biological pump of carbon” at the 1st Gordon Research Conference on Ocean Biogeochemistry (Hong Kong, 12-17 June 2016), and then led an international review paper titled “Influence of diatom diversity on the ocean biological carbon pump “, published in 2018 in Nature Geocience. He chaired 3 silica sessions at the OSM 2018 in Portland (February 2018).   Paul J. Tréguer participated in 18 open ocean cruises in the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Southern Ocean aboard RVs Jean Charcot, Noroit, Nadir, Capricorne, Marion-Dufresne I and II, Polar Stern, Polar Duke and Roger Revelle.

Leading role in international committees and programmes

Paul J. Tréguer  has been member of or chaired numerous scientific committees at national and international level. Examples are: (1) 1993-1997: member of the Group of Specialists GLOCHANT (Global change in Antarctica) of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), (2) 2000-2004: chair/co-chair of the Southern Ocean – Joint Global Flux Study (SO-JGOFS) appointed by the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP), and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). (3) 1990, 1995, 2000: Paul J. Tréguer chaired/co-chaired three international symposia on the biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean. (4) From 2005 to 2008 he has been the scientific director of the EUR-OCEANS Network of Excellence (NoE) (68 marine institutes, 20 nations) on the impacts of global change on marine ecosystems. This NoE, funded by the European Commission (EC), has been very fruitful (21 Ph.D. thesis, several key and synthesis papers, development of end-to-end ecosystems models, public outreach programme,…), generating in particular a number of funded programmes (e.g. EPOCA, EUROBASIN, EUROSITES, METAOCEANS, SESAME,…) (5) From 2009 to 2014 the EUR-OCEANS Consortium (20 marine institutes, 9 nations) was created to take advantage of the EUR-OCEANS NoE momentum. As a member of the Executive Committee of the consortium Paul J. Tréguer took the lead of initiatives on marine biogeochemistry and physics hot-spots issues (meso- and sub-mesoscales studies, de-oxygenation of the ocean, ocean acidification). He also contributed to the development of polar initiatives in close link with the ICED-IMBER programme. (6) From September 2014 to December 2016 Paul J. Tréguer has been a member of the Executive Committee of the EuroMarine Consortium (40 institutes, 20 nations) which favours the convergence between experts in biogeochemistry, genomics, ecosystem approaches of marine resources. (7) From December 2014 to October 2016 Paul J. Tréguer served as co-ordinator of the building of the  “Institut France-Québec de la Mer” which gathers the main forces of France and Quebec for marine sciences and technologies. Officially created in October 2016 this Institute organised a ”sea forum” held in Montreal on 8-9 May 2017. (8) Since years Paul J. Tréguer has been in touch with Chinese scientists to develop studies on the silica cycle in Chinese seas. In June 2015 he is awarded by the “famous international scientist” programme of the Ocean University of China OUC (Qingdao) to visit professor Su Mei Liu, to give lectures, and to coach Master and PhD students. In April 2017 Paul J. Tréguer served as a member of the international review panel of the “Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology” (OUC) lead by Professor Meizun Zhao. In 2018 he is awarded distinguished visiting “ocean star” scholar of the “State Key Lab of Ocean Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics” (SOED) of the Second Institute of Oceanography (SIO) of Hangzhou (China). At the SIO, on 23-24 October 2018 he organized a “silica cycle” workshop to which attended more 50 scientists from 11 different institutes/universities of China and other countries. (9) In September 2020 and October 2022, together with professeur Jing Zhang (ECNU, Shangai, China), Paul Tréguer organised Europe – China Frontier Forum on the progress In Ocean Science and Tehnology (FFPOST). These two FFPOST deal with hop topics like the role of Artificial Intelligence in marine sciences, digital twins of the oceans, climate-ocean interactions, ocean negative carbon emissions.

Leading role in institutes or organisms at national level

In 1991 Paul J. Tréguer founded the plurisciplinary European Institute for Marine Studies (IUEM) which became in 2000 an Observatory of the Sciences of the Universe (OSU), under the umbrella of the UBO and of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). From 1998 to 2007 he has been nominated as Director of IUEM by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR). The IUEM is a key player in marine sciences, at European level and beyond, not only because of the contribution of several scientists to key international programmes of marine sciences but also because of its contribution for building up the European scene (e.g. contribution in the European Marine Board).   In 2004 Paul J. Tréguer founded the Europôle Mer, a consortium of excellence which gathers 15 marine institutes, universities and schools of engineers of Britanny. From 2007 to 2012 Paul J. Tréguer chaired the Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) Europôle Mer, acknowledged and funded by the MESR. The Europôle Mer helps for the convergent efforts of its member organisations on research, higher education and transfer of knowledge to economy. It is also renowned for its prospective effort in marine sciences at large. An important output of the Europôle Mer is the creation of Laboratory of Excellence « Labex-Mer: a changing ocean ». Supported by the MESR and the CNRS the Labex federates for a decade (2012-2022) the research forces of the IUEM (Brest), of the Ifremer (Brest), and of the Ecole Centrale (Nantes), on 6 high priority interdisciplinary hot-topics in marine physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and geography. The Labex-Mer is now transformed in the “ISBlue” Graduate School for marine sciences (2018-2029) based in Brest.   Since 2012 Paul J. Tréguer has been President of the Strategic Committee of the Pole Mer Bretagne, a consortium that gathers the efforts of public organisms and of private companies to promote innovation in marine sciences and technologies.


