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Gemma Falcó, Juan M Llobet, Ana Bocio, and José L Domingo (2006)

Daily Intake of Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead by Consumption of Edible Marine Species

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54(16):6106-6112.

The daily intake of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) through the consumption of 14 edible marine species by the general population of Catalonia, Spain, was estimated. Health risks derived from this intake were also assessed. In March−April 2005, samples of sardine, tuna, anchovy, mackerel, swordfish, salmon, hake, red mullet, sole, cuttlefish, squid, clam, mussel, and shrimp were randomly acquired in six cities of Catalonia. Concentrations of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb were determined by ICP-MS. On the basis of recent fish and seafood consumption data, the daily intake of these elements was calculated for eight age/sex groups of the population. The highest As concentrations were found in red mullet, 16.6 μg/g of fresh weight, whereas clam and mussel (0.14 and 0.13 μg/g of fresh weight, respectively) were the species with the highest Cd levels. In turn, swordfish (1.93 μg/g of fresh weight) and mussel and salmon (0.15 and 0.10 μg/g of fresh weight) showed the highest concentrations of Hg and Pb, respectively. The highest metal intake through fish and seafood consumption corresponded to As (217.7 μg/day), Cd (1.34 μg/day), and Pb (2.48 μg/day) for male seniors, whereas that of Hg was observed in male adults (9.89 μg/day). The daily intake through fish and seafood consumption of these elements was compared with the provisional tolerable weekly intakes (PTWI). The intakes of As, Cd, Pb, and total Hg by the population of Catalonia were below the respective PTWI values. However, the estimated intake of methylmercury for boys, 1.96 μg/kg/week, was over the PTWI. Keywords: Arsenic; cadmium; mercury; lead; edible marine species; daily intake; Catalonia, Spain

heavy metals, Cadmium

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