The main objective of LMI DISCOH is to study ocean-atmosphere, biogeochemical and ecological dynamics in the CHS in order to understand and anticipate the effect of intra-seasonal, interannual, decadal and climate change variability on coastal ecosystem dynamics. LMI contributes to the effective implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries.

From a scientific point of view, the LMI “DISCOH” complements projects under development (ANRs PEPS and TOPINEME, etc.) and aims to improve coordination between projects. In particular, LMI aims to direct the efforts of its participants towards major cross-cutting scientific issues.

In addition, LMI “DISCOH” supports the development of high-level Masters in Marine Sciences in Peru by promoting the participation of IRD researchers and other foreign scientists (courses and supervision of theses) and by supporting student and faculty exchanges, particularly in the region.

More information on the LMI DISCOH website