  • 2017: Officer of the Legion of Honour.
  • 2016: Fellow of the Association for Limnology and Oceanography ASLO for “achieved excellence in his contributions to ASLO and the aquatic sciences”.
  • 2016: Fellow of the American Geophysical Union AGU « for tireless leadership and forefront research that has led to a comprehensive understanding of the role of silica in                  global biogeochemical cycles« .
  • 2016: Knight of the Order of Maritime Merit.
  • 2014: Doctorat Honoris Causa of the University of Québec for “excellence in marine sciences and contribution to integrated interdisciplinary programmes at national,                                  European, and international level”.
  • 2014: Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (elected by the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division) for “outstanding contribution in science and technology”.
  • 2013: Georges Millot medal of the French Academy of Sciences for “internationally respected work on the silica cycle in the Southern Ocean”.
  • 2007: Knight of the Legion of Honour.
  • 2007: Medal of the city of Brest to “the founder of the European Institute for Marine Studies”.
  • 2006: Zayed Award for “contribution to Millenium Assessment”.
  • 2003: Quotation by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) for “excellence in Refereeing for Global Biogeochemical Cycles”.
  • 1984-1985: Awards at the festivals of maritime film (Toulon 1984) and of science films ( Ostrava 1985, Katowice 1985, Nitra 1985) for the film « Richesses et Perturbations d’un écosystème côtier d’Europe occidentale« , in co-author with Monique Guillou.


Paul J. Tréguer is a member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO),  of the American Association to the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), and of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC).

Paul J. Tréguer   PERFORMANCE (Google scholar) February, 14th 2024 h-index: 53 Total number of citations: 15151

TOP TEN PAPERS, ranked by number of citations 

  • 1869: DM Nelson, P Tréguer, MA Brzezinski, A Leynaert, B Quéguiner. 1995. Production and dissolution of biogenic silica in the ocean: Revised global estimates, comparison with regional data and relationship to biogenic sedimentation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 9 (3), 359-372
  • 1825: P Treguer, DM Nelson, AJ van Bennekom, DJ DeMaster, A Leynaert, B Queguiner. 1995. The silica balance in the world ocean: a re-estimate. Science 268, 375-379
  • 876: G Sarthou, KR Timmermans, S Blain, P Tréguer,…2005. Growth physiology and fate of diatoms in the ocean: a review. Journal of Sea Research 53 (1), 25-42
  • 804: O Ragueneau, P Tréguer, A Leynaert, RF Anderson, MA Brzezinski,…2000. A review of the Si cycle in the modern ocean: recent progress and missing gaps in the application of biogenic opal as a paleoproductivity proxy. Global and Planetary Change 26 (4), 317-365
  • 785: P Treguer, C. L. De La Rocha. 2013. The world ocean silica cycle. Annual Review of Marine Sciences. 5: 477-501
  • 514: P Tréguer, C Bowler, B Moriceau, S Dutkiewicz, M Gehlen, O Aumont, …2018.Influence of diatom diversity on the ocean biological carbon pump. Nature Geoscience 11 (1), 27-37
  • 447: HJW Baar, AGJ Buma, RF Nolting, GC Cadée, G Jacques, PJ Tréguer,…, 1990. On iron limitation of the Southern Ocean: experimental observations in the Weddell and Scotia Seas. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 65
  • 411: P Tréguer, G Jacques. 1992. Review Dynamics of nutrients and phytoplankton, and fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and silicon in the Antarctic Ocean. Polar Biology, 149-162
  • 277: S Blain, P Tréguer, S Belviso, E Bucciarelli, M Denis, S Desabre, M Fiala, …2001. A biogeochemical study of the island mass effect in the context of the iron hypothesis: Kerguelen Islands, Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 48 (1), 163-187
  • 271: P Tréguer, P Pondaven. 2000. Global change: Silica control of carbon dioxide. Nature 406 (6794), 358-359



D Zhu, SM Liu, A Leynaert, P Tréguer, J Ren, J Schoelynck, Y Ma, …(2024) Muddy sediments are an important potential source of silicon in coastal and continental margin zones. Marine Chemistry 258, 104350


D Zhu, JN Sutton, A Leynaert, PJ Tréguer, J Schoelynck, M Gallinari, Y Ma, …(2023) Revisiting the biogenic silica burial flux determinations: A case study for the East China seas. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 1058730


N Llopis Monferrer, T Biard, MM Sandin, F Lombard, M Picheral, …(2022) Siliceous Rhizaria abundances and diversity in the Mediterranean Sea assessed by combined imaging and metabarcoding approaches. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 895995

ZHU Dongdong, JN SUTTON, A LEYNAERT, PJ TREGUER, LIU Sumei (2022) The global marine silicon cycle and its major challenges. Earth Science Frontiers 29 (5), 47

D Zhu, J Sutton, A Leynaert, P Treguer, S Liu (2022) The global marine silicon cycle and its major challenge. Earth Science Frontiers 29 (5), 47-58


  • LLOPIS MONFERRER, N., LEYNAERT, A., TREGUER, P., GUTTIERREZ-RODRIGUEZ, A., MORICEAU, B., GALLINARI, M., LATASA, M., L’HELGUEN, S., MAGUER, J.F., SAFI, K., PINKERTON, M.H., NOT, F. Role of small Rhizaria and Diatoms in the pelagic silica production of the Southern Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, in press.
  • JACQUES, G., TREGUER P., MERCIER, H. (2021). Oceans – evolving concepts, ISTE-Wiley, 308 pp.  ISBN : 9781789450033
  • TREGUER, P., SUTTON, J.N., BRZEZINSKI M., CHARRETTE, M.A., DEVRIES T., DUTKIEWICZ, S., ELHERT, C., HAWKINGS, J., LEYNAERT, A., LIU, S.M., LLOPIS MONFERRER, N., LOPEZ-ACOSTA, M., MALDONADO, M., RAHMAN, S., RAN, L., ROUXEL, O. (2021) Reviews and syntheses : the biogeochemical cycle of silicon in the modern ocean. Biogeosciences, 18, 1269–1289, 2021.


