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Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique - CNRS

The Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique is one of the main CNRS laboratory devoted to climate and weather research. LMD developed the LMDZ global climate model which is the atmospheric component of the IPSL coupled Earth system model involved in the CMIP5 exercise. Besides, the LMD and especially the FST (Fluide Stratifié Tournant) group have a strong expertise on geophysical fluid dynamics. A strong collaboration was initiated few years ago between the LMD and the UME-ENSTA ParisTech laboratory to develop the LMD-ENSTA rotating platform. This experimental platform was equipped with recent PIV measurement facilities for quantitative studies of oceanic or atmospheric processes at meso and submeso scale (Stegner et al. 2004; Stegner et al., 2005; Perret et al. 2006; Sutyrin et al. 2009; Sangra et al. 2011; Pennel et al. 2011). Moreover, the LMD is the coordinator with the CNRM of the HyMeX international project. It has a long history of cooperation with CNRM on climate studies and with ENSTA-LOCEAN for coupled climate/ocean studies in the Mediterranean region (Béranger et al. 2010, Beuvier et al. 2010, Lebeaupin Brossier C., 2011).