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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Fullea, J, Fernàndez, M, Afonso, J, Vergés, J, and Zeyen, H (2010).
The structure and evolution of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the Atlantic-Mediterranean Transition Region
Lithos, 120(1-2):74-95.

Fullea, J, Fernàndez, M, Afonso, J, Vergés, J, and Zeyen, H (2010).
The structure and evolution of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary beneath the Atlantic–Mediterranean Transition Region
Lithos, 120(1–2):74–95.

Gam, M, de Montaudouin, X, and Bazairi, H (2010).
Population dynamics and secondary production of the cockle Cerastoderma edule: A comparison between Merja Zerga (Moroccan Atlantic Coast) and Arcachon Bay (French Atlantic Coast)
Journal of Sea Research, 63(3-4):191-201.

Giraud, X and Paul, A (2010).
Interpretation of the paleo-primary production record in the NW African coastal upwelling system as potentially biased by sea level change
Paleoceanography, 25(PA4224):19.

Gorsky, G, Ohman, MD, Picheral, M, Gasparini, S, Stemmann, L, Romagnan, J, Cawood, A, Pesant, S, García-Comas, C, and Prejger, F (2010).
Digital zooplankton image analysis using the ZooScan integrated system
Journal of Plankton Research, 32(3):285-303.

Gourmelon, F, Robin, M, Maanan, M, Georis-Creuseveau, J, Pennober, G, Simao Da Silva, A, Fattal, P, Zourarah, B, Affian, K, Hauhouaut, C, and Pottier, P (2010).
Geographic Information System for Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Developing countries: cases studies in Mauritania, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau and Morocco.
In: Geomatic Solutions for Coastal Environments, M. Maanan, M. Robin (Ed.), pp. 347–359.

Gros, P (2010).
Vers une pêche et une aquaculture viables dans un monde changeant
In: Dossier Scientifique de l'IFN, ed. by Bourillet, F., vol. 16, pp. 93-116, Ecole du Val-de-Grâce, Paris. Dossier Scientifique de l'IFN.

Hanel, R, John, H, Meyer-Klaeden, O, and Piatkowski, U (2010).
Larval fish abundance, composition and distribution at Senghor Seamount (Cape Verde Islands)
Journal of Plankton Research.

Hervé-Fernández, P, Houlbrèque, F, Boisson, F, Mulsow, S, Teyssié, JL, Oberhaënsli, F, Azemard, S, and Jeffree, R (2010).
Cadmium bioaccumulation and retention kinetics in the Chilean blue mussel Mytilus chilensis: seawater and food exposure pathways
Aquatic Toxicology, 99(4):448-456.

Holzwarth, U, Esper, O, and Zonneveld, KA (2010).
Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of oceanographic conditions and terrigenous input in the NW African upwelling region
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 159(1–2):35-55.

Jager, T and Klok, C (2010).
Extrapolating toxic effects on individuals to the population level: the role of dynamic energy budgets
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 365(1557):3531-3540.

Kalman, J, Riba, I, Ángel DelValls, T, and Blasco, J (2010).
Comparative toxicity of cadmium in the commercial fish species Sparus aurata and Solea senegalensis
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73(3):306-311.

Katikiro, R, Schwerdtner Máñez, K, Flitner, M, and Badjeck, MC (2010).
Fisheries Production Systems, Climate Change and Climate Variability in West Africa: An Annotated Bibliography

Kuss, J, Waniek, J, Kremling, K, and Schulz-Bull, D (2010).
Seasonality of particle-associated trace element fluxes in the deep northeast Atlantic Ocean
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 57(6):785-796.

Küster-Heins, K, de Lange, GJ, and Zabel, M (2010).
Benthic phosphorus and iron budgets for three NW African slope sediments: a balance approach
Biogeosciences, 7(2):469-480.

Landeira, J, Lozano-Soldevilla, F, Hernández-León, S, and Barton, E (2010).
Spatial Variability of Planktonic Invertebrate Larvae in the Canary Islands Area
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90(Special Issue 06):1217-1225.

Lavaud, R (2010).
Exploration du potentiel de la coquille de l'arche Ouest-Africaine, Anadara senilis comme archive environnementale. Analyse sclérochronologique et géochimique de la coquille
Master thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.

Law, R, Hanke, G, Angelidis, M, Batty, J, Bignert, A, Dachs, J, Davies, I, Denga, Y, Duffek, A, Herut, B, Hylland, K, Lepom, P, Leonards, P, Mehtonen, J, Piha, H, Roose, P, Tronczynski, J, Velikova, V, and Vethaak, D (2010).
Marine Strategy Framework Directive Task Group 8 Report: Contaminants and pollution effects
JRC, EU contract report(EUR 24335 EN - 2010), Ispra, Italy.

Lett, C, Ayata, S, Huret, M, and Irisson, J (2010).
Biophysical modelling to investigate the effects of climate change on marine population dispersal and connectivity
Progress In Oceanography, 87(1-4):106-113.

Levit, SM and Bozeman, M (2010).
A Literature Review of Effects of Cadmium on Fish
The Nature Conservancy.

Lidvanov, VV, Zhigalova, NN, and Kuderskiy, SK (2010).
Vertical distribution of mesozooplankton in the interaction zone of the Canary and the Northern Branch of the Intertrades currents
Oceanology, 50(3):356-364.

Lyons, B, Thain, J, Stentiford, G, Hylland, K, Davies, I, and Vethaak, A (2010).
Using biological effects tools to define Good Environmental Status under the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60(10):1647-1651.

Maad, N, Le Roy, P, Sahabi, M, Gutscher, M, Hssain, M, Babonneau, N, Rabineau, M, and Lanoë, BVV (2010).
Seismic stratigraphy of the NW Moroccan Atlantic continental shelf and Quaternary deformation at the offshore termination of the southern Rif front
Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342(9):731–740.

Machín, F, Herraiz, L, Pelegrí, J, Marrero-Díaz, A, Font, J, and Rodríguez-Santana, A (2010).
Inverse modeling of salinity-temperature-depth relationships: Application to the upper eastern North Atlantic subtropical gyre
Journal of Marine Systems, 80(3-4):144-159.

Mahon, R, Fanning, L, McConney, P, and Pollnac, R (2010).
Governance characteristics of large marine ecosystems
Marine Policy, 34(5):919-927.

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