  • LLOPIS MONFERRER, N., BOLTOVSKOY, D., TREGUER, P., MENDEZ SANDIN, M., NOT, F., LEYNAERT, A., Estimating Biogenic Silica Production of Rhizaria in the Global Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34, e2019GB006286.
  • JACQUES, G., TREGUER P., MERCIER, H. (2020). Oceans – évolution des concepts, ISTE, 320 pp. 320 pages – ISBN papier : 9781789480030 ISBN ebook : 9781789490039
  • TONNARD M., PLANQUETTE H., ….TREGUER P…. (2018). Dissolved iron in the North Atlantic Ocean and Labrador Sea along a GEOVIDE section (GEOTRACES section GA01). Biogeosciences, 17, 917–943, 2020.
  • Charria G., Rimmelin-Maury P., Goberville E., L’Helguen S., Barrier N., David-Beausire C., Cariou T., Grosstefan E., Repecaud M., Quémener L, Theetten S., Tréguer P. (2020) Temperature and Salinity Changes in Coastal Waters of Western Europe: Variability, Trends and Extreme Events. In: Ceccaldi HJ., Hénocque Y., Komatsu T., Prouzet P., Sautour B., Yoshida J. (eds) Evolution of Marine Coastal Ecosystems under the Pressure of Global Changes. Springer, Cham.


  • SARTHOU G., LHERMINIER P., ….TREGUER P., …(2018) – Introduction to the French GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect (GA01): GEOVIDE cruise. Biogeosciences, 15, 7097–7109, 2018.
  • TREGUER P., RAN L., CHAI F., CHEN J. (2018) – News and views : international silica cycle workshop in Hangzhou. Acta Oceanol. Sin. 37: 129. DOI: 10.1007/s131131-018-1341-y
  • GARCIA-IBANEZ m.I., PEREZ F.F., LHERMINIER P., MERCIER H., TREGUER P. (2018) – Water mass distributions and transports for the 2014 GEOVIDE cruise in the North Atlantic.  Biogeosciences,
  • TREGUER P., BOWLER C., MORICEAU B., DUTKIEWICZ S., GEHLEN M., AUMONT O., BITTNER L., DUGDALE R., FINKEL Z., IUDICONE D., JAHN O., GUIDI L., LASBLEIZ M., LEBLANC K. LEVY M. & PONDAVEN P. (2018) – Influence of diatom diversity on the ocean biological carbon pump. Nature Geoscience


  • Boye M., Mohamed A., Dulaquais G., Tréguer P.  (2017) – Trace metal limitations (Co, Zn) increase PIC/POC ratio in coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. Marine Chemistry,
  • BENETTI, M., G. REVERDIN, C. LIQUE, I.YASHAYAEV, N. P. HOLLIDAY, E. TYNAN, S.TORRES-VALDES, P. LHERMINIER, P. TRÉGUER, & G. SARTHOU (2017) – Composition of freshwater in the spring of 2014 on the southern Labrador shelf and slope. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JC012244.  


  • SALT L.A., BEAUMONT L., BLAIN S., BUCCIARELLI E., GROSSTEFFAN E., GUILLOT A., L’HELGUEN S., MERLIVAT L., RÉPÉCAUD M., QUÉMÉNER L., RIMMELIN-MAURY P., TRÉGUER P., BOZEC Y. (2016) -The annual and seasonal variability of the carbonate system in the Bay of Brest (Northwest Atlantic Shelf, 2008–2014) Marine Chemistry, DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2016.09.003  


  • TREGUER P. (2014). The Southern Ocean silica cycle. C.R. Geoscience.  
  • TREGUER P., GOBERVILLE E., BARRIER N., L’HELGUEN S., MORIN P., BOZEC Y., RIMMELIN-MAURY P., CZAMANSKI M., GROSSTEFAN E., CARIOU T., REPECAUD M., QUEMENER L. (2014) – Large and local-scale influences on physical and chemical characteristics of coastal waters of Western Europe during water. Journal of Marine Ecosystems 139:79-90.


  • TREGUER P.J., DE LA ROCHA C. L. (2013) – The world ocean silica cycle. Annual Review of Marine Science, 5: 5.1-5.25 DOI: 10.1146/annurev-marine-121211-172346  



  • NUGRAHA, A., PONDAVEN, P., TRÉGUER, P. (2010), Influence of consumer-driven nutrient recycling on primary production and the distribution of N and P in the Ocean. Biogeosciences, 7, 1285-1305.
  • GOBERVILLE, E., BEAUGRAND G., SAUTOUR, B., TRÉGUER, P., & SOMLIT TEAM (2010) Climate-driven changes in coastal marine systems of Western Europe. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 408-129-148.    


  • TALLBERG P., TRÉGUER P., BEUCHER C., & CORVAISIER R. (2008) – Potentially mobile pools of phosphorus and silicon in sediment from the Bay of Brest: interactions and implications for phosphorus dynamics. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 76: 85-94.
  • LIU, S.M., TRÉGUER P., BEUCHER C., CORVAISIER R., ZHANG, J. (2008). A study on the rate of production and dissolution of biosilica : Jiaozhou bay as an example. Periodical of ocean university of China 38 (5):781-785


  • MONGIN M., NELSON D.M., PONDAVEN P., TRÉGUER  P. (2007) – Potential phytoplankton responses to iron and stratification changes in the Southern Ocean based on a flexible-composition phytoplankton model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21:GB4020, 10.1029/2007GB002972.
  • ELSKENS M., DE BAUWERE, BEUCHER C., CORVAISIER R., SAVOYE N., TRÉGUER P., BAEYENS W. (2007)- Statistical process control in assessing production and dissolution rates of biogenic silica in marine environments. Marine Chemistry, 106: 272-286.
  • LAES A., BLAIN S., LAAN P., USSHER S.J., ACHTERBERG E.P., TREGUER P., DE BAAR H.J.W. (2007) Sources and transport of dissolved iron and manganese along the continental margin of the Bay of Biscay. Biogeosciences, 2: 181-194.


