Transformations chimiques et physico-chimiques des éléments traces métalliques aux interfaces de l’Océan
Interactions métaux – matière organique
Développement de méthodes d’analyse et de spéciation par voie électrochimique
Chimie Physique
Chimie de l’environnement
Riso, R.D., Waeles, M., Monbet, P., Chaumery, C.J., 2000. Measurements of trace concentrations of mercury in sea water by stripping chronopotentiometry with gold disk electrode: influence of copper. Analytica Chimica Acta 410, 97–105.
Waeles, M., Riso, R.D., Maguer, J.-F., Le Corre, P., 2004. Distribution and chemical speciation of dissolved cadmium and copper in the Loire estuary and North Biscay continental shelf, France. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 59, 49–57.
Riso, R.D., Waeles, M., Garbarino, S., Le Corre, P., 2004. Measurement of total selenium and selenium (IV) in seawater by stripping chronopotentiometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 379, 1113–1119.
Waeles, M., Riso, R.D., Le Corre, P., 2005a. Seasonal variations of cadmium speciation in the Penzé estuary, NW France. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 65, 143–152.
Waeles, M., Riso, R.D., Le Corre, P., 2005b. Seasonal variations of dissolved and particulate copper species in estuarine waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62, 313–323.
Riso, R.D., Waeles, M., Pernet-Coudrier, B., Le Corre, P., 2006. Determination of dissolved iron (III) in estuarine and coastal waters by adsorptive stripping chronopotentiometry (SCP). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 385, 76–82.
Waeles, M., Baker, A.R., Jickells, T., Hoogewerff, J., 2007a. Global dust teleconnections: aerosol iron solubility and stable isotope composition. Environmental Chemistry 4, 233–237.
Waeles, M., Riso, R.D., Le Corre, P., 2007b. Distribution and seasonal changes of lead in an estuarine system affected by agricultural practices: The Penzé estuary, NW France. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 74, 570–578.
Riso, R.D., Pernet-Coudrier, B., Waeles, M., Le Corre, P., 2007. Dissolved iron analysis in estuarine and coastal waters by using a modified adsorptive stripping chronopotentiometric (SCP) method. Analytica Chimica Acta 598, 235–241.
Vandenhecke, J., Waeles, M., Riso, R.D., Le Corre, P., 2007. A stripping chronopotentiometric (SCP) method with a gold film electrode for determining inorganic arsenic species in seawater. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 388, 929–937.
Waeles, M., Riso, R.D., Maguer, J.-F., Guillaud, J.-F., Le Corre, P., 2008a. On the distribution of dissolved lead in the Loire estuary and the North Biscay continental shelf, France. Journal of Marine Systems 72, 358–365.
Waeles, M., Tanguy, V., Lespes, G., Riso, R.D., 2008b. Behaviour of colloidal trace metals (Cu, Pb and Cd) in estuarine waters: an approach using frontal ultrafiltration (UF) and stripping chronopotentiometric methods (SCP). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80, 538–544.
Sarradin, P.-M., Lannuzel, D., Waeles, M., Crassous, P., Le Bris, N., Caprais, J.C., Fouquet, Y., Fabri, M.C., Riso, R., 2008. Dissolved and particulate metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb) in two habitats from an active hydrothermal field on the EPR at 13 N. Science of the Total Environment 392, 119–129.
Sarradin, P.-M., Waeles, M., Bernagout, S., Le Gall, C., Sarrazin, J., Riso, R., 2009. Speciation of dissolved copper within an active hydrothermal edifice on the Lucky Strike vent field (MAR, 37 N). Science of the Total Environment 407, 869–878.
Waeles, M., Riso, R.D., Cabon, J.-Y., Maguer, J.-F., L’Helguen, S., 2009. Speciation of dissolved copper and cadmium in the Loire estuary and over the North Biscay continental shelf in spring. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 84, 139–146.
Maguer, J.-F., L’Helguen, S., Waeles, M., Morin, P., Riso, R., Caradec, J., 2009. Size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass and nitrogen uptake in response to high nutrient load in the North Biscay Bay in spring. Continental Shelf Research 29, 1103–1110.
Vandenhecke, J., Waeles, M., Cabon, J.-Y., Garnier, C., Riso, R.D., 2010. Inorganic arsenic speciation in the waters of the Penzé estuary (NW France): Seasonal variations and fluxes to the coastal area. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 90, 221–230.
Tanguy, V., Waeles, M., Vandenhecke, J., Riso, R., 2010. Determination of ultra-trace Sb (III) in seawater by stripping chronopotentiometry (SCP) with a mercury film electrode in the presence of copper. Talanta 81, 614–620.
Tanguy, V., Waeles, M., Gigault, J., Cabon, J.-Y., Quentel, F., Riso, R.D., 2011. The removal of colloidal lead during estuarine mixing: seasonal variations and importance of iron oxides and humic substances. Marine and Freshwater Research 62, 329–341.
Aumond, V., Waeles, M., Salaün, P., Gibbon-Walsh, K., Van den Berg, C.M., Sarradin, P.-M., Riso, R.D., 2012. Sulfide determination in hydrothermal seawater samples using a vibrating gold micro-wire electrode in conjunction with stripping chronopotentiometry. Analytica Chimica Acta 753, 42–47.
