ARCTIC BLUES, an exhibition

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Returning from missions in Antarctica, biologists from Brest were asking themselves the question: how to tell their emotions about the beauty of the poles and the certainty of the disaster, in a context of scientific research?

In 2013, they propose to involve artists from all walks of life in their polar expeditions. For seven years, artists and scientists have shared missions in Arctic and sub-Arctic environments. This heterogeneous group has therefore lived in the same field between research, hesitation, failure and discovery.

The exhibition ARCTIC BLUES reflects the richness of this dialogue. Photography, video, installation, writing, sound creation, music and scientific frescoes respond to each other or collide to create a singular object: something like an attempt to blend art and science where both are revealed, with new, complementary and unpredictable colours. The exhibition highlights the shared doubts and the richness of the experiences lived during the round trips between the Brest harbour and the poles. The passer-by will discover a small part of the Ocean as well as one of the facets of the current oceanography developed in Brest over the past fifty years. ARCTIC BLUES testifies that at the tip of Brittany, improbable encounters and assertive curiosities allow the emergence of new ideas and perspectives.
This exhibition tour restores to the public seven years of research and residencies between artists and scientists within the associated BeBEST International Laboratory, a collaboration between the LEMAR laboratory (CNRS/Ifremer/ IRD/UBO) and ISMER in collaboration with the Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle.

General Commissioner and Coordinator: Emmanuelle Hascoët, Fovearts
Scenography: Les ManufActeurs
Graphic design: Nathalie Bihan
Production of projections: Olivier Koechlin

An exhibition presented by FOVEARTS and LIA BeBEST of LEMAR, in collaboration with the Ateliers des Capucins, La Médiathèque François Mitterrand – Les Capucins, Brest métropole, La Carène
In partnership with the CNRS, the Museum of Natural History, Passerelle-centre d’art contemporain, UBO, LEMAR
With the support of Océanopolis, Ailes Marines, Suravenir/ARKEA, Pix in the City, TBM.


Médiathèque François Mitterrand, Les Capucins
« Avant la débacle »
Access by Place des Machines
Opening hours : 10h – 19h every day

Passage des Arpètes, Ateliers des Capucins
« Amundsen leg 3 2014 »
« Falling Sun »
Opening hours : 10h – 20h every day

« Pénélope des glaces »
« Nous sommes »
Scientific display
Opening hours : 10h – 00h every day but closing at 01h on Friday, Saturday and the day before public holidays

Passerelle – Centre d’art contemporain
« The Noisy world » by Vincent Malassis
From 08 June to 31 August 2019
41 rue Charles Berthelot
Opening hours : on Tuesday from 14h to 20h and on Wednesday until Saturday from 14h to 18h30. Closed on Mondays, Sundays and public holydays.

Annual symposium of the International Master IMBRSea

From 24 to 28 June 2019, the second annual international symposium of the Joint Master’s Programme on Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea), co-organised by the University of Western Brittany, the University of Ghent and the IMBRSea consortium with the support of ISblue/IUEM, will be held in Brest (Plouzané).

This event will bring together the 190 students of the master’s degree as well as representatives of the 10 partner universities. Thematic workshops will be offered to students on Tuesday, June 25.

These workshops will last half a day and will take the form of seminars/presentations on a given theme, short training courses on a particular technique, and will also address disciplinary or transversal skills. Visits to specific scientific facilities/platforms will be organised. The workshops will be conducted in English, IMBRSea’s language of learning.

For more information and to consult the programme, please visit this page:

PHYCOTOX 2019 GdR Annual Conference on Toxic Microalgae

GdR PHYCOTOX met in Plouzané on 15 and 16 May 2019 at IUEM, for its national conference on toxic microalgae. This meeting was an opportunity for the members of the GdR to present their research work, either through an oral presentation or a poster and to exchange ideas during workshops.

The detailed programme and abstracts of the papers are available by clicking here.

The Marine Fact sheet n°3 on the news of the overseas seagrass beds has been published

IFRECOR (Initiative FRançaise pour les RÉcifs CORalliens) promotes documentation on coral reefs and associated ecosystems in French overseas territories.

Like the first two issues, this new Marine Leaflet (n°3) aims to communicate and promote the ongoing actions on seagrass beds in different overseas territories and promote the networking of stakeholders. Several contributors have contributed richly to this third issue, which reports on activities at international, national, regional and overseas levels.The articles presented summarize part of the news from French tropical seagrass beds, concerning the implementation of research work on habitat functionality and the development of tools, studies on the invasion of Halophila stipulacea in the West Indies and interactions with green turtles, the application of the Water Framework Directive in the overseas departments and the creation of a regional network to monitor seagrass beds in the Indian Ocean.

> Link for the fact sheet #2

> Link for the fact sheet #1 :

Fanny Kerninon, doctoral student at LEMAR coordinates it.

You can download the Fact Sheet #3 here:

IUEM’s “Go South !” day

The In the South 2018 day confirmed the interest of a wider sharing of information on existing partnerships, and made it possible to identify the presence of synergies and the existence of expertise, at IUEM, in the establishment of multidisciplinary centres in marine sciences in the South.

This “South” Africa day will be divided into two parts:

1) a time for disseminating/collecting information on current PAA news on current and submitted African countries,
2) a time to co-construct the prospects for the year 2020, in particular around the question of capacity building in training and research in Africa, in conjunction with the IRD, on which we can set up/expand our working groups.

Ongoing dynamics:
– recent submission of a project to the MEAE concerning training in Marine Sciences in South Africa and Senegal,
– end 2019: completion of the ScolaMar capacity-building,
– opportunities related to the submission of European projects (intra-African mobility PAAs, capacity-building, RISE) and future MEAE PAAs, involving African partners,
– …