  • POLLARD R., TREGUER P, READ J. (2006) Quantifying nutrient supply to the Southern Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, C05011, doi:10.1029/2005JC003076.
  • MONGIN M., NELSON D.M., PONDAVEN P., TREGUER P. (2006) – Simulation of upper-ocean biogeochemistry with a flexible-composition phytoplankton model : C, N, Si cycling and Fe limitation in the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 53 (5-7): 601-619.    


  • CORVAISIER R., TREGUER P., BEUCHER C., ELKENS M. (2005) Determination of the rate of production and dissolution of biosilica in marine waters by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 534: 149-155.
  • SARTHOU G, TIMMERMANS K.R., BLAIN S., TREGUER P. (2005).Growth physiology and fate of diatoms in the ocean: a review. Journal of Sea Research. 53: 25-42.
  • RIAUX-GOBIN C., TREGUER P., DIECKMANN G.,  MARIA E., VETION G., POULIN M. (2005)- Land-fast ice off Adélie Land (Antarctica): short-term variations in nutrients and chlorophyll just before ice break-up. Journal of Marine Systems, 55: 235-248.  


  • BEUCHER C. , TREGUER P., HAPETTE A.-M., CORVAISIER R., METZL M., & PICHON J.-J. (2004) Intense summer Si-recycling in the surface Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 31: L09305, doi: 10.1029/2003GL0118998.
  • BEUCHER C., TREGUER P., CORVAISIER R., HAPETTE A.-M., ELKENS M. (2004) – Production and dissolution of biogenic silica in a coastal ecosystem (Bay of Brest). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 267: 57-69.
  • BLAIN S., GUILLOU J., TREGUER P., WOERTHER P., DELAUNEY L., FOLLENFANT E., GONTIER O., HAMON M., LEILDE B., MASSON A., TARTU C., VUILLEMIN R. (2004) – High Frequency Monitoring of Coastal Marine Environment using MAREL buoy. Journal of environmental monitoring. 6: 1-8.  


  • SAVOYE N., AMINOT A., TRÉGUER P., FONTUGNE M., NAULET N., KÉROUEL R. (2003)- Dynamics of particulate organic matter 15N and 13C during spring phytoplankton blooms in a macrotidal ecosystem (Bay of Seine, France). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 255:27-41
  • RIAUX-GOBIN C., POULIN M., PRODON R., TREGUER P. (2003)- Land-fast ice microbial and phytoplanktonic communities (Adélie Land, Antarctica) in relation to environmental factors during ice break-up. Antarctic Science, 15 : 354-364.
  • MONGIN M., NELSON D.M., PONDAVEN P., BREZINSKI M.A., TREGUER P. (2003) – Simulation of upper-ocean biogeochemistry with a flexible-composition phytoplankton model : C, N, Si cycling in the western Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research I, 50: 1445-1480.      


  • TREGUER P.  –Invited concise review paper : From present to past, the silica control of the biological pump of CO2. Comptes-Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences/Sciences de la Terre. 334 : 3-11.  
  • GALLINARI M., RAGUENEAU O., CORRIN L., DEMASTER D.J., TREGUER P. (2002) – The importance of water column processes on the dissolution properties of biogenic silica in deep-sediments. I-Solubility. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66 : 2701-2717.
  • RAGUENEAU O., DITTERT N. PONDAVEN P., TREGUER P. (2002) -Si/C decoupling in the world ocean : is the Southern Ocean different ? Deep-Sea research II, 49 : 3127-3154.
  • TREGUER P., PONDAVEN P., ANDERSON R.F., ABBOTT M., BOYD P. (2002) -The Southern Ocean I : Climatic Changes and the cycle of carbon. Deep-Sea research II, 49 :1597-1600.
  • TREGUER P., PONDAVEN P., NELSON D.M., ANDERSON R.F. (2002) -The Southern Ocean II : Climatic Changes and the cycle of carbon. Deep-Sea research II, 49 : 3103-3104.
  • BLAIN S., SEDWICK P.N., GRIFFITHS F.B., QUEGUINER B., BUCCIARELLI E., FIALA M., PONDAVEN P., TREGUER P. (2002) -Quantification of algal iron requirements in the Subantarctic Southern Ocean (Indian sector). Deep-sea research II, 49: 3255-3265.
  • TREGUER P., PONDAVEN P. (2002) Preface –Climatic changes and the carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean I: a step forward. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 49: 1597-1600.
  • TREGUER P., PONDAVEN P. (2002) Preface –Climatic changes and the carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean II: a step forward. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 49: 3103-3104.  


  • BUCCIARELLI E., BLAIN S., TREGUER P. (2001)– Iron and manganese in the wake of the Kerguelen islands (Southern Ocean). Marine Chemistry, 73 : 21-36.
  • BLAIN S., TREGUER P., BELVISO S., BUCCIARELLI E., MICHEL D., DESABRE S., FIALA M., MARTIN-JEZEQUEL V., LE FEVRE J., MAYZAUD P., MARTY J.-C., RAZOULS S. (2001) A biogeochemical study of the island mass effect in the context of the iron hypothesis : Kerguelen islands (Southern Ocean). Deep-sea Research I, 48 : 163-187.
  • LEYNAERT A., TREGUER P., LANCELOT C., RODIER M. (2001) Silicon limitation of the biogenic silica production in the equatorial Pacific. Deep-sea Research I, 48 : 639-660.