Waeles, M., Dulaquais, G., Jolivet, A., Thébault, J., Riso, R., 2013a. Systematic non-conservative behavior of molybdenum in a macrotidal estuarine system (Aulne-Bay of Brest, France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 131, 310–318.
Waeles, M., Maguer, J.-F., Baurand, F., Riso, R.D., 2013b. Off Congo waters (Angola Basin, Atlantic Ocean): A hot spot for cadmium‐phosphate fractionation. Limnology and Oceanography 58, 1481–1490.
Waeles, M., Riso, R., Pernet-Coudrier, B., Quentel, F., Durrieu, G., Tissot, C., 2013c. Annual cycle of humic substances in a temperate estuarine system affected by agricultural practices. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 106, 231–246.
Waeles, Matthieu, Vandenhecke, J., Salaün, P., Cabon, J.-Y., Riso, R.D., 2013d. External sources vs internal processes: What control inorganic As speciation and concentrations in the Penzé estuary? Journal of Marine Systems 109, S261–S272.
Pernet-Coudrier, B., Waeles, M., Filella, M., Quentel, F., Riso, R.D., 2013. Simple and simultaneous determination of glutathione, thioacetamide and refractory organic matter in natural waters by DP-CSV. Science of the Total Environment 463, 997–1005.
Waeles, M., Tanguy, V., Riso, R.D., 2014. High-resolution examination of the colloidal speciation of cadmium in estuarine waters (Penzé, NW France). Marine Chemistry 167, 71–81.
Waeles, M., Pernet‐Coudrier, B., Rouget, M., Liorzou, C., Riso, R.D., 2015a. Stream chemical dynamic and metal accumulation in a temperate watershed affected by agricultural practices (Penzé, NW France). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 29, 1795–1804.
Waeles, M., Tanguy, V., Riso, R.D., 2015b. On the control of copper colloidal distribution by humic substances in the Penzé estuary. Chemosphere 119, 1176–1184.
Cotte, L., Waeles, M., Pernet-Coudrier, B., Sarradin, P.-M., Cathalot, C., Riso, R.D., 2015. A comparison of in situ vs. ex situ filtration methods on the assessment of dissolved and particulate metals at hydrothermal vents. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 105, 186–194.
Auger, P.A., Machu, E., Gorgues, T., Grima, N., Waeles, M., 2015. Comparative study of potential transfer of natural and anthropogenic cadmium to plankton communities in the North-West African upwelling. Science of the Total Environment 505, 870–888.
Maguer, J.-F., L’Helguen, S., Waeles, M., 2015. Effects of mixing-induced irradiance fluctuations on nitrogen uptake in size-fractionated coastal phytoplankton communities. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 154, 1–11.
Marie, L., Pernet-Coudrier, B., Waeles, M., Gabon, M., Riso, R., 2015. Dynamics and sources of reduced sulfur, humic substances and dissolved organic carbon in a temperate river system affected by agricultural practices. Science of The Total Environment 537, 23–32.
Portail, M., Olu, K., Escobar-Briones, E., Caprais, J.-C., Menot, L., Waeles, M., Cruaud, P., Sarradin, P.-M., Godfroy, A., Sarrazin, J., 2015. Comparative study of vent and seep macrofaunal communities in the Guaymas Basin. Biogeosciences 12, 5455–5479.
Waeles, M., Planquette, H., Afandi, I., Delebecque, N., Bouthir, F., Donval, A., Shelley, R.U., Auger, P., Riso, R.D., Tito de Morais, L., 2016. Cadmium in the waters off South Morocco: Nature of particles hosting Cd and insights into the mechanisms fractionating Cd from phosphate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121, 3106–3120.
Marie, L., Pernet-Coudrier, B., Waeles, M., Riso, R., 2017. Seasonal variation and mixing behaviour of glutathione, thioacetamide and fulvic acids in a temperate macrotidal estuary (Aulne, NW France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 184, 177–190.
Waeles, M., Cotte, L., Pernet‐Coudrier, B., Chavagnac, V., Cathalot, C., Leleu, T., Laës‐Huon, A., Perhirin, A., Riso, R., Sarradin, P., 2017. On the early fate of hydrothermal iron at deep‐sea vents: A reassessment after in situ filtration. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 4233–4240.
Dulaquais, G., Waeles, M., Gerringa, L.J., Middag, R., Rijkenberg, M.J., Riso, R., 2018. The biogeochemistry of electroactive humic substances and its connection to iron chemistry in the North East Atlantic and the Western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, in press
Cotte, L., Omanović, D., Waeles, M., Laës, A., Cathalot, C., Sarradin, P.-M., Riso, R.D., 2018. On the nature of dissolved copper ligands in the early buoyant plume of hydrothermal vents. Environmental Chemistry 15, 58–73.
Chavagnac, V., Ali, H.S., Jeandel, C., Leleu, T., Destrigneville, C., Castillo, A., Cotte, L., Waeles, M., Cathalot, C., Laes-Huon, A., 2018. Sulfate minerals control dissolved rare earth element flux and Nd isotope signature of buoyant hydrothermal plume (EMSO-Azores, 37° N Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Chemical Geology, in press
Dulaquais, G., Breitenstein, J., Waeles, M., Marsac, R., Riso, R, 2018. On the application of size exclusion liquid chromatography with organic carbon, UV and nitrogen detections to dissolved organic matter characterization in estuarine and marine waters. Environmental Chemistry, in press