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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Bibliographie générale / Cephalopods and cetaceans as indicators of offshore bioavailability of cadmium off Central South Brazil Bight

Paulo R Dorneles, José Lailson-Brito, Roberta A dos Santos, Paulo A Silva da Costa, Olaf Malm, Alexandre F Azevedo, and João P Machado Torres (2007)

Cephalopods and cetaceans as indicators of offshore bioavailability of cadmium off Central South Brazil Bight

Environmental Pollution, 148(1):352-;359.

Regarding Brazilian coast, industrial and urban developments are concentrated along Central South Brazil Bight. Samples from inshore and offshore species from the concerned area were analyzed, comprising 24 cetaceans (9 species) and 32 squids (2 species). Cadmium was determined by GFAAS and our results were in agreement with certified values (DOLT-2, NRCC). Mean cadmium concentration (in [mu]g/g, wet weight) observed in the digestive gland of sexually mature Argentine short-finned squids (Illex argentinus) was 1002.9. To our knowledge this is the highest cadmium level ever reported for a cephalopod. Concerning cetaceans, our results include one of the highest renal cadmium concentrations described for striped dolphins (71.29 [mu]g/g, wet weight). Anthropogenic action, upwelling and cannibalism of Argentine short-finned squid on the studied area are possible reasons for such remarkable cadmium concentrations.

Brazil, heavy metals, Cadmium, Southwest Atlantic Ocean, Cetacean, Cephalopod

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