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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Bibliographie générale / Seismic stratigraphy of the NW Moroccan Atlantic continental shelf and Quaternary deformation at the offshore termination of the southern Rif front

Nissrine Maad, Pascal Le Roy, Mohamed Sahabi, Marc-André Gutscher, M. Hssain, Nathalie Babonneau, Marina Rabineau, and Brigitte VV Lanoë (2010)

Seismic stratigraphy of the NW Moroccan Atlantic continental shelf and Quaternary deformation at the offshore termination of the southern Rif front

Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342(9):731–740.

A recent high resolution seismic survey was carried out along the North-West Moroccan Atlantic continental shelf to perform sequence stratigraphy and to better understand the link between the onshore observations across the western termination of the Rif front and the multibeam bathymetric data previously collected across the Gulf of Cadiz. Seismic interpretation clearly shows evidence of deformation affecting the Pleistocene sedimentary cover. This is mainly located between the Lalla Zahra ridge and the Neogene nappes that outcrop at the seabed to the North of Larache, where the identified structures bound the upper part of a gravitationally spreading lobe and are interpreted to be developed by activation of the major tectonic structures located at the southern front of the Rif Cordillera. The offshore extension of the Lalla Zahra Ridge is characterised by an east-west trending major folded and faulted corridor. This structure marks the active front of Prerifan area and corresponds to a major Quaternary kinematic boundary in the western prolongation of the ENE-WSW trending Jebha fault.

Atlantic margin, continental shelf, Gulf of Cadiz, Morocco, Quaternary, Seismic reflection

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