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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Bibliographie générale / Live benthic foraminiferal faunas off Cape Blanc, NW-Africa: Community structure and microhabitats

F.J. Jorissen, I. Wittling, J.P. Peypouquet, C. Rabouille, and J.C. Relexans (1998)

Live benthic foraminiferal faunas off Cape Blanc, NW-Africa: Community structure and microhabitats

Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 45(12):2157-2188.

Live (Rose-Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were studied along a transect across the main area of organic matter deposition in the Cape Blanc upwelling region. The faunal analyses suggest that at the shallowest station (1200 m) the benthic ecosystem is permanently influenced by the upwelling, whereas at the deepest stations (3010 and 2530 m depth) the ocean bottom is subject to significant organic influxes only in summer. The vertical zonation of foraminiferal species in the sediment shows a close correspondence with the depth distribution of oxic respiration, nitrate and sulphate reduction. It is suggested that this linkage is caused by the presence of various stocks of anaerobic and sulphate- and nitrate-reducing bacteria. Deep infaunal foraminiferal species are thought to feed selectively, either on the bacterial stocks or on nutritious particles produced by bacterial degradation of more refractory organic matter. As such, foramininiferal microhabitats are only indirectly controlled by pore water oxygen concentrations

North West Africa, foraminiferes, benthos

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