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Marlo Sellin and Alan Kolok (2006)

Cd Exposures in Fathead Minnows: Effects on Adult Spawning Success and Reproductive Physiology

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 51(4):594-599.

The primary objective of this study was to determine whether cadmium (Cd) exposures alter reproduction in fathead minnows ( Pimephales promelas ). Pairs of sexually mature minnows were exposed to waterborne Cd at 0, 12.5, 25, or 50 μg/L for 21 days. During this exposure period, the reproductive success of pairs was assessed. Following the exposure, gonadosomatic index (GSI), male secondary sexual characteristics, male plasma 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) concentrations, and female plasma estradiol (E 2 ) concentrations were determined. Results of this study show that Cd exposures impair reproduction in fathead minnows. Pairs exposed to 50 μg/L experienced a significant decline in spawning frequency and fecundity relative to unexposed minnows. Cd exposures also caused alterations in male secondary sexual characteristics, as males exposed to 25 μg/L had significantly fewer nuptial tubercles than controls. Furthermore, males exposed to 12.5 μg/L Cd experienced a significant increase in plasma 11-KT concentrations relative to controls. No alterations in GSI or female plasma E 2 concentrations were observed.

cadmium exposure, fish, Cadmium, reproduction, Spawning, pollution

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