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V. D Valavanis (2002)

Geographic information systems in oceanography and fisheries

Taylor & Francis. (ISBN: 0415284635).

Over the last two decades there has been increasing recognition that problems in Oceanography and Fisheries Sciences and related marine areas are nearly all manifest in the spatio-temporal domain. Geographical Information Systems (GIS), the natural framework for spatial data handling, are being recognised as a powerful tool with useful applications in marine sciences. This book provides a thorough examination of marine GIS applications that include a high variety of methods and sophisticated approaches in coastal, continental shelf, and deep ocean studies. It presents new innovative approaches of using GIS in the examination of the dynamic relations that characterize the marine world, including marine GIS macro routines for the development of Oceanography and Fisheries GIS tools and applications. Some application examples include: the mapping of fish production data (catch and landings), the identification of essential fish habitats, and the mapping of species migration corridors. Anyone with interests in marine GIS development, physical and biological oceanography, fisheries and information based proposals for ocean and fisheries resource management will find this book useful.

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