SYNBIOS Workshop
Jean-Jaures Conference Room
ENS, 29 Rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris
Monday 6 July
09h00-09h15 Intrroduction (A. Stegner)
09h15-10h00 J. Molemaker Anticyclone formation through submesoscale interactions at the shelf break
10h00-10h45 J. Gula Instability and eddy formation in the Gulf Stream over the continental slope
10h45-11h15 Coffee Break
11h15-12h00 A. Stewart Turbulent water mass exchanges across the Antarctic continental slope
12h00-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h45 F. D’Ovidio From carbon export to the foraging of marine top predators: an end-to-end analysis of the (sub)mesoscale dynamics in the Kerguelen region
14h45-15h30 A. Petrenko Coastal mesoscale processes and submesoscale horizontal diffusivity during LATEX
15h30-16h30 Coffee and Posters
16h30-17h00 T. Arsouze Mediterranean Sea circulation according to the NEMO-MED model
17h00-17h30 P. Testor Winter frontal variability at submesoscale in the Gulf of Lions as observed with gliders and simulated by a very-high resolution model
20h00 Dinner
Tuesday 7 July
09h00-09h45 S. Smith Eddy-driven ventilation of the Arabian Sea
09h45-10h30 V. Zeitlin Resonant interactions including coastal waves and their role in transport and mixing
10h30-11h00 Coffee Break
11h00-11h30 X. Carton Mesoscale eddies in the Arabian and Oman Seas and their impact on the PGW outflow
11h30-12h00 C. Vic Eddy-topography interactions and the fate of the Persian Gulf Out-Flow
12h00-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h45 M. Lévy How eddies and intra-seasonal winds modulate Primary production and Oxygen minimum zone in the Arabian sea
14h45-15h30 L. Chérubin Frontal, wake eddy, topography control and ecological constraints of fish spawning habitat
15h30-16h00 F. Chenillat Plankton dynamics at the mesoscale, a case study of a coastal cyclonic eddy in the Southern California Bight
16h00-17h00 Coffee and Posters
Wednesday 8 July
09h00-09h45 M. Spall Downfront Winds in a Coastal Environment
09h45-10h30 A.R. Johnson Meanders and eddies from topographic transformation of coastal- trapped waves
10h30-11h00 Coffee Break
11h00-11h30 S. Speich A highly turbulent interocean exchange South of Africa
11h30-12h00 F. Poulin The Stability Characteristics of Two-Layer Flow over a Steep Shelf
12h00-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h30 A. Stegner Meso and sub meso scale dynamics of coastal current along a steep shelf bathymetry
14h30-15h00 G. Roullet Various regimes of instability and formation of coastal eddies along the shelf bathymetry
15h30-16h00 R. Pennel Planktonic ecosystem response to meso- submesoscale dynamics above a shelf slope
Coffee and departures