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- Pennel et al. 2012
R. Pennel, A. Stegner and K. Beranger « Shelf impact on buoyant coastal current instabilities » Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 42, No. 1 : pp. 39-61 (2012).
- Poulin et al. 2014
F.G. Poulin, A. Stegner, M. Hernandez-Arencibia, A. Marrero-Diaz, and P. Sangra « Steep shelf stabilisation of the Bransfield coastal current: linear stability analysis. » J. Phys. Oceanography v.44 n° 2, 714-732 (2014).
- Mkhinini et al. 2014
N.Mkhinini, A.L. Santi-Coimbra, A.Stegner, T. Arsouze, I. Taupier-Letage and K. Béranger « Long-lived meso-scale eddies in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: analysis of 20 years of AVISO geostrophic velocities » J. Geophys. Res. in press (2014).
Pous et al. 2013
S. Pous, X. Carton, P. Lazure "A Process Study of the Wind-Induced Circulation in the Persian Gulf", Open Journal of Marine Science (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojms), 2013.
L'Hegaret et al. (2013)
P.L’Hegaret, L. Lacour, X. Carton, G. Roullet, R. Baraille, S. Correard "A seasonal dipolar eddy near Ras Al Hamra (Sea of Oman)", Ocean Dynamics (2013) 63:633–659.
Pous et al. 2012
- S. Pous, X. Carton, P. Lazure "A Process Study of the Tidal Circulation in the Persian Gulf" Open Journal of Marine Science, 2012, 2, 131-140.
- Carton et al. 2012
X. Carton, P. L’Hegaret, R. Baraille "Mesoscale variability of water masses in the Arabian Sea as revealed by ARGO floats" Ocean Sci., 8, 1–22, (2012).
- Pous et al. (2015)
S. Pous, P. Lazure, X. Carton "A model of the general circulation in the Persian Gulf and in the Strait of Hormuz: Intraseasonal to interannual variability" Continental ShelfResearch94(2015)55–70.