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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Bibliographie générale / Relative role of life-history traits and historical factors in shaping genetic population structure of sardines (Sardina pilchardus)

Elena G Gonzalez and Rafael Zardoya (2007)

Relative role of life-history traits and historical factors in shaping genetic population structure of sardines (Sardina pilchardus)

BMC Evolutionary Biology, 7:197-197.

Marine pelagic fishes exhibit rather complex patterns of genetic differentiation, which are the result of both historical processes and present day gene flow. Comparative multi-locus analyses based on both nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers are probably the most efficient and informative approach to discerning the relative role of historical events and life-history traits in shaping genetic heterogeneity. The European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) is a small pelagic fish with a relatively high migratory capability that is expected to show low levels of genetic differentiation among populations. Previous genetic studies based on meristic and mitochondrial control region haplotype frequency data supported the existence of two sardine subspecies (S. p. pilchardus and S. p. sardina).

genetic differentiation, Sardina pilchardus, genetics
PMID: 17953768 PMCID: 2204010

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