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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Bibliographie générale / Turbidity current processes and deposits in the Agadir channel and basin offshore NW Morocco: Initial results of CD166

R. B Wynn, A.R.H. Akhmetzhanov, B.T. Cronin, P.J. Talling, D.G. Masson, and M. Frenz (2005)

Turbidity current processes and deposits in the Agadir channel and basin offshore NW Morocco: Initial results of CD166

In: IOC Workshop Report, vol. 197, pp. 51-52, Marrakech, Morocco 2 - 5 February 2005, UNESCO-IOC.

A new UK-TAPS (Turbidite Architecture and Process Studies) cruise in late 2004 visited the deepwater Agadir Channel and Basin offshore Morocco. This cruise was funded by NERC and a consortium of four oil companies (ExxonMobil, BHPBilliton, ConocoPhillips and Shell Morocco). The main aim was to understand gravity flow processes and deposits at a basin-wide scale. Data collected included two multibeam bathymetry surveys and a total of 50 piston cores - see figure below for location map of Agadir Basin (box), multibeam survey lines (dark shading) and location of piston cores (dots). Previous techniques outlined in Wynn et al. (2002) enabled turbidite and debris flow deposits in these cores to be correlated across the whole basin.

Moroccan Atlantic coast, Turbidity

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