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Traçabilité Pêche Maroc - Diagnostic traçabilité des produits de la pêche au Maroc
West African Region - GloBAL. Global Bycatch Assessment of Long-lived species
EUROPA - Food Safety - Chemical Safety of Food - Food Contaminants - Legislation
Pêche au Maroc
Exemple d'une pollution terrestre ayant une implication marine
EAMNet Data Portal
Europe-Africa Marine EO Network - EAMNet aims to construct a network linking Earth Observation (EO) information providers, user networks and centres of excellence in Europe and Africa in the area of coastal and marine observations towards sustainable development in Africa.
AMESD website
The AMESD program addresses the need for improved environmental monitoring towards sustainable management of natural resources in five regions of sub-Saharan Africa
AMIS - African Marine Information System
The African Marine Information System has been developed to provide the Users community with an appropriate set of bio-physical information (GIS functionalities), of importance to conduct water quality assessment and resource monitoring in the coastal and marine waters
SeaDataNet Project (Site de l'INRH)
Le projet SEADATANET (Pan European Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management) est un projet européen auquel l’INRH est partenaire et qui a pour objectif de développer une infrastructure d'archivage et de gestion pour normaliser, pérenniser et faciliter l'accès intégré aux données océanographiques et marines via un portail unique.
SeaDataNet Project (EU site)
SeaDataNet is a standardized system for managing the large and diverse data sets collected by the oceanographic fleets and the automatic observation systems. The SeaDataNet infrastructure network and enhance the currently existing infrastructures, which are the national oceanographic data centres of 35 countries, active in data collection. The networking of these professional data centres, in a unique virtual data management system provide integrated data sets of standardized quality on-line.
MODIS Rapid Response System
The MODIS Rapid Response System was developed to provide daily satellite images of the Earth's landmasses in near real time
Office National des Pêches du Maroc (ONP)
Méthode HACCP
HACCP = Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (analyse des dangers et des points critiques pour leur maîtrise). Il s'agit d'une méthode d'assurance qualité permettant la maîtrise de la qualité des produits alimentaires
Morocco and Fishing
ICE Case Studies - Morocco, Spain and Fishing
ThemaMap - Presentation
The ThemaMap project main goal is to provide a friendly and versatile thematic cartographic tool available as an OpenSource free software
Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems Symposium
The symposium (2-6 June 2008) has considered most aspects of the dynamics, structure and functioning of the four major eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems linked to the Benguela, California, Canary (African Canary and Iberian Peninsula) and Humboldt Current systems
ScienceDirect - Progress in Oceanography, Volume 83, Issues 1-4, Pages 1-428 (December 2009)
The journal's special issue for the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems: Integrative and Comparative Approaches Symposium, 2-8 June 2008, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
CLIMFISH - Impact du climat sur le développement durable des pêches au lac Tanganyika
MEFISTO a complex simulation model on economic, biological and administrative conditions.
MEFISTO is a complex simulation model that allows to generate previsions under some hypothesis on economic, biological and administrative conditions. This model requires the collection of economic data (from enquiries) and biological information
Aquatic Dead Zones : Image of the Day
BASIN: Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and INtegration
BASIN is an initiative to develop a joint EU North American research program in the field of ocean ecosystems in support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) initiative
AFRIMAR is a network opened for all those centres and organizations with interest in the development and fulfilling of their aims
OMARAT - Observatorio Marino Atlantico Canarias Marruecos
L'Observatoire Marin Atlantique Canaries – Maroc (OMARAT) est une initiative conjointe des institutions scientifiques de Canaries et Maroc pour résoudre des problèmes communs dans le domaine des sciences marines.
ERAfrica is an European Union (EU) project aimed at promoting a unified European approach to collaborating with Africa in the field of science and technology research for innovation and sustainable development
A Network for the Coordination and Advancement of Sub-Saharan Africa-EU Science & Technology Cooperation
DEB model - Toolbox
Drainage minier acide - Wikipédia
Élément-trace métallique - Wikipédia
Cadmium - Wikipédia
DEBtox - Home
The mission of DEBtox is to simplify biology to get to the essence of what toxicants (and other stresses) are actually doing to organisms
Les produits de la mer au Maroc
Bulletin de l'IMIST d'Information Technologique
La Fédération des Industries de Transformation et de Valorisation des Produits de la Pêche (FENIP)
La Fédération des Industries de Transformation et de Valorisation des Produits de la Pêche (FENIP) est une organisation professionnelle créée le 21 novembre 1996. Elle succède à la Fédération des Industries de la Conserve du Maroc « FICOMA » créée en 1948
AgriPêche - Portail sur l'agriculture et la pêche au Maroc
The CAIBEX project
The CAIBEX project, funded under the Plan Nacional by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for the period 2007-2010, is an inter-disciplinary, multi-institution oceanographic project with international components. Its overall aim is to improve understanding of the phenomenon of upwelling filaments through a combination of field work from ships and fixed instruments, remote sensing from satellite, and numerical modelling. The project compares two regions with distinct characteristics: the Galician upwelling off Cabo Silleiro at 42ºN and the Moroccan upwelling off cap Ghir at 30ºN.
Coriolis : In situ data for operational oceanography
Data usefull for operational oceanography, are obtained by diverse means including in-situ (ships, drifters, floats, moorings, , etc) and satellites. They come in very different forms, from a single variable measured at a single point to multivariate, four dimensional collections of data that can represent data volumes from a few bytes to gigabytes. In past 10 years, we have seen the emergence of assembly centres that: integrate data coming from a wide variety of platforms and providers (including scientists, national data centres, satellite data centres and operational agencies), get enough information from the originators to be able to know exactly how the data have been acquired and processed (documented and commonly agreed QC procedures, history of the processing), and then distribute them in an agreed standard (“speaking the same language”). Coriolis is one of these Data Assembly Centers that has originally been designed to provide the French ocean forceasting centers, MERCATOR-Océan and French Hydrographic Service ( SHOM), with real-time qualified and integrated products, first for assimilation and then for validation purposes. With the arrival of re-analysed products, such as CORA, Coriolis is also able to serve the research community.
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« Septembre 2024 »
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