  • TREGUER P., PONDAVEN P. (2000) Global Change : silica control of carbon dioxide . Nature, 406 : 358-359.
  • PONDAVEN P., RAGUENEAU O., TREGUER P., HAUVESPRE A., DEZILEAU L ., REYSS J.-L. (2000) Resolving the « opal paradox » in the Southern Ocean, Nature, 405 : 168-172.
  • RAGUENEAU O., TREGUER P., ANDERSON R.F., BRZEZINSKI M.A., DEMASTER D.J., DUGDALE R.C., DYMOND J., FISHER G., FRANCOIS R., HEINZE C., LEYNAERT A., MEIER-REIMER E., MARTIN-JEZEQUEL V., NELSON D.M., QUEGUINER B. (2000) A review of the Si cycle in the modern ocean : recent progress and missing gaps in the application of biogenic opal as a paleoproxy. Global and Planetary Change, 543 : 315-366.
  • RIAUX-GOBIN C., TREGUER P., POULIN M., VETION G. (2000)  – Nutrients, algal biomass and communities in land-fast ice seawater off Adélie land (Antartica). Antarctic Science, 12 : 160-171.


  • BLAIN S., TREGUER P., RODIER M. (1999), Stocks and fluxes of biogenic silica in the western oligotrophic equatorial Pacific. Journal of Geophysical research, 104, C2 : 3357-3367.
  • PONDAVEN P., RUIZ-PINO D., DRUON J.N., FRAVALO C., TREGUER P. (1999) Factors controlling silicon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles in HNLC systems (the Southern Ocean and the north Pacific) compared to a mesotroph system (the north Atlantic). Deep-sea Research I, 46 : 1923-1968.
  • PONDAVEN P., RUIZ-PINO D., FRAVALO C., TREGUER P., JEANDEL C. (1999) Interannual variability of Si and N cycles at the time-series station Kerfix between 1990 and 1995- a 1D modelling study. Deep-sea Research I, 47 : 223-257.
  • PREGO R., PARK Y.H., BARCELIA M.C., MORVAN J., PONCIN J., TREGUER P. (1999). On the distribution of silicic acid as a frontal tracer in the Indian ocean. Scientifica marina, 63: 121-127.


  • RABOUILLE C., GAILLARD J.F., RELEXANS J.C., TRÉGUER P., VINCENDEAU M.A. (1998) -Recycling of organic matter in Antarctic sediments: a transect through the frontal zone of the Indian sector. Limnology and Oceanography, 43 : 420-432.
  • JEANDEL C., RUIZ-PINO D., GJATA E., POISSON A., BRUNET C., CHARRIAUD E., DEHAIRS F., DELILLE D., FIALA M., FRAVALO C., MIQUEL J.C., YOUNG-HYANG P., QUÉGUINER B., RAZOULS S., SCHAUER B. & TRÉGUER P. (1998)  KERFIX, A permanent time-series station in the Southern Ocean: a presentation. Journal of Marine Systems, 17 : 555-570.
  • PONDAVEN P., FRAVALO C., TRÉGUER P., QUÉGUINER B. & RUIZ-PINO D. (1998)  -Modelling the silica pump in the permanently open ocean zone of the Southern Ocean. Journal of Marine Systems, 17 : 555-570.
  • FLOCH J., BLAIN S., BIROT D., TREGUER P. (1998) –  In-situ determination of silicic acid in seawater based on FIA and colorimetric dual-wawelength measurements. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1900 : 1-10.
  • LE FEVRE J., TREGUER P. (1998) – Carbon fluxes and dynamic processes in the Southern Ocean : present and past. Selected papers from the International JGOFS Symposium, Brest, France, 28-31 August 1995- Preface. J. Mar. Syst. 17: 1-3.


  • BLAIN S., LEYNAERT A., TRÉGUER P., CHRÉTIENNOT-DINET M.-J. & RODIER M.  1997. Biomass, growth rates and limitation of equatorial Pacific diatoms. Deep-Sea Research I, 44: 1255-1275.
  • QUÉGUINER B., TRÉGUER P., PEEKEN I., SCHAREK R. (1997) -Biogeochemical dynamics and the silicon cycle in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during austral spring 1992. Deep-Sea Research II, 44: 69-89. BIANCHI M., FELIATRA, TRÉGUER P., VINCENDEAU M.A., MORVAN J. (1997)- Nitrification rates, ammonium and nitrate distribution in upper layers of the water column and in sediments of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 44 (5): 1017-1032.
  • VAN BEUSEKOM J.E.E., VAN BENNEKOM A..J., TRÉGUER P., MORVAN J. (1997). Dissolved aluminum and silicate in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 44 (5): 987-1004.
  • RABOUILLE C., GAILLARD J.F., TRÉGUER P., VINCENDEAU M.A. (1997) -Biogenic silica recycling in surficial sediments across the Polar Front Zone of the Southern Ocean (Indian sector). Deep-Sea Research II, 44 (5): 1151-1176.
  • DEL AMO Y., LE PAPE O., TREGUER P., QUEGUINER B., MENESGUEN A, AMINOT A. (1997) -The impacts of high-nitrate freshwater inputs on macrotidal ecosystems: I-Seasonal evolution of nutrient limitation for the diatom-dominated phytoplankton of the Bay of Brest (France). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 161: 213-224.
  • DEL AMO Y., QUEGUINER B., TREGUER P., BRETON H, LAMPERT L. (1997) The impacts of high-nitrate freshwater inputs in macrotidal ecosystems: II- The specific role of the « silicate pump » in the year-round dominance of diatoms in the Bay of Brest (France). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 161: 225-237.
  • BLAIN S., LEYNAERT A., TRÉGUER P., CHRÉTIENNOT-DINET M.-J. & RODIER M. (1997) – Biomass, growth rates and limitation of equatorial Pacific diatoms. Deep-Sea Research, 44: 1255-1275.


