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File - Pennel et al. 2012
R. Pennel, A. Stegner and K. Beranger « Shelf impact on buoyant coastal current instabilities » Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 42, No. 1 : pp. 39-61 (2012).
File - Poulin et al. 2014
F.G. Poulin, A. Stegner, M. Hernandez-Arencibia, A. Marrero-Diaz, and P. Sangra « Steep shelf stabilisation of the Bransfield coastal current: linear stability analysis. » J. Phys. Oceanography v.44 n° 2, 714-732 (2014).
File - Mkhinini et al. 2014
N.Mkhinini, A.L. Santi-Coimbra, A.Stegner, T. Arsouze, I. Taupier-Letage and K. Béranger « Long-lived meso-scale eddies in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: analysis of 20 years of AVISO geostrophic velocities » J. Geophys. Res. in press (2014).
File Pous et al. 2013
S. Pous, X. Carton, P. Lazure "A Process Study of the Wind-Induced Circulation in the Persian Gulf", Open Journal of Marine Science (, 2013.
File L'Hegaret et al. (2013)
P.L’Hegaret, L. Lacour, X. Carton, G. Roullet, R. Baraille, S. Correard "A seasonal dipolar eddy near Ras Al Hamra (Sea of Oman)", Ocean Dynamics (2013) 63:633–659.
File Pous et al. 2012
- S. Pous, X. Carton, P. Lazure "A Process Study of the Tidal Circulation in the Persian Gulf" Open Journal of Marine Science, 2012, 2, 131-140.
File - Carton et al. 2012
X. Carton, P. L’Hegaret, R. Baraille "Mesoscale variability of water masses in the Arabian Sea as revealed by ARGO floats" Ocean Sci., 8, 1–22, (2012).
File - Pous et al. (2015)
S. Pous, P. Lazure, X. Carton "A model of the general circulation in the Persian Gulf and in the Strait of Hormuz: Intraseasonal to interannual variability" Continental ShelfResearch94(2015)55–70.