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Gorka Merino, Francesc Maynou, and Antonio García-Olivares (2007)

A new bioeconomic simulation tool for small scale fisheries based on game theory: GAMEFISTO model

Aquatic Living Resources, 20(3):8.

GAMEFISTO simulation model is presented as a tool to improve the small scale fisheries bioeconomic simulation techniques. The main novelty of the current model is the implementation of game theoretic techniques for forecasting the fishing effort trends and consequently, the fish population levels and the economic outcome, including landings, income and net profits. The model assigns individual fishing strategies to individual vessels according to their technical characteristics. The fishermen within a fishing fleet exploiting a single stock are assumed to be the decision agents, who share not only a fish population (modelled through stock externality) but also a market, through an offer-demand function (market externality). Mediterranean fisheries need to be analysed at vessel level due to the heterogeneity of its fishing fleets. A ten year simulation on red shrimp, Aristeus antennatus, is presented as an application of the presented GAMEFISTO model.

Modeling, fisheries economics

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