  • LE PAPE O., DEL AMO Y., MENESGUEN A., TREGUER P. (1996) – Resistance of a coastal ecosystem to increasing eutrophic conditions: the Bay of Brest (France), a semi-enclosed zone of western Europe. Continental Shelf Research, 16: 1885-1907.
  • RAGUENEAU O., QUEGUINER B, TREGUER P. (1996) -Contrast in biological responses to tidally-induced vertical mixing for two macrotidal ecosystems of western Europe. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 42: 000-000.


  • TREGUER P., NELSON D.M., VAN BENNEKOM A.J., DEMASTER D.J., LEYNAERT A., QUEGUINER B. (1995) -The balance of silica in the world ocean: a re-estimate. Science, 268: 375-379.
  • GOEYENS L., DEHAIRS F., TREGUER P., BAUMANN M.E., BAEYENS W. (1995) – The leading role of ammonium in the nitrogen uptake regime of the Southern Ocean marginal ice zones. Journal of Marine Systems. 6: 345-361.
  • BLAIN S., TREGUER P. (1995) -.Iron (II) and iron (III) determination in seawter at the nanomol level with selective on-line preconcentration and spectrophotometric determination. Analytica Chimica Acta, 308: 425-432.
  • NELSON D.M., TREGUER P., BRZEZINSKI M.A. LEYNAERT A., QUEGUINER B. (1995) -Production and dissolution of biogenic silica in the ocean: revised global estimates, comparison with regional data and relationship with biogenic sedimentation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 9: 359-372.
  • DANIEL A., BIROT D., BLAIN S., TREGUER P., LEILDE B., MENUT E. (1995) -A submersible flow-injection analyser for the in-situ determination of nitrite and nitrate in coastal waters. Marine Chemistry, 51: 67-77.


  • RAGUENEAU O., TREGUER P. (1994) -Applicability and limits of the alkaline digestion method for the determination of biogenic silica in coastal waters of western Europe. Marine Chemistry. 45: 43-51.
  • RAGUENEAU O., DE BLAS VARELA E., QUEGUINER B., TREGUER P., DEL AMO Y. (1994) -Phytoplankton dynamics in relation to the biogeochemical cycle of silicon in a coastal ecosystem of western Europe; Marine Ecology Progress Series. 106: 157-172.


  • LEYNAERT A., NELSON D.M., QUEGUINER B, TREGUER P. (1993) -The silica cycle in the Antarctic Ocean: is the Weddell Sea atypical? Marine Ecology Progress Series 96: 1-14.


  • TREGUER P., JACQUES G. (1992) -Dynamics of nutrient and phytoplankton and cycles of carbon, nitrogen and silicon in the Southern Ocean: a review. Polar Biology, 12: 149-162.
  • NELSON D.M., TREGUER P. (1992) -On the role of silicon as a limiting nutrient to Antarctic diatoms: evidence from kinetic studies in the Ross Sea ice-edge zone. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 80: 255-264.


  • GOEYENS L., SÖRENSSON F., TREGUER P., MORVAN J., PANOUSE M., DEHAIRS F. (1991) -Spatiotemporal variability of inorganic nitrogen stocks and uptakesfluxes in the Scotia-Weddell Confluence area during November and December 1988. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 77: 7-19.
  • GOEYENS L., TREGUER P., LANCELOT J., MATHOT S., BECQUEVORT S., MORVAN J., DEHAIRS F., BAEYENS W. (1991) -Ammonium regeneration in the Scotia-Weddell Confluence area during Spring 1988. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 78: 241-252.
  • TREGUER P., LINDNER L., Van BENNEKOM A.J., PANOUSE M., LEYNAERT A.(1991) – The production of biogenic silica in the Weddell-Scotia Sea by using 32Si as a tracer. Limnology and Oceanography. 36: 1217-1227.
  • TREGUER P. & VAN BENNEKOM A.J. (1991) -The annual production of biogenic silica in the Antarctic Ocean. Marine Chemistry, 35: 477-487.
  • QUEGUINER B., TREGUER P. & NELSON D.M. (1991) -The production of biogenic silica in the Weddell Sea and Scotia Seas. Marine Chemistry, 35: 449-459.
  • LEYNAERT A., TREGUER P., QUEGUINER B. & MORVAN J. (1991)  -The distribution of biogenic silica and the composition of particulate organic matter in the Weddell-Scotia Sea during spring 1988. Marine Chemistry, 35: 435-447.
  • DAUCHEZ S., QUEGUINER B., TREGUER P., ZEYONS C. (1991) -A comparative study of nitrogen and carbon uptake by phytoplankton in a coastal eutrophic ecosystem (Bay of Brest, France). Oceanologica Acta. 14: 87-95.


