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Javier Marcello, Alonso Hernández-Guerra, Francisco Eugenio, and Abenauara Fonte (2011)

Seasonal and temporal study of the northwest African upwelling system

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(7):1843.

The upwelling index (UI) obtained from sea surface temperature (SST) images for the period 1987-2006 and remote sensing wind stress were used to analyse the features of the coastal upwelling region off northwest Africa. The seasonal distribution shows a persistent upwelling throughout the year from 20° N to 33° N, seasonal behaviour from 12° N to south of 20° N, and an almost total lack of upwelling throughout the year from 5° N to 12° N. The major centres of active upwelling are located around Cape Ghir, Cape Juby and Cape Blanc. The UI shows an intensification of the upwelling system off northwest Africa during the 20-year period while the alongshore wind stress remains almost stable. During this period, upwelled waters off Cape Blanc have increased their offshore spreading

Upwelling area off Northwest Africa, Climate change, Remote sensing

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