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E Hagen (2001)

Northwest African upwelling scenario

Oceanologica Acta, 24:113-128.

Observations, hypotheses and derived scenarios are discussed for the Northwest-African coastal upwelling area. The process of coastal upwelling is considered to be composed of a climatic steady-state part and fluctuations acting on different spatial and temporal scales. Attention is focused on disturbances acting globally on the inter-annual time-scale. El Niño-like changes occur in the system of trade winds and modify the equatorial regime of currents as well as the coastal upwelling regimes on both flanks of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone. There is an opposite thermal response in near-surface layers along the zonal coast in the Gulf of Guinea and along the meridional coast off NW-Africa. Off the continental slope of Senegal and Mauritania, the poleward undercurrent is linked with the system of eastward flowing equatorial undercurrents via the transport of South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) around the eastern flank of the Guinea Dome. The upwelling undercurrent partly feeds its SACW properties into the belt of coastal upwelling and contributes significantly to the biological productivity during ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ upwelling years. Future investigations should focus on changes in the time-scale of decades.

Canary Current ecosystem, Upwelling, West Africa

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