  • TREGUER P., NELSON D.M., GUENELEY S., ZEYONS C., BUMA A., MORVAN J. (1990) The distribution of biogenic silica and lithogenic silica in the Scotia Sea during autumn 1987. Deep-Sea Research, 37: 833-851.
  • De BAAR H.J.W., BUMA A.G.J., NOLTING R.B., JACQUES G., TREGUER P. (1990) – On iron limitation of the Southern Ocean: experimental observations in the Weddell and Scotia Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 65: 105-122.
  • BUMA A.G.J., TREGUER P., KRAAY G.W., MORVAN J. (1990)  -Phytoplanktonic communities in Austral autumn of 1987 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean as revealed by pigments patterns. Polar Biology, 11: 55-62A12  


  • TREGUER P., KAMATANI A., GUENELEY S., QUEGUINER B. (1989) – Kinetics of dissolution of Antarctic diatom frustules and the biogeochemical cycle of silicon in the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology, 9 : 397-403.
  • TREGUER P., QUEGUINER B. (1989)  – Conservative and non conservative mixing of dissolved and particulate nitrogen compounds, with respect to seasonal variability, in a west European macrotidal estuary. Oceanologica Acta, 12 : 371-380.
  • COLLOS Y., SOUCHU P., TREGUER P. (1989) – Relationships between different forms of nitrogen in rainwater of a coastal area and ground level gaseous nitrogen oxides. Atmospheric Research, 23 : 97-104.
  • RIAUX-GOBIN C., DOUCHEMENT C., TREGUER P. (1989) – Microphytobenthos de 2 sédiments subtidaux de Nord-Bretagne. III – Relations avec les sels minéraux azotés de l’eau interstitielle et de 2 facteurs climatiques. Hydrobiologia, 178 : 11-20.


  • KAMATANI A., EJIRI N, TREGUER P. (1988) – The dissolution of diatom ooze from the Antarctic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research, 35 : 1195-1203.
  • TREGUER P., GUENELEY S., KAMATANI A. (1988) – Biogenic silica and particulate organic matter from the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Marine Chemistry, 23 : 167-180.


  • BORDIN G., APPRIOU P., TREGUER P. (1987) – Distributions horizontales et verticales du cuivre, du manganèse et du cadmium dans le secteur Indien de l’Océan Antarctique. Oceanologica Acta, 10 : 223-232.


  • QUEGUINER B., HAFSAOUI M., TREGUER P. (1986)  – Uptake of ammonia and nitrate by marine phytoplankton. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science 23 : 751-757.  


  • LE JEHAN S., TREGUER P. (1984) – Evolution saisonnière de composés organiques dissous dans un écosystème eutrophe d’Europe Occidentale. Oceanologica Acta 7 : 181-190.
  • QUEGUINER B., TREGUER P. (1984) – Seasonal evolution of phytoplankton in relation with hydrological and chemical factors in an ecosystems of western Europe. Botanica Marina 27 : 449-459.


  • DELMAS R., TREGUER P. (1983) – Evolution saisonnière des nutriments dans un écosystème eutrophe d’Europe Occidentale. Oceanologica Acta 6 : 345-356.
  • DELMAS R.,  HAFSAOUI M., LE JEHAN S., QUEGUINER B., TREGUER P. (1983) – Impact de fertilisations à forte variabilité saisonnière et annuelle sur le phytoplancton d’un écosystème eutrophe. Oceanologica Acta sp. 81-85.
  • LE JEHAN S., TREGUER P.  (1983) – Uptake and regeneration Si/N/P ratios in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Originality of the cycle of silicon. Polar Biology 2  : 127-136.


  • TREGUER P. & LE CORRE P. (1979) – The ratios of nitrate, phosphate and silicate during uptake and regeneration phases of Morocco upwelling regime. Deep-Sea Research, 26 A : 163-184.
  • TREGUER P., LE CORRE P. and GRALL J.R. (1979) – The seasonal variations of nutrients in the upper waters of the Bay of Biscay region and their relation of phytoplankton growth. Deep-Sea Research, 26 A : 1121-1152.


  • LE CORRE P. et TREGUER P. (1978) – Dosage de l’ammonium dans l’eau de mer : comparaison entre deux méthodes d’analyses automatiques. Journal du Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer, 38 (2) : 1-7.


  • TREGUER P., LE CORRE P. et COURTOT P. (1976) – Dosage automatique des orthophosphates dans l’eau de mer. Utilisation de l’Auto-analyseur II. Journal du Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer, 36 : 289-294.


  • TREGUER P., COURTOT P. LE CORRE P. (1972) – A method for determination of the total dissolved free fatty-acid content of seawater. Journal of Marine Biological Association of U.K., 52 : 1045-1055.
  • TREGUER P., LE CORRE P. et COURTOT P. (1972) – Evaluation of organic matter dissolved in coastal waters of Southern Brittany in April 1970. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 4 : 443-455.


