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Welcome to the SYNBIOS Workshop homepage

 The SYNBIOS Workshop will be held in Paris, the 6-7-8 July 2015. This specialized symposium is devoted to the dynamical and biological processes over and across the continental slope. The selected talks will be focused on the meso and submeso scale coastal eddies, the coastal currents and their interaction with the bathymetry, the bio-dynamical coupling over the continental shelf. In direct connexion with the goals of the SYNBIOS project, the role of these coastal processes in the regional circulation of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Sea will be also discussed. In order to favor informal discussions and exchanges we will limit the registration to 50 participants. We hope to provide during these three days a fruitfull and enjoyable atmosphere for scientific talks and discussions. 

The organizing comittee,

                   X.Carton, S. Speich, A.Stegner


 Download the leaflet here