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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Marques, A, Nunes, ML, Moore, SK, and Strom, MS (2010).
Climate change and seafood safety: Human health implications
Food Research International, 43(7):1766-1779.

Martin, B, Zimmer, E, Grimm, V, and Jager, T (2010).
Dynamic Energy Budget theory meets individual-based modelling: a generic and accessible implementation (DEB-IBM : model description and user manual)
Miscellaneous publication,

McGonigle, C, Brown, CJ, and Quinn, R (2010).
Operational parameters, data density and benthic ecology: considerations for image-based classification of multibeam backscatter
Marine Geodesy, 33(1):16-38.

McKinley, A and Johnston, EL (2010).
Impacts of contaminant sources on marine fish abundance and species richness: a review and meta-analysis of evidence from the field
Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 420:175-191.

McSweeney, C, New, M, Lizcano, G, and Lu, X (2010).
The UNDP Climate Change Country Profiles
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91(2):157-166.

Meiners, C, Fernández, L, Salmerón, F, and Ramos, A (2010).
Climate variability and fisheries of black hakes (Merluccius polli and Merluccius senegalensis) in NW Africa: A first approach
Journal of Marine Systems, 80(3-4):243-247.

Merino, G, Barange, M, and Mullon, C (2010).
Climate variability and change scenarios for a marine commodity: Modelling small pelagic fish, fisheries and fishmeal in a globalized market
Journal of Marine Systems, 81(1-2):196-205.

Michel, J (2010).
Heterozoan carbonate sedimentation on a eutrophic, tropical shelf of Northwest Africa (Golfe d’Arguin, Mauritania)
PhD Thesis, Univ. Bremen, Germany, Bremen, Germany.

Moore, SK, Mantua, NJ, and Hickey, BM (2010).
The relative influences of El Nino-Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation on paralytic shellfish toxin accumulation in Pacific northwest shellfish
Limnology and Oceanography, 55(6):2262–2274.

Mouradi, A, Chikhaoui, M, Fekhaou, M, Akallal, R, Guessous, A, and Givernaud, T (2010).
Variabilité interspécifique de trois algues rouges: Hypnea musciformis, Gracilaria multipartita et Gelidium sesquipedalen (Rhodophycées) de la côte atlantique marocaine
Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie, 2(3):365-389.

Narayan, N, Paul, A, Mulitza, S, and Schulz, M (2010).
Trends in coastal upwelling intensity during the late 20th century
Ocean Science, 6:815–823.

Nicol, S, Bowie, A, Jarman, S, Lannuzel, D, Meiners, KM, and Van Der Merwe, P (2010).
Southern Ocean iron fertilization by baleen whales and Antarctic krill
Fish and Fisheries, 11(2):203-209.

OECD (2010).
The Economics of Adapting Fisheries to Climate Change
OECD Publishing. (ISBN: 9789264090361).

Olson, J (2010).
Seeding nature, ceding culture: Redefining the boundaries of the marine commons through spatial management and GIS
Geoforum, 41(2):293-303.

Ottersen, G, Kim, S, Huse, G, Polovina, JJ, and Stenseth, NC (2010).
Major pathways by which climate may force marine fish populations
Journal of Marine Systems, 79(3-4):343-360.

Perry, RI, Cury, P, Brander, K, Jennings, S, Möllmann, C, and Planque, B (2010).
Sensitivity of marine systems to climate and fishing: Concepts, issues and management responses
Journal of Marine Systems, 79(3-4):427-435.

Pershing, AJ, Christensen, LB, Record, NR, Sherwood, GD, and Stetson, PB (2010).
The Impact of Whaling on the Ocean Carbon Cycle: Why Bigger Was Better
PLoS ONE, 5(8).

Piedra-Fernández, JA, Cantón-Garbín, M, and Wang, JZ (2010).
Feature Selection in AVHRR Ocean Satellite Images by Means of Filter Methods
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 48(12):4193–4203.

Pierce, GJ, Allcock, L, Bruno, I, Bustamante, P, González, �, Guerra, �, Jereb, P, Lefkaditou, E, Malham, S, and Moreno, A (2010).
Cephalopod biology and fisheries in Europe
ICES, ICES Cooperative Research Report(303).

Planque, B, Fromentin, J, Cury, P, Drinkwater, KF, Jennings, S, Perry, RI, and Kifani, S (2010).
How does fishing alter marine populations and ecosystems sensitivity to climate?
Journal of Marine Systems, 79(3-4):403-417.

Putzeys, S (2010).
Carbon sequestration and zooplankton lunar cycles: Could we be missing a major component of the biological pump?
Limnol. Oceanogr, 55(6):2503-2512.

Rejomon, G, Nair, M, and Joseph, T (2010).
Trace metal dynamics in fishes from the southwest coast of India
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 167(1-4):243-255.

Rickli, J, Frank, M, Baker, A, Aciego, S, de Souza, G, Georg, R, and Halliday, A (2010).
Hafnium and neodymium isotopes in surface waters of the eastern Atlantic Ocean: Implications for sources and inputs of trace metals to the ocean
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(2):540-557.

Rogers, S, Casini, M, Cury, P, Heath, M, Irigoien, X, Kuosa, H, Scheidat, M, Skov, H, Stergiou, K, Trenkel, V, Wikner, J, and Yunev, O (2010).
Marine Strategy Framework Directive Task Group 4 Report: Food webs
JRC, Ispra, Italy.

Roman, J and McCarthy, JJ (2010).
The Whale Pump: Marine Mammals Enhance Primary Productivity in a Coastal Basin
PLoS ONE, 5(10).

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