Ifremer was 35 years old in June 2019!

It's Sea Time

Ifremer was founded on June 5, 1984, following the merger of Cnexo and ISTPM.

You will find the history of our supervision on this page:


On this occasion 35 short videos were made. On the menu of the latest videos posted online: the search for the culprits of oyster mortality, the enigma of sardines that no longer grow, or a visit to the inhabited submarine Nautile. Take a few minutes to immerse yourself in it, at tea time or coffee break!

Find the “It’s Sea Time” homepage on the Institute’s website, and go to the Ifremer’s YouTube channel to see the episodes of the series !

Ika Paul-Pont, CNRS Bronze medal 2019

With her colleagues from the PANORAMA team, and especially Arnaud HUVET, Ifremer researcher at LEMAR, their work on micro and nano-plastics is among the most cited in our laboratory.

Visit her page on Google Scholar.

See here her personnal page on our site to access her current projects, and click here to read her interview ‘in French) in IUEM’s letter of April 2019.

In 2018 her work was the subject of an article in Sciences-Ouest (in French also), in a special report on microplastics :

Motion adopted by LEMAR staff

Les personnels CNRS/Ifremer/IRD/UBO du Laboratoire des sciences de l’environnement marin (LEMAR) soutiennent les initiatives qui se mettent en place au niveau mondial comme en France pour faire face à l’urgence planétaire (climat, biodiversité, environnement).

Nous demandons aux dirigeants politiques de tous bords d’unir leurs efforts pour mettre en œuvre des actions visant à abandonner la primauté des intérêts à court terme qui prévalent dans nos sociétés thermo-industrielles et qui conduisent à l’épuisement de nos ressources naturelles.

En particulier :

  • Nous soutenons les initiatives de la jeunesse mondiale pour faire de la journée du 15 mars 2019 une mobilisation d’envergure.
  • Nous appelons à participer à la marche mondiale pour le climat le 16 mars 2019.
  • Nous souscrivons aux différents appels des scientifiques (Appel de 300 chercheurs européens dans le quotidien Le Soir, Scientists warning de l’Alliance of World Scientists, tribune de 700 scientifiques français dans Libération, rapport du GIEC, etc.)* exigeant de la part des dirigeants politiques des actions concrètes et immédiates pour la protection de l’environnement.
  • Nous nous engageons à agir au quotidien pour réduire l’impact climatique et environnemental lié à nos activités de recherche.
  • Nous demandons instamment à nos institutions de tutelle (CNRS, Ifremer, IRD et UBO) de favoriser et d’accompagner nos démarches écoresponsables, et de s’engager publiquement et officiellement à prendre des mesures concrètes à la hauteur de l’urgence planétaire.

Faisons de 2019 l’année de la transition écologique !

Plouzané, le 12 mars 2019

*Appel de 300 chercheurs belges, français et suisses le 20 février 2019 : https://plus.lesoir.be/207972/article/2019-02-20/

Scientists warning de l’Alliance of World Scientists : http://www.scientistswarning.org/scientists-warning-news/

Appel de 700 scientifiques français le 8 septembre 2018 : https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2018/09/07/rechauffement-climatique-nous-en-appelons-aux-decideurs-politiques_1677176

Rapport du GIEC (Groupe d’experts Intergouvernemental sur l’Evolution du Climat) publié le 8 octobre 2018 : https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2018/10/07/le-giec-appelle-a-des-transformations-sans-precedent-pour-limiter-le-rechauffement-climatique_a_23553769/




Paddle Brazil workshop | Report

This workshop has been organized by the PADDLE project with the help and support of:

–              “A estratégia brasileira de gestao sustentavel dos recursos marinhos vivos et nao vivos” (UnB, UFC e UPM – CAPES)

–              Laboratoire Mixte International Tapioca (IRD, UFPE, UFRPE)

–              Bacharelado em Oceanografia da UFPE – 10 anos

–              Wageningen University

–              Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa



This scientific workshop on a comparative approach to marine spatial planning (MSP) between the European Union and Brazil was held in Recife (UFPE). It brought together 65 participants (30 European and 35 Brazilian). The interest of this workshop for local partners was highlighted by the participation of many administrations (Federal Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of the Environment of Pernambuco, Interministerial Commission for Marine Resources); several Brazilian universities were also represented (Univ Brasilia, UPM-Sao Paulo, UFPE, UFRPE, Univ. Cearra).


The general introduction provided the conceptual framework for the workshop, which examined the different perspectives in terms of governance at sea. From fishing areas to surfing reserves, marine protected areas and legislation governing oil exploitation, a series of presentations provided an overview of the existing areas in Brazil… A first step towards the beginnings of the WSP in Brazil was presented the next day. But beforehand, a detour to Europe was allowed by the European partners of the project, who presented the MSP in Portugal, France and the North Sea, within the framework of the European Union’s integrated maritime policy. This workshop was closed by presenting the interconnections that exist across the tropical Atlantic, between Cape Verde, Senegal and Brazil.


21 of the participants then participated in a writing workshop at CEPENE (UFPE).


IRD. An exhibition linking art and science for the 75th anniversary


Consult the article in the “Télégramme de Brest” published on February 20, 2019:

Click here for the newspaper’s website (external link in French).