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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Bibliographie générale / Contents of mercury, copper and zinc in the tissue of tunny and other Atlantic fish and of shrimps.

M. Nabrzyski (1975)

Contents of mercury, copper and zinc in the tissue of tunny and other Atlantic fish and of shrimps.

Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna, 8(2):171–177.

Hg, Cu and Zn contents of 2 samples each of Pagrus pagrus, Trachurus trachurus, Zeus faber, Ethynus alleteratus, Thunnus thynnus, Peneus sp., Illex illecembrosus and 2 types of commercial preserved fish product ('tunny salad', 'tunny with vegetables') were determined. Mean Hg contents (μg/100 g) ranged from 6 (Illex) to 85 (tunny); corresponding ranges were 25 (Zeus) to 395 (Illex) for Cu and 235 (Pagrus) to 1044 (Illex) for Zn. In the tunny, the Hg contents were considered high (85 and 30 μg/100 g for the fresh fish and preserves, respectively), but the Cu and Zn contents were in line with natural levels. The mechanism of formation and accumulation of methylmercury compounds in fish tissue are discussed.

ETM, pollution, Zeus faber

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