  • TREGUER P., LE CORRE P. et COURTOT P. (1971) – Dosage global des acides gras libres dissous dans les eaux de mer (Bretagne Occidentale). C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 273: 1010-1011.
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Poppeschi, C., Charria, G., Goberville, E., Rimmelin-Maury, P., Barrier, N., Petton, S., Unterberger, M., Grossteffan, E., Repecaud, M., Quemener, L., Theetten, S., Le Roux, J.-F., & Tréguer, P. (2021). Unraveling Salinity Extreme Events in Coastal Environments: A Winter Focus on the Bay of Brest. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 705403. Cite
Llopis Monferrer, N., Leynaert, A., Tréguer, P., Gutierrez-Rodriguez, A., Moriceau, B., Gallinari, M., Latasa, M., L’Helguen, S., Maguer, J.-F., Safi, K., Pinkerton, M. H., & Not, F. (2021). Role of small Rhizaria and diatoms in the pelagic silica production of the Southern Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(6), 2187–2202. HAL. Cite
Tréguer, P. J., Sutton, J. N., Brzezinski, M., Charette, M. A., Devries, T., Dutkiewicz, S., Ehlert, C., Hawkings, J., Leynaert, A., Liu, S. M., Llopis Monferrer, N., Lopez-Acosta, M., Maldonado, M., Rahman, S., Ran, L., & Rouxel, O. (2021). Reviews and syntheses: The biogeochemical cycle of silicon in the modern ocean. Biogeosciences, 18(4), 1269–1289. Cite
Llopis Monferrer, N., Boltovskoy, D., Tréguer, P., Sandin, M. M., Not, F., & Leynaert, A. (2020). Estimating Biogenic Silica Production of Rhizaria in the Global Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34(3), e2019GB006286. Cite
Tonnard, M., Planquette, H., Bowie, A. R., van der Merwe, P., Gallinari, M., de Gesincourt, F. D., Germain, Y., Gourain, A., Benetti, M., Reverdin, G., Tréguer, P., Boutorh, J., Cheize, M., Lacan, F., Barraqueta, J.-L. M., Contreira-Pereira, L., Shelley, R., Lherminier, P., & Sarthou, G. (2020). Dissolved iron in the North Atlantic Ocean and Labrador Sea along the GEOVIDE section (GEOTRACES section GA01). Biogeosciences, 17(4), 917–943. Cite
Moriceau, B., Gehlen, M., Tréguer, P., Baines, S., Livage, J., & Andre, L. (2019). Editorial: Biogeochemistry and Genomics of Silicification and Silicifiers. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, UNSP 57. Cite
Sarthou, G., Lherminier, P., Achterberg, E. P., Alonso-Perez, F., Bucciarelli, E., Boutorh, J., Bouvier, V., Boyle, E. A., Branellec, P., Carracedo, L. I., Casacuberta, N., Castrillejo, M., Cheize, M., Pereira, L. C., Cossa, D., Daniault, N., De Saint-Leger, E., Dehairs, F., Deng, F., … Zunino, P. (2018). Introduction to the French GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect (GA01): GEOVIDE cruise. Biogeosciences, 15(23), 7097–7109. Cite
Garcia-Ibanez, M. I., Perez, F. F., Lherminier, P., Zunino, P., Mercier, H., & Tréguer, P. (2018). Water mass distributions and transports for the 2014 GEOVIDE cruise in the North Atlantic. Biogeosciences, 15(7), 2075–2090. Cite
Tréguer, P., Bowler, C., Moriceau, B., Dutkiewicz, S., Gehlen, M., Aumont, O., Bittner, L., Dugdale, R., Finkel, Z., Iudicone, D., Jahn, O., Guidi, L., Lasbleiz, M., Leblanc, K., Levy, M., & Pondaven, P. (2018). Influence of diatom diversity on the ocean biological carbon pump. Nature Geoscience, 11(1), 27–37. fdi:010072042. Cite
Boye, M., Adjou, M. A., Dulaquais, G., & Tréguer, P. (2017). Trace metal limitations (Co, Zn) increase PIC/POC ratio in coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. Marine Chemistry, 192, 22–31. Cite
Benetti, M., Reverdin, G., Lique, C., Yashayaev, I., Holliday, N. P., Tynan, E., Torres-Valdes, S., Lherminier, P., Tréguer, P., & Sarthou, G. (2017). Composition of freshwater in the spring of 2014 on the southern Labrador shelf and slope. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122(2), 1102–1121. Cite
Salt, L. A., Beaumont, L., Blain, S., Bucciarelli, E., Grossteffan, E., Guillot, A., L’Helguen, S., Merlivat, L., Repecaud, M., Rimmelin-Maury, P., Tréguer, P., & Bozec, Y. (2016). The annual and seasonal variability of the carbonate system in the Bay of Brest (Northwest Atlantic Shelf, 2008-2014). Marine Chemistry, 187, 1–15. Cite
Tréguer, P. J. (2014). The Southern Ocean silica cycle. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 346(11–12), 279–286. Cite
Tréguer, P., Goberville, E., Barrier, N., L’Helguen, S., Morin, P., Bozec, Y., Rimmelin-Maury, P., Czamanski, M., Grossteffan, E., Cariou, T., Repecaud, M., & Quemener, L. (2014). Large and local-scale influences on physical and chemical characteristics of coastal waters of Western Europe during winter. Journal of Marine Systems, 139, 79–90. Cite
Tréguer, P. J., & De La Rocha, C. L. (2013). The World Ocean Silica Cycle. Annual Review of Marine Science, 5, 477–501. Cite
Czamanski, M., Nugraha, A., Pondaven, P., Lasbleiz, M., Masson, A., Caroff, N., Bellail, R., & Tréguer, P. (2011). Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus elemental stoichiometry in aquacultured and wild-caught fish and consequences for pelagic nutrient dynamics. Marine Biology, 158(12), 2847–2862. Cite
Bozec, Y., Merlivat, L., Baudoux, A.-C., Beaumont, L., Blain, S., Bucciarelli, E., Danguy, T., Grossteffan, E., Guillot, A., Guillou, J., Répécaud, M., & Tréguer, P. (2011). Diurnal to inter-annual dynamics of pCO 2 recorded by a CARIOCA sensor in a temperate coastal ecosystem (2003–2009). Marine Chemistry, 126(1), 13–26. Cite
Nugraha, A., Pondaven, P., & Tréguer, P. (2010). Influence of consumer-driven nutrient recycling on primary production and the distribution of N and P in the ocean. Biogeosciences, 7(4), 1285–1305. Cite
Goberville, E., Beaugrand, G., Sautour, B., Tréguer, P., & SOMLIT, T. (2010). Climate-driven changes in coastal marine systems of western Europe. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 408, 129–148. Cite

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