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John G Shiber (2011)

Arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in canned sardines commercially available in eastern Kentucky, USA

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(1):66-72.

Seventeen samples of canned sardines, originating from six countries and sold in eastern Kentucky, USA, were analyzed in composites of 3–4 fish each for total arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) and for mercury (Hg) by thermal decomposition amalgamation and AAS. Results in μg/g wet: As 0.49–1.87 (mean: 1.06), Cd < 0.01–0.07 (0.03), Pb < 0.06–0.27 (0.11), Hg ND < 0.09. Values fall generally within readings reported by others, but no internationally agreed upon guidelines have yet been set for As or Cd in canned or fresh fish. The incidence of cancers and cardiovascular diseases associated with As ingestion is extraordinarily high here. With the role of food-borne As in human illness presently under scrutiny and its maximum allowable limits in fish being reviewed, more studies of this nature are recommended, especially considering the potential importance of small pelagic fishes as future seafood of choice.

mercury, Canned sardines, Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic

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